Looking after your teeth during pregnancy

One of the greatest joys of being a woman is approaching motherhood. Although pregnancy can be a time to cherish, it also comes with its share of fears and concerns, like whether or not it is safe to visit the dentist. Mothers have to weigh up whether there is the chance of harm to the unborn baby, versus ensuring that proper dental hygiene is maintained, which is crucial for the health of both the mother and the baby.

Dentist in Harley StreetIf you are pregnant or suspect that you are, it is important to tell your dentist in Harley Street when you visit. Our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will examine your teeth, check your gums, remove any plaque and show you how to develop a good oral care routine.

Why is dental care during pregnancy important?

Pregnant women are more likely to develop problems with their teeth or gums. If you have an infection in your teeth or gums, the chance of your baby being premature or having low birth weight is higher. Moreover, pregnant women are likely to develop a special type of gum disease that only appears during pregnancy. If left untreated, gum disease can affect the baby and also led to tooth loss. Your dentist in Harley Street will carefully look for signs of tooth decay, infection or gum disease throughout your pregnancy.

Diet is important, too

As for diet during pregnancy, there are some important things to remember. Pregnant women should avoid soda drinks as well as sugary and starchy snacks because they can cause cavities. Also, you need to understand that your baby’s teeth are already forming and this requires an adequate supply of calcium. Calcium is found in milk, cheese, yogurt and leafy green vegetables. If your daily calcium intake is not sufficient, our dentist in Harley Street may recommend calcium tablets.

Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy

Dental treatment is safe during pregnancy and you run the risk of more serious consequences by avoiding visiting the dentist during this time. Most importantly, maintaining excellent oral hygiene and visiting the dentist frequently is the best way to avoid any serious dental issues during your pregnancy.