Interesting Impressions About White Teeth

When considering prospective employees or lifetime partners, what do people look at first? Years ago, a pleasant face was the priority. Nowadays, white teeth take precedence over other physical attributes. White teeth increase your chances of finding a job or a partner, according to studies.

People with white teeth have better job opportunities

teeth whiteningPearly whites not only help you land a job, but also give you a leg up in your career. In a study by Dentalcompare, researchers found that white teeth created good impressions for employees. Fifty-eight percent of the experiment’s participants that underwent teeth whitening treatments were more likely to be hired. In addition, 53% of them received higher salary offers; 65% seemed to be more professional, and 61% looked more confident.

Another study proved white teeth as the key for being hired. A survey conducted by Strategy One revealed that 60% of respondents considered stained teeth as more detrimental to a job interview compared to pimples, poorly maintained nails or not wearing a suit. On the other hand, 57% of them were surprised to learn that having white teeth is more important than professional attire. Some people attribute stained teeth to laziness or carelessness, which bodes ill for a career.

People with white teeth are more dateable

White teeth increase your chances of finding love, as proven in a study about people involved in romantic first dates. After the teeth whitening treatments, 54% of participants became more desirable for further relationship, with 59% seen as more outgoing.

In contrast, researchers from universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire ranked oral conditions and found yellow teeth as the most unpopular to the opposite sex followed by widely spaced teeth. Apart from enhancing attractiveness, white teeth are a sign of good health, now a leading requirement for Brits looking for partners.

These studies highlight the importance of keeping your teeth white or at least clean. How you maintain your teeth has a significant impact on your career and love life. Cosmetic dentists in Harley Street can help you when it comes to stained teeth. We provide an array of teeth whitening treatments so you will have teeth and a smile that will attract prospective employers or that looker from accounting. Contact dentists in Harley Street to know more about their services.