Want to learn more Invisalign aligners? 5 FAQS answered by our team at Harley Street

When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, you will be happy to know there are a few options available.


If you have a more complex case of orthodontic misalignment, our team will usually recommend the standard orthodontic or metal brace. However, if your problems are more straightforward, such as gaps, overcrowding or overbites, then you may be suitable to try one of our clear or invisible braces.

As the names suggest, these braces and aligners are clear or invisible, making them more discreet and suitable for professionals and teenagers who may be self-conscious about their appearance. And if you come to Harley Street Dental Clinic, we can choose the brace or aligner for you.

At Harley Street Dental, we have helped numerous adults and teenagers get the straighter smiles they deserve using clear and invisible braces, such as Invisalign Harley Street. We will assess the complexity of your misalignment and will always aim to provide you with the most subtle brace that we have. Overseeing your care and guiding you every step of the way, your orthodontic treatment with us will help you to look and feel confident at all times.

Eager to educate yourself about Invisalign Harley Street? Here, our team answers your top 5 FAQS about this aligner for your information.

Is the aligner uncomfortable?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a totally comfortable orthodontic treatment and, while Invisalign Harley Street is more comfortable than other aligners, you may notice a feeling of pressure when you change the aligners.

If you are worried about the level of discomfort you have when wearing your aligner, contact our team for an assessment.

How long will I need to wear it for?

Each day you will need to wear the brace for 22 hours to get the full effects.

In relation to treatment time itself, this can vary and could be anywhere from 3-9 months on average. If you have been deemed suitable for this invisible brace, our team will be able to predict how long you will need to wear it for during your initial consultation.

What happens if I lose an aligner?

If you lose one of your aligners, you will need to see our team promptly for a replacement aligner to be ordered.

Do not skip to the next aligner as this may alter the direction that your teeth move in!

How often will I need to see your dentist?

With invisible braces, you will need to see our team about every 6-8 weeks.

This aligner in particular also has a downloadable app, so you can send our team photos of your smile; this will allow us to assess whether you need to see us promptly, or if we can delay your visit to our surgery.

Will I need a retainer afterwards?

With all braces and aligners, you will need to wear a retainer afterwards.

This is to prevent your teeth from moving back into their former positions, undoing the work of the brace.

Think Invisalign is purely cosmetic? 5 health benefits of using this aligner

In the era of cosmetic dental care, it is easy to forget that the majority of these procedures also offer health benefits.


Of course, anyone who has had a cosmetic dental procedure will feel a boost in their confidence but were you aware that there are physical health benefits to be had? For instance, while porcelain veneers whiten your smile and straighten out minor misalignments, they also offer protection against sensitivity, meaning that post-fitting, you can eat as much ice cream as you want without a twinge!

And they are not the only cosmetic dental option that is versatile in its rewards!

When you come to our team for Invisalign W1, you are investing in more than a straighter smile. This invisible brace can prevent headaches, jaw pain and can even assist in better digestion! Along with offering a faster treatment time on your misaligned smile and being too discreet to notice, this brace can help you in more ways than you have probably thought of.

But what are some of the most overlooked health benefits of using Invisalign W1?

Easier digestion

How exactly does an invisible brace help digestion?

Well, your teeth are designed to bite into and chew food and if they are misaligned, they cannot do this correctly. In turn, this leads to issues with eating and digesting and can cause other problems such as acid reflux and heartburn.

When you use Invisalign W1, it straightens your teeth and allows them to function better when it comes to biting and grinding.

No more headaches or migraines

If you have misaligned teeth, there is a higher chance that you will grind them in the night as you sleep.

Also known as nocturnal bruxism, this can cause you to awaken each morning with headaches due to the tired muscles in your neck and jaw. As this brace realigns your molars, bruxing and grinding are reduced and this should mean you will have fewer headaches.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular issues

When your teeth are misaligned, they are harder to clean correctly.

As a result, plaque can accumulate and cause issues in both your mouth and your body. Wearing any brace allows these hidden areas of plaque to be exposed and removed, resulting in a lowered chance of developing cardiovascular issues. Wearing this brace also lowers your chance of having a stroke, a heart attack and from developing diabetes too, simply by straightening your teeth.

Better nutrition

A crooked smile makes it harder to bite into tougher foods, due to debris getting stuck and causing discomfort.

And so, wearing an invisible aligner like Invisalign, you can remove it to eat and it also allows for a more precise bite after the treatment, which can help you eat a wider variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. All very healthy and a great way to vary your diet!

Improved speech

And finally, having straighter teeth will impact positively on your speech and pronunciation, allowing you to speak in a clearer and more concise fashion. This can also improve confidence.

Over 60 and curious about dental implants? 5 FAQS about this procedure answered by Harley Street Dental Clinic

It is often a fact of life; as we get older, our teeth and oral health in general, can begin to fail, causing us to lose our teeth.


Of course, it isn’t always so straightforward. In some cases, there may be secondary illnesses that can cause the loss of teeth, or it may even be due to the side effects of certain medications.

Regardless of the cause, many older people find the loss of teeth frustrating, not only concerning chewing food, but also in relation to confidence. Dentures may seem a viable solution, but they often rub and cause sores on the gums.

There is a solution which can offer you a stronger set of natural-looking teeth, without any dental adhesive or rubbing – oral implants!

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, our team has helped many people over the age of 60 restore their smiles using dental implants Harley Street and provided your oral health is in good shape, they can help you too. Attached to the jawbone and fused, a prosthetic tooth is then placed atop an implant, providing you with an immovable tooth that looks and feels just like the real thing.

Curious to learn more about dental implants Harley Street? Read on!

Can I get oral implants at 70?

Of course!

With dental implants Harley Street, there is no upper age limit and provided that you have good oral health and have enough jawbone to support implants, our team will happily fit them for you.

I’ve worn dentures for a while, can I still have implants?

Yes, provided that the dentures have not caused damage to your jawbone. In certain cases, poorly fitted dentures can erode jawbone and as you need to have a certain amount of bone to support implants, this can be problematic. Of course, if you attend a consultation at Harley Street, our team will be happy to assess your suitability.

I’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis; are implants still an option?

As osteoporosis is a bone density disorder, it can negatively impact on oral implants being successfully fitted.

However, we can monitor you with the fitting of oral implants if you have osteoporosis; if the disorder is well managed, it is unlikely to impact on your jaw. If we do notice that your implants are failing, we will remove them and discuss more suitable options.

How long will they last?

With correct oral hygiene and lifestyle choices (such as no smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol), oral implants can last well over 20 years, making them a great investment. However, if you develop gum disease, this can impact their longevity negatively, so you need to see us every 6 months for a check-up post fitting.

Are there any side effects that I should know about?

Aside from soreness at the implant site and some swelling, there are no side effects of oral implants. The implant is titanium and biologically inert, so there should be no allergic reactions or complications, making it ideal to solve the condition of having missing teeth.

What orthodontic issues can clear braces correct? A quick guide from Harley Street Dental

In the last decade, the world of adult orthodontics has boomed.


Far from only being able to offer metal braces, many dental teams can now offer suitable patients clear and invisible braces. As the name suggests, these orthodontic appliances are visually more discreet than metal alternatives, but can offer similar effectiveness when it comes to correcting misalignments.

While traditional braces are not normally removable, clear braces can be either fixed ceramic braces or removable aligners like Invisalign (commonly put under the umbrella of clear or invisible brace) and are therefore more suitable for treating a wide range of complex issues with subtlety. Here we concentrate on the fixed version of a clear brace.

If you want a straighter smile as an adult, our team may be able to offer you clear braces W1. Affixed to your teeth with clear or porcelain brackets, these braces are more discreet than metal options, while being able to offer you the results of a regular metal brace. Best of all, they offer the results in an accelerated time frame.

What are some of the issues that clear braces W1 are renowned for treating? Read on to find out!


If your teeth are overcrowded, they can be challenging to brush. You may also suffer from discomfort in your jaw due to the roots of the teeth rubbing together, so crowded teeth are far from being simply a cosmetic issue!

Clear braces W1 can gently move crowded teeth apart and, with the precision that can only be found with an attached brace, they can rotate teeth too if required, allowing for a more personalised solution to your orthodontic issues.


Gaps in teeth may be due to your teeth erupting at an odd angle, or may be due to overcrowding of the roots. Either way, a clear brace can be used to move your crowns together while also creating space beneath the gum line.

For extreme cases of gaps in your mouth, a clear aligner may be used after our team has used a more traditional means to create space in your jaw.

General misalignment

A misalignment is a protruding tooth or a row of teeth that just aren’t straight.

Like gaps and the overcrowding, these issues are usually beneath the surface and to correct them, you will need a fitted brace which can offer precision movement.

If you have a tooth that is protruding severely, then our team may opt to use a regular brace first and then move onto a clear option later in the treatment.

Bite issues

Overbites, underbites and crossbites are commonplace in the world of braces and a clear brace can treat most cases of bite issues.

This will depend on the severity and so, our team will need to assess the extent of your bite issue to determine the easiest route to straighten your teeth and get you the gorgeous smile you deserve.

Grinding or bruxism

Misaligned molars can cause nocturnal bruxism, which wears down the enamel and causes headaches. Treatment with a clear brace moves the teeth on both jaws together, preventing the need for sleep-based grinding and bruxing.

Got an odd lump in your mouth? A guide to oral cancer from our dentist at Harley Street

When it comes to attending dental check-ups, it is easy to see why these appointments are so easy to put off or overlook for many.


Unless you have a persistent dental issue like gum disease, few people really understand the point of seeing our team biannually; if your teeth are OK and there’s no obvious issue, then what’s the point?

Well, our team at Harley Street Dental is trained to spot less than obvious issues and when they ask you about your oral health, if you give them certain answers such as issues with recurring lumps, this will warrant further investigation.

Our dedicated team at Harley Street takes your oral health seriously and through visiting our dentist Harley Street every 6 months, you enable us to check for signs of more serious and less obvious issues, such as oral cancer. We pride ourselves on our oral cancer prevention and should you need any further tests, such as biopsies, we can refer you on immediately.

But what are some of the signs of oral cancer that should be checked out by our dentist Harley Street? Read on to find out, as quick treatment can make a huge difference.

Lumps and bumps

If you notice a gradually growing lump on your gums, on your inner cheek or on your jaw, you need to see our dentist Harley Street.

While usually harmless, odd bumps and lumps are one of the first signs of a cancerous growth that need to be checked out by a professional, even if it isn’t hurting or a darker colour than the rest of your mouth.

Sporadic bleeding

It happens to the best of us; we will be eating something and through an overly enthusiastic bite, we may catch our inner cheek or tongue.

But if you notice a metallic taste in your mouth regularly or identify blood in your mouth when chewing gum or biting an apple, you need to have your mouth examined. Much like an odd freckle that changes shape and bleeds, an unseen mole in your mouth may bleed at odd times too and need to be explored for cancerous cells.

White specks

Have you ever had a mouth ulcer?

To look at, they resemble white or yellow dots and while ulcers are usually benign, if you notice an ulcer or white specks on your inner lip, cheeks or gums that keep coming back, you need to see our team.


Oral numbness is a very rare symptom and to be honest, few patients ignore it.

The easiest way to spot numbness in the mouth is to sip some warm soup; if you can feel that it is warm on your lips, your tongue, your gums or your inner cheeks, then it is unlikely to be numb.

If you cannot detect any sensation, contact us.


Do you have a consistently hoarse throat? Tumours of the throat or larynx usually grow near the vocal chords, causing the persistent hoarseness or sore throat. If you have these symptoms, call our team.

Replacing Silver to white fillings in Harley Street

Why might a patient want to change their fillings?


In the past fillings have been made from Amalgam which has elements of the toxin mercury. Whilst there is little evidence to suggest that there are negative impacts on patients’ health through the use of this material, with today’s knowledge and modern advances within the dentistry world there are safer alternatives available eliminating the risk. For patients that previously had silver fillings applied to their teeth, the switch from SIlver to white fillings in Harley Street may put their mind at ease and provide a more cosmetically appealing solution.

Replacing the fillings – the positive impact.

When considering changing previous dental work, the most important thing to consider is how will this improve your oral hygiene and overall health. Whilst there is currently no concrete link between the negative impact of the toxin mercury within fillings, this does not mean that in years to come there won’t be any. Therefore having the choice whether to keep the current fillings with the knowledge that a potentially life altering substance is used within them or having the ability to essentially upgrade to a 100% safer option is of high importance.

Whilst not life threatening or detrimental to the mouth, another positive aspect to switching from Silver to white fillings in Harley Street is on a cosmetic level. White fillings are able to blend in within the surrounding colours of the natural teeth enabling the patient to smile with confidence and a cosmetically pleasing set of teeth. In some cases, the less cosmetically pleasing, silver filling can leave a patient feeling self conscious and cause confidence issues in different aspects of their life. This is something that can be avoided and therefore seeking out options which would suit the individual best is of a top priority.

Reasons to keep the silver fillings.

There is a saying which mentions why fix something which isn’t broken. This can be considered when thinking about silver fillings. For many years Amalgam has been the material used for fillings and it has proved to be durable, long-lasting and sturdy. By removing the current silver filling and replacing it with a white one an element of damage can occur to the area and in turn trigger tooth sensitivity problems. Whilst this usually resolves itself within a few weeks there are cases which have had the problem ongoing for years.

Whilst replacing Silver to white fillings in Harley Street may be cosmetically appealing as with all treatments and procedures the removal of the fillings could potentially trigger a series of complications. This could include infections within the tooth which in turn go on to require root canal treatment or should the tooth become damaged a crown or bridge may be required creating further dental work.

As there are many factors both for and against the filling replacement it is important that the necessary research is carried out in advance. All dental treatments and procedures, including the ones mentioned in this article have a variety of potential risks. We therefore encourage all our patients to seek further information and advice from their local dental team.

Do lip fillers cause allergic reactions? Common queries addressed by Harley Street Dental

Looking for a safe and effective way to revitalise your face?


In recent years, more and more dental teams have undertaken a bit of additional training to be able to offer their patients non-surgical facial aesthetic treatments, and our team at Harley Street is no exception. 

We are proud to be able to offer our patients a myriad of facial aesthetics, ranging from fillers to chemical peels to help you feel refreshed and pleased with your appearance.

One of our most popular treatments are undoubtedly lip fillers in Harley Street. Small injections to the oral area can help the lips appear plumped and larger, without looking to fake. And best of all, our dedicated team can perform this procedure in less than an hour, so you can conveniently slot it in around other commitments. Fantastic!

Curious to learn more about lip fillers in Harley Street? Here, our team answers your top 5 FAQs.

What are they and how do they work?

The fillers that our team uses in Harley Street are composed of (primarily) hyaluronic acid. This is a naturally occurring protein which helps the surface of the skin appear plump and smooth, but reduces with age. Our lip fillers in Harley Street involve injecting this protein underneath the skin to give your lips an instant boost.

Can they cause an allergic reaction?

It is exceedingly unlikely that the fillers we use in Harley Street will cause an allergic reaction.

As mentioned before, they are made from naturally occurring proteins. Although these proteins are synthetically sourced, they are considered biologically inert, meaning there should be no immune system response when they are injected.

However, oddities can and do happen; if after your injections you feel woozy, dizzy or have issues breathing, our team will remove the fillers.

Will the injection site bruise?

In a word, yes, some bruising will occur at the injection site.

Your lips will also swell, feel sore and may look a bit more cartoonish than you would like. But this is temporary and after 48 hours, the swelling should reduce and your lips will look and feel more relaxed.

When will the effects wear off?

Most types of dermal fillers last from 6-8 months but this can vary depending on your age and lifestyle factors.

If you notice that your lips are beginning to appear wrinkled or losing their plumpness, our team can reapply your fillers 12 months after the first set was applied.

Is there any aftercare I need to know about?

Once your fillers are injected, try to refrain from putting any harsh pressure onto your lips for at least 24 hours; gentle kissing only! No massages and avoid wearing lipstick or applying lip balm.

Such actions can cause the fillers to move under the skin, creating an uneven appearance once the swelling resides.

Eat softer foods and avoid sunbeds or sunbathing for at least 48 hours until the fillers have settled. Also, try to drink plenty of water and avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.

Not overly eager to attend a check-up? 5 reasons to visit our dentist in Harley Street

When you were a child, chances were that your parents had to drag you to attend a dental check-up. However, there are many reasons why attending check-ups are important and few of them are to do with your parents’ rationing of sweets afterwards!


As an adult, attending check-ups is rarely as dramatic as it was when you were a child but few people genuinely understand why it is important to see our dental team at least twice a year. In recent times, understandably, attending a dental surgery has not been at the top of a person’s health priorities but that does not reduce the significance of attending a check-up.

At Harley Street Dental, our dentist in Harley Street is still able to offer check-ups to you and your family to ensure that your oral health stays in good shape. We can provide you and your family with tips on maintaining high levels of oral hygiene, while also discussing other areas of dental care such as orthodontics and cosmetics.

So, why should you come and see our dentist in Harley Street as soon as possible?


With dental care, prevention is better than cure and of course, seeing our team as regularly as possible ensures that any dental issues are caught early, allowing for all-around easier treatment.

Concerning children, regular check-ups with our dentist in Harley Street allows them to become more familiarised with the entire process, preventing them from forming phobias in adulthood.

Better health

The link between a plaque-free mouth and overall good health has long been established, meaning that getting in the dental chair can do far more than prevent a filling.

Everything from cardiovascular disease to cancer has been linked to poor oral health, so attending regular check-ups can save your life. Also, as oral cancer screening is part of each check-up we provide at Harley Street, we can also offer early interventions with cancer treatments if needed.

Whiter smile

Of course, while checking for cavities and unusual growths is part of any dental check-up, our team will also aim to clean any stained fillings that you may have, along with giving your teeth a thorough clean.

This, in turn, gives you a whiter, healthier smile which will boost your confidence and wellbeing. What’s not to like about that?

Saves money

A check-up is rarely expensive, even if you need to have a filling replaced or growth explored.

However, delaying check-ups can allow decay to set in which may lead to cavities, extractions and even infections, all of which are more complicated and expensive to treat. So if you are looking for a way to save on your finances, (and prevent discomfort) attend check-ups as often as you can.


If you want to have our teeth straightened or are curious about veneers, why not use the check-up as an opportunity to discuss these options with our dental team?

You can also enquire about other procedures, such as whitening and even facial aesthetics. Brilliant!

Looking for a way to improve your smile? 5 reasons to consider composite bonding in Harley Street

When it comes to improving the appearance of your natural teeth, it seems there are now more options available than ever before.


If you want a brighter smile, you can choose to have your teeth whitened. Looking for a way to conceal a gap? Why not try veneers? And of course, if you want to have straighter teeth, you can always choose adult orthodontic options like Invisalign.

But for many people, these options can seem rather daunting; not because they are uncomfortable, but because in these rather difficult times, few people can afford them. So what options are there for having a set of straighter, whiter teeth without the hefty price tag?

At Harley Street Dental, we can accommodate all budgets into getting you that straighter smile that you want. Our team is also trained in performing composite bonding in Harley Street, which ticks all the boxes for being affordable while also making your smile look great.

But what are some of the other advantages of choosing composite bonding in Harley Street to improve your smile?


Yes, we’ve mentioned this before but when compared to other procedures (such as the placing of dental veneers), composite bonding in Harley Street is much more affordable for the average person.

And of course, when you come to Harley Street Dental, our financing options can help you break down the overall cost of the procedure into affordable monthly chunks.


Visually, the result of bonding is very similar to veneers and so, it can be used to conceal chips, stains and cracks on the enamel of your teeth.

Like veneers, bonding can also be matched in both colour and translucency to your surrounding teeth, giving a more natural appearance if desired. But if you want to brighten the appearance of your teeth, our team can also create a composite that is lighter in colour to instantly brighten your smile.


Interestingly, bonding also has its place in preventive dental procedures too.

If our team notices that you have receding gum lines, we can apply bonding to add strength to the tooth but to also conceal the root from potential damage. This prevents bacteria from gaining access to the pulp, thus preventing decay and infection.


You may have heard that porcelain veneers are rather fragile.

While this is not technically true, many dentists advise caution after the fitting of veneers when it comes to eating harder foods. With bonding, there is no need to avoid tougher foods; composite can handle all the daily pressure that occurs with biting, chewing and grinding thus making it both a functional and aesthetic option rolled into one!


As you may have noticed, bonding is a versatile treatment which can prevent and improve a myriad of issues with your teeth.

They can improve worn down teeth, while also concealing cracks and repairing chips so if you are looking for a cost-effective way to improve your smile, talk to our team at Harley Street Dental today about bonding.

Curious if there are any benefits to dermal fillers? A guide by Harley Street

There is great beauty in the ageing process; silver hair, wisdom and an incentive to have fun can add great joy to your life.


However, many people became wary about the other signs of ageing that occur in the advanced years, such as the appearance of wrinkles and smile lines. While you could spend a small fortune on facial creams (or if you have already spent a small fortune on a facelift), you may be unhappy with the results.

Luckily, there are now more affordable options that can produce more subtle effects without the need to undertake extensive surgeries. And they can be provided by our dentist in Harley Street!

We are proud to be able to offer dermal fillers in Harley Street, which utilise hyaluronic acid to plump up your skin and reduce wrinkles. Injected into the desired area, fillers are simple, painless and fast, allowing you to walk out of our surgery with a refreshed appearance. Great!

Are there any other advantages to having dermal fillers in Harley Street? Read on to find out!

No downtime

Unlike a facelift or other cosmetic procedures, dermal fillers in Harley Street require no downtime afterwards.

In short, you can have the set of injections and then go about your day as normal, with no risky anaesthetic to worry about. Our team can apply the injections in our surgery, so there is no need to book an operation room or to take time off work.

Natural-looking results

We have all seen photos of celebrities who have gone a bit overboard with cosmetic treatments and have lost their natural beauty.

With fillers, the results look natural as our team will want to enhance your features, making sure the right parts of the face have the fillers applied. Best of all, there are no scars or extensive bruises to worry about, leaving you with a healthy glow which will take years off your face.

No scars

As mentioned earlier, fillers are applied via a set of small needles and so, no incisions are made into the skin.

Long-term, this means that there will be no scars to worry about and means no-one will know you have had any procedure performed.


Interestingly, when you have fillers from our team in Harley Street, the hyaluronic acid contained within them naturally boosts your collagen levels too, meaning you can maintain that smoother looking skin for longer.


While no one is doubting the longevity of a facelift, fillers offer a long-life span too.

While there are many factors which can impact on how long fillers last, on average, their lifespan is around 6-9 months and once their effects begin to wear off, you can come back to our team in Harley Street for a top-up.

If you smoke, massage your face or regularly use a sunbed or apply facial creams, your fillers will probably not last as long as mentioned earlier, so refrain from smoking or using tanning booths to prolong your fillers and smooth skin.