Don’t let it happen in the first place

If you could, wouldn’t you like to end your days with all your teeth intact and still biting and chewing away? As dental research advances, this is becoming increasingly possible at the dental clinic in W1. We dentists have a modern mantra that is ‘teeth for life’, whereby, instead of taking all your teeth out and fitting you with dentures, as was popular in the mid-20th century, we now do all we can to allow you to have strong, healthy teeth for as long as possible.

Dental clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have a range of treatments that come under the umbrella of preventive dentistry. Some are for kids, some are for older people. Let’s take a look at what’s on offer at this dental clinic in W1 now:

Keep it clean

The root cause of many dental woes is bacterial plaque. This builds up on your teeth between brushing, building up quicker when you eat or drink sugary things. Dental hygiene is mostly done at home, but it is also important to have regular deep cleans at the dental clinic in W1. The hygienist removes any build-up of plaque that you haven’t been able to reach.

Keeping gums healthy

Having healthy gums is vital for keeping your teeth. Gum disease is caused by plaque and if it has gone beyond its early stages, we will need to treat it so that it doesn’t begin to erode your tooth roots and jawbone.

Breath of a dragon?

If you have bad breath, it is important not to ignore it but to find out what’s causing it. Try upping your dental hygiene routine, but if that doesn’t work, bring your bad breath to us and we will try to find out what’s causing it. It could be trapped food going rotten or a symptom of an illness.

Sore jaw?

If you are waking up with a headache or an ache in your face or jaw, then you could be well grinding your teeth in your sleep. If grinding goes on for some time, the teeth start to crumble and fall away. We can help prevent this by making you a bite guard to wear while you sleep.