Booking a cosmetic dentistry consultation

If you are unhappy with your smile and are interested in improving the look of your teeth, then make sure to come into our practice, and meet a cosmetic dentist. Harley Street Dental Clinic has some fantastic cosmetic options available, which we administer alongside perfect transparency, and patient care.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetCosmetic consultation

If you are uncertain about what your teeth may need to look better, then come in for a cosmetic consultation, and we will be able to advise the best course of action for you. One thing that people may be uncertain of is which specific treatment they need in order to achieve their perfect smile, or what their ideal smile should look like. Thanks to our experience, and knowledge of cosmetic dentistry, we will be able to provide an astute consultation, and provide you with projections on what your smile will look like in the future.

Teeth Whitening / White Spot Treatment

Often, one of the main causes for people wanting cosmetic dental treatment, is the discolouration of the teeth. This can either be a yellowy-brown discolouration of the teeth in certain areas, or in some cases white spots or marks.

The white marks on your teeth can be caused by several different factors, but one of the main causes is too much fluoride, or commonly known as fluorosis. This is prevalent when your teeth are developing and will often leave small white marks on the teeth. It can also be a result of a lack of calcium, enamel erosion, and plaque, along with many other reasons, so there is no clear cause for this condition.

Teeth whitening works by using a bleaching agent to target specific areas of the teeth, and to be absorbed into the enamel, making all the teeth an equal, white colour. This treatment can be administered at home as it is extremely safe, but a dentist will be able to administer a specific shade and target specific teeth. Often, patients will have a few teeth that are discoloured that they want to target specifically.

White spot treatment uses a similar form of treatment, however, is more complicated than simply whitening the teeth, as the spots are often small and scattered. Each case will be unique; however, most treatments will use a series of pastes, creams, and topical treatments to target the specific areas. If you are looking to get your teeth whitened or improved by a cosmetic dentist, Harley Street Dental Clinic has a fantastic cosmetic dentistry range and will be able to provide you with a variety of options.

Gum Lift

In some cases, it is not the teeth that are responsible for an unattractive smile, but rather the gums. An excess of gum can contribute to a ‘gummy smile’, and while you may have perfect teeth, this may be more visible and noticeable. Therefore, during a cosmetic consultation, you may be asked about a gum lift. Each cosmetic dentist at Harley Street Dental clinic will be able to advise you on whether the treatment is right for you, and whether it is a necessary treatment to achieve your perfect smile.