Improve your oral health and quality of life with dental implants in Harley Street

If you have missing teeth and you have been wanting to get rid of your loose and uncomfortable dentures for quite some time now, then dental implants may be a viable option for you. Considered as the most reliable and long-lasting tooth replacement solution by many dentists, dental implants replace missing tooth roots and restore your oral function almost completely.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we care for and about you, and we make your smile and oral health our top priority. We offer quality dentistry combining innovative technology and the most advanced techniques with patient care and personalised treatments to suit your individual needs. Our experienced dentists will examine your teeth thoroughly and help you decide if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are tiny titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone. These metal anchors act as tooth root substitutes for missing teeth. The bone has the ability to bond with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth such as crowns, dentures and bridges.

Advantages of dental implants

Dental implants have many benefits compared to conventional dentures and bridges. Unlike bridges, there is no cutting down of adjacent, natural teeth for support. Since they integrate into the jawbone, they prevent bone loss and gum recession, which often accompany bridges and dentures. Moreover, they are firmly attached to the jawbone and cannot become loose like dentures. Dental implants will restore your oral function and allow you to speak and eat with comfort and confidence. Overall, they will greatly improve the quality of your life.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Most patients can have dental implants as long as they are in good general and oral health. Adequate bone in your jaw is needed to support the implant. Patients with active gum disease cannot have dental implants, unless their condition is treated. Patients with diabetes or heart disease need to have their condition stabilised to be considered for dental implants. Last but not least, smokers are encouraged to quit before having dental implants, because nicotine can hinder the healing process.