Do I need braces?

Braces are necessary for those who have crooked teeth, or their teeth are not correctly aligned. This can cause many issues over time, one of the main being tooth erosion, due to the teeth not aligning correctly. Tooth erosion can lead to cavities, sensitive teeth, and general pain, so it is important that you ensure you have the correct alignments. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we understand that braces can be a daunting issue, which is why we want to approach braces with as much clarity and kindness as possible. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street for cosmetic reasons, then this is also something we pride ourselves in.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetFixed Braces

Fixed braces are the most common form of braces, and easily the most common. They are also the most effective, and are commonly used on teenagers, as their teeth are still growing rapidly, so it is important the brace can withstand and adjust with movement. Fixed braces have downsides however, such as damage to the gums. One of the main downsides, however, is their appearance. As fixed braces need metal wires, and are a permanent fixture, it is difficult to avoid them being noticed. This means that many adults who need braces may avoid them.


Invisalign provides a fantastic solution to this problem, creating an effective brace that is transparent, so it will be concealed on your teeth. This means that by wearing Invisalign braces, you will be able to receive dental treatment without anyone noticing, and therefore not worry about feeling self-conscious.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign works by first providing a projection of what your teeth should look like after the treatment, using extremely advanced technology. Then, a series of braces are produced in order to gradually adjust your teeth. Where fixed braces need to be adjusted and tightened, Invisalign braces are simply replaced for a new set, that is slightly closer to the final projection. The brace is replaced approximately every two weeks and will be a quick process. If you are concerned, or want to know more about Invisalign, then do not hesitate to contact a cosmetic dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Wearing Invisalign

One of the great things about Invisalign is that it can be removed at any time. This means that you are free to eat and drink anything you want, without having to worry about damaging your teeth or the treatment. However, in order to be effective, Invisalign needs to be worn for at least 20 hours a day, so make sure that you don’t forget to put them back in.

Some downsides to Invisalign, are that it is unavailable for teenagers or children, as the treatment only works on fully grown teeth. Invisalign is also not as quick or efficient, and may take longer to produce the same results, which can be difficult if you are on a budget. If you have any queries, and want to speak to a cosmetic dentist, Harley Street Dental clinic is available.