A clear alternative to traditional braces

Many adults are put off straightening their teeth by the stigma around traditional braces. Traditional braces are the tried and tested method of straightening teeth, but they can be bulky and uncomfortable.

The visual aspect of wearing metal braces is the main issue with traditional braces, which are often associated with teenagers and younger people. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we can provide Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth.

Invisalign in Harley StreetInvisalign is a treatment that has been growing in popularity in the UK since its introduction in 2000. The treatment has evolved over the years and treatment time is now shorter, making Invisalign more efficient than ever.

Invisalign in Harley Street

In Harley Street, Invisalign treatment is completely planned before it even starts. The latest 3D imaging technology helps us plan how your teeth are going to move and what their final position will be.

Your Invisalign aligners are manufactured at the beginning of your treatment and it’s up to you to change them.

One of the main advantages of Invisalign is that the aligners are manufactured from clear plastic so they are barely visible when they are in your mouth.

People won’t be able to tell you are undergoing treatment, your teeth will just be gradually getting straighter and straighter throughout your treatment period.

Removable braces for more practicality

Another advantage that can’t be ignored is that the Invisalign aligners are completely removable, making keeping your teeth clean much less of a hassle. You can easily enjoy any of your favourite foods, including that chewy steak. All you need to do is remove your aligners before eating and cleaning, then put them back in after you are finished.

At Harley Street, Invisalign is known to be much more practical than most other methods of teeth straightening.

Other alternatives to traditional braces

If you find that Invisalign doesn’t suit your needs, we offer a wide range of other treatments that could fit your lifestyle better. We can offer cosmetic braces and lingual braces tailored to fit your smile. Straightening your teeth doesn’t have to be a stress with these modern treatments.