Dental care tips: Four ways to effective healing after extractions

Tooth extractions are sometimes the best possible option when saving a tooth is no longer possible. Once the procedure is performed, the next step is to ensure that optimal healing takes place so that our patients can enjoy a speedy recovery.  In order to facilitate this speedier healing process, we encourage our patients to look after themselves and protect the extraction site. As part of providing our patients with the highest standards in dental care in Harley Street, we offer comprehensive advice and care tips to implement a procedure to ensure patients recover safely and comfortably.

Dental Care in Harley StreetImmediately following the extraction, our dentist will apply pieces of sterile gauze to the site. The gauze should be kept in place until the dentist recommends removing it. The gauze is necessary to stop the flow of blood so that a blood clot is allowed to form. The blood clot offers a form of protection and initiates the healing process. Patients should take extra care to protect the clot from dislodging and from exposing the site which otherwise could lead to a ‘dry socket’, this is not only painful to experience but also risks an infection developing.

Try to avoid the following risky behaviours that may cause the clot to dislodge:

  • It may be tempting but do not poke at the extraction site with your tongue or finger or attempt to with any other object.
  • Refrain from eating using the area of the mouth where the extraction took place.
  • Avoid spitting which may dislodge the clot.
  • Do not brush over the extraction site.

Our dentists will take the time to answer any post-extraction questions you may have. This is just another way to provide you with quality dental care in Harley Street. In addition to this, the following dental aftercare advice for extractions is helpful in the healing process.

  • Keep the area clean

We advise that you keep the extraction site clean even though you may not be able to brush the area for however long the dentist recommends. You can manage this by gently swilling a warm saline solution over the area a few times a day for a few days. Take care not spit the solution out, but rather let it fall from your mouth.

  • Allow yourself time to recover

Taking time to rest and relax after this procedure is highly recommended for effective and quick recovery. If it is possible to take time off work, do so. It is also best to avoid physical activities such as strenuous forms of exercise and sports.

  • Reduce swelling

If any swelling occurs on the side of your face where the extraction was performed, ice packs can be applied to reduce the swelling. Swelling is rare for simple extractions but can occur if a more complex procedure was involved.

  • Avoid smoking

Smoking is not advised until the healing process is complete. The effects of smoking interrupt the recovery process and slow it down and there is the risk of infections.

Should a patient experience any discomfort a few days after an extraction, we advise them to make contact with us as soon as possible. Our Harley Street Dental Clinic offers after hours treatment for dental emergencies.