Rectify your neglected oral health

Has long-term neglect of your oral health led to a few teeth falling out? If you are ready to bring your teeth back to a presentable condition, investing in dental implants in Harley Street could be the best solution to the problem. However, it is likely that your oral health issues may need to be treated before the implants can be placed.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetUnderlying oral health issues

Before anything else is done during the process of placing dental implants in Harley Street, your oral health may have to be treated. For instance, if you have gum disease, your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic will likely prescribe antibiotics to fight off the infection. Any other treatments that are required will depend on the specific conditions of your overall oral health.

Bone grafting

Your dentist will have to find out how strong your jawbone is before they can move forward with your dental implants in Harley Street. The condition of your jawbone will determine how well the metal posts will remain secure after they are placed. Weak jawbones could lead to implant failure.

If an x-ray reveals that you have a weak jawbone, your dentist will have to perform bone grafting. Basically, this means they will simply strengthen the bone with your own or synthetic bone graft material.

After that, am I ready for implants?

After your jawbone health is in good shape, it’s time to proceed with your dental implants in Harley Street. You will receive anesthesia before your implants are placed. The dentist will then use a dental drill to make holes in your jawbone in each area that an implant is being installed. After the implants are in place, you will be sent home to heal, which can take a few months.

When you return to your dentist after the healing has been successful, they will complete the dental implant process. It’s time to attach supports to each of the implants. The final step will be the attachment of artificial teeth to the supports, creating your dream finished smile.

If this sounds like the right choice for you, contact Harley Street Dental Clinic today for your consultation to discuss every aspect of your dental implants in Harley Street.