Are dental implants for me?

Dental implants in Harley Street are essentially used to replace teeth lost to decay, trauma, or gum disease. Your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic will insert a titanium rod deep into the jawbone to anchor a crown, creating a natural-looking and stable artificial tooth.

For long-term implant success, effective post-surgical care is required to ensure quick healing and proper bonding of the artificial tooth to the jawbone. Here are some simple steps you should take to ensure the success of your dental implants in Harley Street.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetProper post-surgical care

Implant surgery is intrusive, so a little bleeding and swelling will sometimes be experienced after surgery. Strenuous activity immediately after implant surgery can aggravate swelling and cause bleeding, so we advise you to take a few days to rest to allow your body to completely heal.

Brushing should also be avoided immediately after surgery, as it can injure healing oral tissue and cause pain or bleeding. To keep your mouth clean, rinse with warm, salty water or use an oral rinse prescribed by your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic. The surgical site can be open to infection, so be sure to take your prescribed medication as instructed to reduce the risk of any complications.

Allow for healing

It is vital that the surgical site heals properly to allow the bone to bond to the titanium root of your dental implants in Harley Street. To promote faster healing you should avoid alcohol, smoking, or hot drinks, as they could aggravate the surgical site.

Brushing can be resumed after any bleeding stops, but be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and to brush gently using circular motions to prevent injuring your healing oral tissue.

Proper oral hygiene

The success of your dental implants in Harley Street greatly depends on proper oral hygiene. This is because plaque can easily get into the tiny gaps between the implant and your gums. Bacteria in these gaps may then cause gum disease, which could result in gum recession and bone loss, leading to implant failure.

Regular appointments with your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic can help to prevent gum disease and means your jawbone can be monitored for potential infections.

Finding out about the advantages of dental implants in Harley Street

As a child, a lost tooth shows that you are growing up, as an adult a lost tooth is an embarrassing problem, and possibly a reminder that you are getting older. When you lose a tooth, it is not only an inconvenience, it can become a problem, affecting the way you look, how you eat and even the way you talk. In addition to this, you may find that your other teeth are affected and start to move out of position because of the loss of support from the missing tooth. Here at our dental clinic in Harley Street, Dental implants are helping us to care for our patients oral health in a way that actually restores virtually all of the function as well as the appearances of their natural teeth.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetBecause dental implants are fixed into the jawbone, they help to stimulate the continued process of bone growth, which occurs naturally as you chew your food. When a tooth or teeth are removed the bone that supported them is lost over a period of time due to the natural resorption of the bone. This has both functional and aesthetic costs over the longer term. Functionally, dental implants enable you to be able to eat normally and, aesthetically they help to prevent your facial muscles from sagging.

Simply the best solution to missing teeth

Dental implants are now considered to be the gold-standard in tooth replacement, and they are the only permanent fixed method that is available. The advantage of dental implants is that they allow your dentist to restore one or several of your teeth at a time. A single dental implant can be used to fix a crown to replace one tooth, or to support a dental bridge of two or three teeth. If you have lost all of your teeth, two or more implants allow a full replacement arch to be fixed securely in your mouth, alleviating the problems that are traditionally associated with the wearing of dentures.

If you lose a tooth or teeth, dental implants should be your first thought as a replacement method for their greater benefits to your long term oral health. If you want to find out more about the advantages of dental implants in Harley Street, contact us today.

Replace missing teeth with dental implants in Harley Street

Missing one or more teeth due to trauma, tooth decay or gum disease, can be disheartening and uncomfortable. Luckily, with modern dentistry, it is now possible to restore your smile and confidence with dental implants.

Dental implants act and feel like natural teeth and have many advantages over more traditional replacement methods such as dentures and bridges. If you choose to restore your missing teeth with dental implants in Harley Street, our experienced dentists will guide you through each stage of the treatment and address all your questions and concerns.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetSingle tooth replacement

Our teeth are embedded into the jawbone by their roots. Tooth roots attach securely to the jawbone and keep your teeth stable when using them. Unlike dental bridges, which require sacrificing the healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth, dental implants do not require the loss of neighbouring teeth.

Your dentist at Harley Street will surgically insert a small titanium screw into your jawbone to replace your missing tooth root. This screw will gradually become fixed into the jawbone during the healing process. At the end of the healing process, your dentist will place a crown onto this artificial tooth root, which will feel and function just like your natural teeth.

Multiple teeth replacement

Traditionally, several missing teeth would have been replaced with a removable partial or full denture. However, conventional dentures typically tend to become loose over time, due to the natural reduction of your gums after teeth have been extracted. Moreover, dentures can look unnatural and rub painfully against your gums, not to mention that eating certain foods is almost impossible with removable dentures.

Dental implants can now be used to stabilise partial and full dentures. By fixing dentures with dental implants into the jawbone, slipping, irritation and pain associated with conventional dentures can be prevented. Furthermore, implant-supported dentures do not require dental adhesives to stay in place, therefore, eating your favourite foods is now possible. With dental implants, your dentures will be firmly attached to the jawbone, causing them to feel and act much more like natural teeth.

Contact us

For more information on dental implants in Harley Street, please contact us today.

Implant-supported dentures in Harley Street

For patients who have experienced extensive tooth loss, our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will commonly recommend implant-supported dentures over removable dentures because of their improved comfort and stability.

Dental implants are small titanium posts, surgically fixed into the jawbone to provide support for replacement teeth such as individual crowns, overdentures or bridges. At Harley Street, dental implants are our preferred method for replacing missing teeth because they provide support and have the ability to fuse with the jawbone, preventing its deterioration. While traditional dentures may be a more economical option for some patients, implant-supported dentures combine the best elements of both treatments at affordable prices.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetHow are implant-supported dentures different?

Unlike traditional dentures that simply rest on your gums, an implant-supported denture is securely fixed to a number of dental implants (usually four) embedded into the jawbone. The installation of implant-supported dentures is generally completed in two stages. The first stage requires the installation of dental implants through surgery, and once the implant sites have healed, the upper part of the dental implants are exposed in order to attach the dentures.

Dentures supported by dental implants in Harley Street are of two types: bar-retained and ball-retained. The first type consists of a thin metal bar aligned to the arc of the jaw, which is attached to your dental implants with special clips. Ball-retained dentures, on the other hand, are usually removable and are designed to fit into an attachment made on the denture. Once in place, both types of implant-retained dentures are very stable and resilient.

Benefits of implant-supported dentures

Patients who choose implant-supported dentures over conventional dentures are more confident when they talk, laugh, and eat in public. Implant-supported dentures are also more comfortable because they fit snugly over the gums and feel like natural teeth, thus eliminating irritation of gum tissue and sores. Best of all, dental implants have the unique ability to fuse with the living bone, therefore, they protect your jawbone from deterioration and encourage the growth of new bone.

Get in touch

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of dentures that are held in place by dental implants in Harley Street, please contact us to schedule a consultation.

Discover the benefits of dental implants in Harley Street

Although teeth are meant to last forever, tooth loss is a reality for thousands of people in the UK. This is often the result of tooth decay, gum disease, bad oral hygiene or injury. While years ago the only options for replacing missing teeth were dentures or bridges, nowadays dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement option. They replace the tooth at the root for a more natural smile.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetIn Harley Street, dental implants can be used to replace one, several or all of your missing teeth. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we offer a range of dental implant solutions to suit your budget and lifestyle needs. Whether you opt for individual dental implants or full mouth restorations, our experienced dentists, Dr Pedja Pavlovic and Dr Charlotte Stilwell, will guide you through the procedure from the very start.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium posts, which are fixed into the jawbone and substitute the roots of a missing tooth. Dental implants in Harley Street consist of 3 parts – a small titanium screw that is permanently fixed to the bone of your upper or lower jaw, an abutment used to connect the implant with the replacement tooth and the replacement tooth itself, which is designed to match your natural teeth. Replacement teeth can be single crowns, bridges or dentures.

Benefits of dental implants

Unlike conventional dentures and bridges, dental implants are attached firmly into your jawbone, just like your natural teeth. This means that your implants will stay in place, instead of slipping around in your mouth or loosening over time. Dental implants are strong and steady, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods. Their permanent nature will help you focus on your daily activities, instead of worrying about your teeth.

More importantly, dental implants help to preserve your healthy teeth, your jawbone and your facial structure. Your jawbone is stimulated from daily chewing and talking. When you lose one or more teeth, the jawbone doesn’t receive this stimulation anymore and it starts to deteriorate. Dental implants fuse into the jawbone and prevent this process from occurring, while also encouraging the growth of new healthy bone.

Dental implants in Harley Street – treatment aftercare

Dental implants offer a long-lasting and efficient way to replace one or more missing teeth. A titanium post is surgically inserted into the jawbone replacing the natural tooth root. The post is left to heal and fuse with the jawbone for a few weeks or months, until it is strong enough to support permanent, artificial teeth, dentures or bridges. Through this process, you will regain your ability to talk and eat normally as well as your beautiful smile.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we recommend dental implants as the most reliable long-term solution available for patients who have lost one, several or all their teeth. Throughout your treatment, our experienced dentists will be by your side, to provide the personalised and trusted care you deserve. We will then help you take good care of your dental implants after your treatment is complete.

Why is aftercare so important?

You may be wondering why artificial teeth need any type of care, but implant aftercare is a very important part of the process and can ensure successful results during the healing period. If your dental implants get infected during this transitional period, it is likely that they will fail to fuse with the rest of your jawbone. It is therefore essential to take good care of your Harley Street dental implants throughout the healing period and beyond. Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleaning, will also help you stay on top of your oral hygiene.

Essential implant aftercare

After your implant surgery, it takes a period of time for them to settle into your jawbone. During the healing period, it is not uncommon to experience sensitivity or swelling for a few days. Your dentist will suggest a diet of soft foods, cold foods, and warm soup, in addition to anti-inflammatory medication. It is also really important to brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush and use a special mouthwash provided by your dentist for at least a week after the operation.

In the long run, the best way to preserve your Harley Street dental implants and guarantee their functionality and longevity is to maintain excellent oral hygiene at all times.

Top three dental implant facts

If you are considering dental implants in Harley Street, information gathering about the process will be high up on your list of things to do. The more well informed you are, the more likely you are to have a comfortable and relaxed treatment.

We treat every patient as an individual at Harley Street Dental Clinic. This means that all the information you are given is relevant to your treatment plan. However, there are some general things about dental implants that you might like to know in the early stages.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetSuccess rate

The success rate for normal dental implant procedure is about 98%. This high level is due to advances in technology and using the right equipment for the job.

For example, a dental implant is shaped like a tiny screw and is usually made from titanium. Both of these factors help the jawbone to get a good grip on the implant during healing.

There are some health conditions and lifestyle factors that can affect the likelihood of successful implant surgery. Your dentist will ask you some questions and talk to you about those if they are relevant to you.

Bite pressure

One of the great things about dental implants is that they give you back much of the functionality of normal teeth. While other teeth replacement methods can help you get some abilities back, there is often a lower standard of performance than with your natural teeth.

Part of the reason that dental implants work so well when you are, for example, eating, is that they allow you to exert a comparable amount of pressure to your natural bite. Dental implants can stand 200lbs of force compared to dentures which can withstand only 50lbs. This pressure also remains consistent over time whereas dentures tend to loose force.

Decay free

Your new teeth will be bright and stain free. You will have discussion with the dentist about the shade that is appropriate for you look and your age. You can even use photographs to give them some guidance if you want to match the teeth you had before. Once you have them, they will not discolour or decay. However, you still need a diligent hygiene routine to take care of any remaining teeth and your gums.

Replace your missing teeth with implant-supported bridges

If you are missing one or more teeth, there are plenty of reasons to seek dental treatment. For one thing, large gaps between your teeth may affect your speech and chewing ability. In some cases, healthy teeth may shift and this can lead to bone loss.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetDental implants in Harley Street

At Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, dental implants allow your dentist to fix gaps in your smile, enhance your appearance and provide you with increased confidence to take on everyday challenges and situations. However, not all people can afford the cost of numerous dental implants and this is why implant-retained bridges a solution superior in aesthetics, comfort and function.

By combining dental implants and regular bridges, our experienced dentists are able to replace three or four teeth in a row with only two dental implants (though sometimes more may be needed) at a fraction of the cost.

How do implant-supported bridges work?

If you are missing three or more teeth in a row, your dentist will suggest an implant-supported bridge as an alternative to individual dental implants. Implant-supported bridges may also be used if your dentist is concerned that you might put too much pressure on individual dental implants which are not connected to each other.Your Harley Street dentist will fix two dental implants on both sides of the space, on top of which the bridge will be placed.

An implant-retained bridge consists of the dental implant, a titanium post placed into the jawbone, the abutment screwed onto the implant, and the restoration, which consists of a series of crowns connected to form a bridge.

Implant bridge treatment duration vary and are subject to different factors. Patients with a healthy jawbone usually require between four and five appointments over a four to five month period time, whereas where bone grafting is required, a six to eight month period is expected. In some cases, it may be possible to place the dental implants in one appointment – this is known as an immediately loaded bridge.

Book a consultation today

Implant-supported bridges offer a viable solution to multiple missing teeth. To find out more about dental implants in Harley Street and their numerous possibilities, call us to book an appointment today.

Restore your teeth with dental implants in Harley Street

If you are missing one, several or all of your teeth, and you would rather not have a bridge or full or partial dentures, you might consider asking your dentist whether you’d be a good candidate for dental implants. Dental implants are permanent artificial tooth roots, which provide a more natural and robust tooth replacement than dentures and bridges, because they fixed directly to the jawbone.

dental-implants-harley-streetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, dental implants are our method of choice when it comes to tooth replacement and a standard of care compared to other treatments. Our Harley Street Dental Clinic implant team consists of Mr Stephen Dover, Dr Pedja Pavlovic and Dr Charlotte Stilwell, all of whom are fellows of the International Team of Implantology, with extensive experience in dental implants. Whether you are looking for a single dental implant or a full-mouth restoration, we are here to help you maintain a stable, strong and long-lasting smile.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are small titanium posts which are surgically placed in your jawbone. Titanium is safe for the body and has special properties that allow the dental implants to join together with the jawbone to support the implant. After a healing – which may take up to six months – the dental implants are ready for the permanent tooth replacements.

Health benefits of dental implants

Dental implants look and function exactly like your natural teeth, while they prevent your jawbone from deteriorating by promoting further growth. Because implants function like normal teeth, they will not affect what you can eat and will allow you to eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of healthy fruit and vegetables. At the same time, dental implants make it easier to keep your natural teeth and gums healthy, as gaps in your smile are difficult to clean properly.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

To benefit from dental implants in Harley Street, you must be in good overall health and have a fully functional jawbone. If you have suffered significant bone loss you may still be suitable for dental implants. Our dentists will suggest additional treatments such as bone grafts or sinus lifts, so please contact us for an initial consultation.

How a dentist in Harley Street can replace your missing teeth

Ask any dentist and they will tell you that you should replace any natural teeth you lose, ideally as soon as possible. Harley Street Dental Clinic offers a wide range of solutions to tooth loss, and benefits from having a unique collection of highly-skilled dental professionals, all of whom are committed to working together to find the perfect treatment for you.

replace-missing-teethFirst, let’s look at why replacing missing teeth is so important. Particularly if a back tooth is lost, meaning nobody can see the gap, you may not think you have to worry about it too much. After all, you have plenty of other teeth, right?

Wrong. Losing a tooth constitutes a dental emergency, and you should contact a Harley Street dentist as a matter of urgency. Harley Street Dental Clinic offers emergency dentist appointments every day, and operates an out-of-hours service, too.

The problem is that one missing tooth can all too easily become several missing teeth. As soon as a tooth is lost, additional strain is put on remaining teeth. These teeth may also shift out of position, becoming more difficult to clean and increasing your chances of gum disease and tooth decay – which can in time lead to further tooth loss.

What can a Harley Street dentist do?

There are several ways that a dentist can replace your lost tooth or teeth, but at Harley Street Dental Clinic our favoured method is to use dental implants. This is because implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss, and recreate the natural action and appearance of a real tooth.

Here at our Harley Street clinic we can combine a single dental implant with a crown to replace one lost tooth, can use a bridge or series of crowns for more than one tooth, and can even replace all of your natural teeth with implant-retained dentures or a full-arch bridge.

Dental implants provide a higher degree of stability and functionality than dentures on their own. We place them under local anaesthetic or sedation at our Harley Street clinic, and after healing your dentist will fix your permanent new tooth/teeth to the abutments on top of the implants.