Look and feel great with Invisalign in Harley Street

Invisalign in Harley Street is one of those brilliant dental treatments that not only improves the health of your teeth, but how they look too. This is why Invisalign is carried out by both our cosmetic dentist, and our teeth-straightening dentist.

Invisalign in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, Invisalign is fitted by Dr Emma Laing and Dr Justin Glaister.

Dr Laing is one of our braces dentists. She is highly qualified, having received a gold medal for best graduating student when completing her first dentistry degree. She also has a fellowship in dental surgery and membership as a braces dentist from the Royal College of Surgeons, and she received a Masters degree with distinction in 2007.

Emma is delighted to see the advent of appliances such as Invisalign, as it is much more comfortable and discreet than the braces of old. As well as being able to help resolve the health issues patients have with their wonky teeth, Emma also gets a buzz from seeing them walk away with a more beautiful smile that they feel proud of.

Dr Glaister is a cosmetic dentist. He focuses on the appearance of the teeth, and one way he does this is with Invisalign in Harley Street. While the treatment can have health benefits, it’s also used for mild to moderate cosmetic adjustments that improve the appearance of the smile. If you have crowded, crooked or gapped teeth, it’s worth checking out if Invisalign in Harley Street could work for you.

Justin is a graduate of the Las Vegas Institute of Neuromuscular and Cosmetic Dentistry and is also an instructor for the New York Advantage Group, which trains UK dentists in the latest cosmetic techniques. He has an international reputation and uses other cosmetic treatments alongside Invisalign in Harley Street to give you the best smile possible.

Call into our surgery today and find out if Invisalign in Harley Street is the most suitable way for you to improve the look and health of your teeth. Talk to our treatment co-ordinator and they will direct you towards which of our Invisalign dentists is the right one for you.