Comfortable dental realignment

Having Invisalign in Harley Street can transform your dental appearance. As well as this, you might find that good oral hygiene is easier to achieve after Invisalign in Harley Street because you’ll have fewer awkward spaces between the teeth. Food debris and bacteria can build up in these spaces that your toothbrush finds difficult to access, leading to an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer Invisalign as a user-friendly way to achieve mild-to-moderate dental repositioning.

Invisalign in Harley StreetThe convenience of Invisalign in Harley Street

Invisalign is kind to our patients in several ways. Firstly, it’s made of transparent plastic, so it won’t attract attention when you open your mouth. Unlike braces, which often involve highly visible wires and brackets, Invisalign remains discreet while your treatment progresses.

Secondly, Invisalign in Harley Street isn’t attached to your teeth. You can therefore remove it from your mouth when you need to brush your teeth or eat a meal. Taking care of oral hygiene during your months of treatment will be as easy as it ever was.

Also, Invisalign is shaped to precisely fit over your teeth. It’s a snug fit without any brackets or wires.

Receiving Harley Street Invisalign

The first thing we’ll do is get together with you to see if Invisalign is a suitable option. Then we’ll take some meticulous dental measurements and send them to a laboratory. The lab will produce your own personal series of clear plastic aligners. Treatment begins when you wear a pair of these aligners for around 7-10 days. Then you discard that first pair and wear the second pair for another 7-10 days. This process continues until treatment ends, typically within 12-18 months, although this timeframe can vary according to your particular situation.

You may also need to wear a retainer while you sleep, which ensures your teeth become fixed in their new orientations.

Your oral health future

Because your teeth will be positioned more appropriately, you’ll have a mouth that functions more efficiently. Your jaw will be at less risk of strain, and your teeth will be easier to clean. Invisalign in Harley Street will make a long-term positive change to your overall dental experience.