Discover the health benefits of dental implants in Harley Street

Tooth loss is a common problem that goes well beyond what you can see. Missing and badly decayed teeth can create a lot of problems if left unreplaced, including further tooth loss. With dental implants, you will not only have a smile that is beautiful and complete, you will also have the best option for your oral health.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, dental implants are our treatment of choice for missing teeth because they look and feel like natural teeth, while restoring normal oral function and appearance. Unlike conventional dentures and bridges, dental implants fuse with the jawbone and require no special care.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetWhy replace missing teeth?

A single missing tooth might not seem like a major problem, but appearances can be deceptive. In fact, any gap in your mouth, even from a single missing tooth, can cause serious problems over time. The rest of your teeth will naturally try to fill the space, and in the long term, this can move the rest of your teeth out of position causing issues like enamel wear, grinding, crooked teeth as well as jaw problems.

Replacing the missing teeth with dental implants in Harley Street can prevent all these long-term problems, helping you maintain your healthy smile.

The next best thing to natural teeth

Keeping your natural teeth is always ideal. When this impossible, though, dental implants offer you the next best alternative. Nothing comes as close to operating like a natural tooth as a dental implant. This is because they fuse with the jawbone and create a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Dental implants also prevent additional dental issues from developing. Having missing teeth can be difficult for you to keep your teeth clean, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Dental implants restore your oral function and will make your more willing to smile, laugh, and socialize.

Last but not least, missing teeth cause the body to absorb bone from the jaw if it’s no longer being used to support a tooth root. When this happens, it can lead to bone deterioration. Dental implants prevent this process keeping your jaw strong and healthy in the long run.