Dental Implants

Dental implants are a relatively recent, and extremely advanced treatment that involves replacing the entire tooth. Dental implants can be expensive, however due to their longevity, they are cost effective, as a replacement will very rarely be needed. If you are looking for dental implants, Harley Street Dental Clinic has the facilities to administer dental implants. If you are concerned or unsure about dental implants, then come in for a consultation, as we will be able to run you through the processes and costs of the treatment, so you can then make an informed decision.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetFirst steps of the treatment

One of the first steps of the treatment, is to receive a dental implant consultation. This is to determine whether you are eligible or not for dental implants. Sometimes, for varying reasons, there can be insufficient jawbone in order to sustain the implant. If this is the case, then you may not be able to have implants. There are other options available, if you are not eligible, that will allow you to have a successful dental implant treatment.

Bone grafts

If there is not enough bone to support the dental implant, then a bone graft can help this, and provide enough foundation for the implant to remain secure. The bone can be taken from either your chin or your hip, or be made synthetically, and is placed onto the jawbone in order to provide a stronger foundation.

Sinus lift

Another reason why dental implants may not be suitable, is if the implant will invade your sinus cavity, and therefore be loose in the jaw. This can be rectified with a sinus lift, which will work to lift the sinus, and then fill the space with material that will then hold the implant in place. If you are concerned that you may not be able to receive dental implants, Harley Street Dental Clinic will be able to provide you with a full consultation and give you all the information that you need.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants work by first opening the gums, and drilling directly into the jawbone, using a series of high-powered drills. Once a hole has been created then the implant is inserted carefully, so as not to damage any of the jawbone. Inserting the implant too tightly can cause damage, and subsequently a necrosis of the bone. Too loosely can cause the implant to fail. Once the implant has been inserted, the patient must wait from anywhere between six weeks to six months. This is to allow the bone to grow around the implant, securing it in place. The amount of time the bone takes to grow can vary depending on age, but still varies from patient to patient.

While you are receiving dental implant treatment, you will have a crown or bridge put over the area where you are receiving treatment. If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, Harley Street Dental Clinic is available to contact.