Oral hygiene: the key to a healthier, happier lifestyle

Every time you see your dentist you will be told how important it is to look after your teeth. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, your dentist will advise you on the best routines to have regarding your oral hygiene. Routines are different from person to person, depending on what you eat, drink, and other factors that affect your teeth.

Your dentist in W1, London will also recommend how often you should visit. This will depend on factors such as:

  • whether you smoke;
  • your diet;
  • the presence of gum disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • your dental history, namely if you have any pre-existing dental problems.

Dentist in W1What does a good dental hygiene routine involve?

The most common routine that your dentist in W1 will recommend is making sure you brush at least twice a day – once in the morning and once at night, before you head to bed. The time we spending brushing and how well we brush matters too. You should be brushing your teeth for about 2 minutes, taking roughly 30 seconds on each quarter of the mouth.

Another important part of your routine is flossing. Your dentist in W1 will recommend that you floss your teeth at least once a day, using around 45 centimetres of floss on all of your teeth to reach those tricky gaps that your tooth brush may not be able to reach. After you have brushed and flossed, it is a good idea to use an anti-bacterial mouthwash to eliminate any residual bacteria. A dentist in W1 may also advise that you clean your tongue with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper.

The importance of a high standard of oral hygiene

Not only does keeping your mouth clean make your teeth look good, it also protects their health and the overall health of your body.

Many of the bacteria found in our mouths can cause gum disease, so it´s best to keep those bacteria at bay as gum disease is linked to increased risks of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

If your teeth are healthy and strong, you can maintain a balanced, healthy diet while enjoying the foods you love.