Visiting the Cosmetic Dentist in Harley Street

At Harley Street Dental, we want patients to be able to visit us for regular check-ups, for any work they need done and even for treatments that they just want to have.

cosmetic-dentist-in-harley-streetDentists can now offer a range of services to get you looking and feeling great and these are usually offered under the banner of cosmetic dentistry. These treatments are generally designed to enhance the way your smile looks but many of them can also have fringe benefits for the health of your mouth as well.

We know that some people have barriers to choosing dental treatments they want and so have addressed a couple of them below. Whatever your concern, it’s worth talking to one of our dentists as they are likely to be able to help.

What if I do not like going to the dentist?

We understand that some patients find it difficult to visit the dentist and this might make it harder for you to avail yourself of the benefits of elective procedures. Often people who are worried about visiting the dentist will only do so when they absolutely have to.

We think that everyone should have the opportunity to revitalise their smile with a visit to the cosmetic dentist. Harley Street Dental is sensitive to the needs of nervous patients and we are willing to work with you to make treatments more comfortable.

What about the cost?

Many people know that cosmetic procedures are usually not available on the NHS unless there is also a clinical need. This means that they are too worried about the cost to even investigate.

When you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, you will be given a full breakdown of costs up front including all likely visits and extra things you might need. Knowing what you need to pay without the possibility of future surprises is often the first step to feeling confident about going ahead. After that, you may choose to take a look at our finance plan to help spread the cost.

At Harley Street Dental we work with patients to overcome any issues whether they are financial or emotional so that everyone can benefit from the range of treatments we offer.