Do you have a gummy smile?

When you smile, do you feel like a lot of your upper teeth are covered by your gums? or does it look as though your top teeth are shorter than your bottom ones? If so, you may have what is known as a “gummy smile”. If you’re not bothered by your gummy smile then that’s great! there are numerous celebrities who wear their gummy smile with pride, such as: Jennifer garner, Nicole Kidman and Gwen Stefani. However if you are one of those people that thinks a gummy smile negatively affects the way you look and your confidence when you smile, then there are treatments available to help.

gummy-smileCorrect that gummy smile with a Harley Street dentist

London dentist, Harley Street Dental Clinic know that many people don’t like their smile due to their gums appearing too large, or their top teeth appearing too small. They know that it can lower the self-esteem of many people and have a treatment that may help. Our Harley Street dentist offers a gum Lift treatment to its patients who have a gum line that’s either too low or too high. The Harley Street dentist usually reshapes the gum line using a pain free laser, this either reduces or increases the length of the gums giving a more natural aesthetically pleasing smile. in some cases, surgery may be required to remove some gum tissue and bone in order to achieve that perfect smile. The Harley Street dentist says there is usually a little bit of swelling after treatment but in most cases the results are immediate and you won’t even have to take the day off work! Amazing! Some more extensive treatments may require a different method of gum lift, if this is the case the dentist will discuss the recovery time with you.

If your confidence is affected by your smile, don’t suffer any longer. Speak to the Harley Street dentist about your options for a gum lift, it’s possible that you could get the smile you’ve always wanted with a relatively simple procedure. Contact The Harley Street Dental Clinic – One of the UK’s leading dental clinics, to find out more.