My teeth straightening options

Today, having braces doesn’t necessarily involve noticeable metal brackets and wires. In fact, modern braces at Harley Street Dental Clinic are clear and made from natural tooth-coloured porcelain, to provide our patients with an attractive, less noticeable alternative to traditional fixed metal braces.

What’s the difference between clear braces and clear aligners?

Clear braces in Harley Street are the same as traditional fixed metal braces except that they are completely clear. Clear braces are a less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces and provide patients with an equally effective treatment.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetClear aligners are different from clear braces. Clear aligners are made of hard plastic that is designed to fit into your mouth like a mouth guard. Here, at Harley Street Dental Clinic we are happy to be able to offer clear aligners too, as they are great choice for our patients requiring smaller changes to their teeth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of clear braces?

As with any braces treatment, it is important to choose the right option for your needs and lifestyle. Clear braces in Harley Street are a great alternative to traditional metal braces and our highly-trained dentists will help you determine if they are the right treatment for you.

Advantages to clear braces

Appearance: Clear braces are much less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Clear braces in Harley Street offer an aesthetic alternative for patients seeking options other than traditional metal braces.

Confidence: Many of our patients who choose clear braces feel more confident; not only about the ease of their treatment, but about their new-found happiness from straighter and healthier teeth that they are proud to show off.

Disadvantages of clear braces

Discolouration: The clear ties used with ceramic braces may become slightly discoloured when you drink tea or coffee and eat certain foods or smoke. We are happy to give you aftercare advice to minimise discolouration.

Are clear ceramic braces the right choice for my smile?

We can provide answers to any of your dental questions and explain the benefits of your clear braces in Harley Street. If you would like to learn more about clear braces, ceramic braces and all other options available to you, please contact us today.