Implant-supported dentures in Harley Street

For patients who have experienced extensive tooth loss, our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will commonly recommend implant-supported dentures over removable dentures because of their improved comfort and stability.

Dental implants are small titanium posts, surgically fixed into the jawbone to provide support for replacement teeth such as individual crowns, overdentures or bridges. At Harley Street, dental implants are our preferred method for replacing missing teeth because they provide support and have the ability to fuse with the jawbone, preventing its deterioration. While traditional dentures may be a more economical option for some patients, implant-supported dentures combine the best elements of both treatments at affordable prices.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetHow are implant-supported dentures different?

Unlike traditional dentures that simply rest on your gums, an implant-supported denture is securely fixed to a number of dental implants (usually four) embedded into the jawbone. The installation of implant-supported dentures is generally completed in two stages. The first stage requires the installation of dental implants through surgery, and once the implant sites have healed, the upper part of the dental implants are exposed in order to attach the dentures.

Dentures supported by dental implants in Harley Street are of two types: bar-retained and ball-retained. The first type consists of a thin metal bar aligned to the arc of the jaw, which is attached to your dental implants with special clips. Ball-retained dentures, on the other hand, are usually removable and are designed to fit into an attachment made on the denture. Once in place, both types of implant-retained dentures are very stable and resilient.

Benefits of implant-supported dentures

Patients who choose implant-supported dentures over conventional dentures are more confident when they talk, laugh, and eat in public. Implant-supported dentures are also more comfortable because they fit snugly over the gums and feel like natural teeth, thus eliminating irritation of gum tissue and sores. Best of all, dental implants have the unique ability to fuse with the living bone, therefore, they protect your jawbone from deterioration and encourage the growth of new bone.

Get in touch

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of dentures that are held in place by dental implants in Harley Street, please contact us to schedule a consultation.