Straighten your teeth with lingual, invisible braces in Harley Street

An increasingly popular option for patients, lingual braces consist of fixed metal brackets attached to the interior of your teeth, making them virtually unnoticeable from the outside. As such, they are an ideal option for both teen and adult patients who would like to straighten their teeth discreetly.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate that traditional braces are not for everyone. Older patients who wish to straighten their teeth are constantly influenced by social media and cosmetic considerations. Our experienced dentists, Dr Emma Laing and Dr Darsh Patel, can help you achieve the smile of your dreams with lingual braces without sacrificing your looks.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetHow do lingual braces work?

Lingual braces function exactly like traditional metal braces, but instead of being fixed to the front of your teeth, they are instead attached to the inside surfaces, above your tongue. If you choose to straighten your teeth with lingual, invisible braces in Harley Street, your treatment won’t differ significantly from that with traditional braces.

During your initial consultation, our experienced dentist will examine your mouth, as well as take x-rays, dental impressions and measurements to identify problem areas and create a custom treatment plan. During placement, your dentist will carefully glue a tiny metal bracket to the back of your teeth using special dental adhesive.

Some types of lingual braces consist of self-ligating brackets, which means that instead of using elastic bands to attach the archwire to the brackets, the wire is attached directly to the brackets. These lingual braces work considerably faster than regular braces and less painful.

Once your lingual braces are securely fixed in your mouth, you will have to visit your Harley Street dentist for regular adjustments. While adjusting your braces, your dentist will apply controlled pressure to straighten your teeth and align your jaw as needed.

Taking care of lingual braces

Because lingual braces are inside your mouth and cannot be seen, special care must be taken to ensure optimal oral health. In addition to keeping your regular appointments with your dentist, you should also brush, floss and rinse your teeth with mouthwash daily.

If you have any questions about lingual, invisible braces in Harley Street, or to schedule a consultation appointment, please contact us today.

Invisalign in Harley Street – a clear solution to a beautiful smile

Are you self-conscious about your crooked teeth and how they make you look and feel? Misaligned teeth are very common and can be repaired with various teeth straightening treatments – most frequently braces. However, many adults are reluctant to wear braces because of the way they look.

Gone are the days when patients in need of teeth straightening had to simply put up with a flawed smile, if they didn’t want to endure sporting a mouthful of metal. Advances in modern dentistry have expanded the options available for teeth straightening. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide our patients with an innovative and discreet alternative to traditional braces in Harley Street: Invisalign.

Invisalign in Harley StreetWhat is Invisalign?

Invisalign consists of a series of transparent, removable, and comfortable aligners, which help move your teeth into their straightened positions. Invisalign clear aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth and gums. They are created with 3D computer imaging technology, which means you can get a look at how your treatment will proceed from the start to the end.

Depending on your condition, you will wear each set of trays for one to two weeks, before progressing to the next set in the series. The gentle but constant pressure of the carefully engineered trays is tailored for different stages of your treatment over a pre-arranged period of time, usually no more than twelve months. Throughout your treatment, you will still need to visit the dentist for routine check-ups to ensure that the treatment is going to plan.

Am I suitable for Invisalign?

Invisalign is ideal for most teenagers and adults. However, it cannot treat very severe cases of misalignment. In these cases, your dentist will probably suggest traditional braces or another type of fixed braces. Your Harley Street dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly and help you determine whether Invisalign is the right choice for you. Teenagers who wish to undergo Invisalign treatment must be at least 16 years old.

Book your appointment today

If you’d like to discuss changing the appearance of your smile, our friendly dentists can answer all your questions. If you’re interested in Invisalign in Harley Street, contact us today and learn how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

What to expect when visiting your W1 dentist for a dental check-up

Dental check-ups are routine examinations performed by a dentist at least twice a year, in order to ensure that your teeth and gums are in good health. Even if you are a meticulous brusher and flosser, you should still visit your dentist regularly to have your teeth and gums examined and prevent any future problems.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic your oral health, comfort, and individual needs are foremost in our minds. Our aim is to provide optimum preventative dentistry for our patients through regular check-ups and thorough cleaning. Our experienced W1 dentist will carefully examine your teeth and gums for any signs of decay or disease and will also share helpful tips to incorporate into your oral hygiene routine.

Dentist in Harley StreetHowever, checking your teeth for tooth decay is just one aspect of a regular dental check-up. During your check-up, your W1 dentist will also assess the health of your gums, perform a head and neck examination and examine your mouth for any indications of oral cancer and diabetes. Sometimes, your dentist may find it necessary to examine your face, bite, saliva and movement of your lower jaw joints.

Your dentist or dental hygienist will then remove plaque and tartar from your teeth stress the importance of preserving optimal oral hygiene at home between check-ups. Plaque and tartar build-up are removed from your teeth using special instruments, which are able to clean above and below the gum line. Once your teeth are plaque-free, your W1 dentist will polish them in order to remove any stains caused by bacteria or other sources.

After the cleaning, your dentist will discuss possible treatment recommendations, covering everything from tooth brushing techniques to your food and nutrition, alcohol consumption and smoking.

If your dentist detects any problems during the examination, an additional visit may be required for restoration work, such as a filling or crowns. For more complex treatment, you may be referred to a specialist dentist, who will cater to your individual needs. Again, we cannot stress how important it is to visit your dentist at least twice a year and go through a routine examination and cleaning. Cultivating good oral hygiene habits, will help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for longer.

Dental care for pregnant women in Harley Street

During your pregnancy, you will have to visit different doctors for different reasons. However, it is really important that you remember to visit your dentist for regular dental check-ups and cleaning. While oral health is always important, it is more so while you are pregnant. Pregnancy makes you more vulnerable to tooth infections and gum disease.

Dental care during pregnancy is completely safe. Our experienced dentists at Harley Street Dental Clinic will remove plaque build-up and bacteria in between your teeth to prevent the risk of potential gum infections. Your teeth and gums will also be gently and thoroughly cleaned. Your dentist in Harley Street will also suggest special oral care products that will help you strengthen your teeth and protect them against bacteria.

Pregnant Women in Harley StreetWhy visit the dentist during pregnancy

Over the years, researchers have discovered a connection between gum diseases in pregnant women and premature births with low birth weight. A mild form of gum disease, gingivitis, is very common among pregnant women, due to the rise in various hormones. This condition is relatively harmless, but if it is left untreated, it can lead to severe gum disease and more complications. Frequent visits to your Harley Street dentist and regular dental cleaning will help keep your teeth healthy throughout pregnancy.

While most regular dental treatments are safe throughout your pregnancy, the ideal time for treatment is during your second trimester. Once you reach the third trimester, it may be difficult to lie still on the dentist’s chair for a prolonged period of time. Your dentist in Harley Street will also recommend delaying teeth whitening or non-emergency dental procedures until after the birth, in order to avoid unnecessary risks.

Sometimes our procedures require x-rays and you may be worried that this will be harmful to your baby. Radiography at Harley Street Dental Clinic is entirely safe and we always provide extra protection. The same applies for treatments that require local anaesthesia.

Contact us

Oral health assessment and treatment should be an essential part of prenatal care. Even if you don’t have any dental issues, you need to find some time to visit the dentist to make sure it stays that way. So contact us today to book an appointment.

The benefits of Invisalign clear braces in Harley Street

If you are an adult who is considering teeth straightening, chances are that you have heard of Invisalign. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign consists of a series of removable, transparent aligners, which progressively adjust your teeth into their correct position. Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit and enhance your distinctive smile.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we understand that metal braces are far from the only option available to adults who want straighter teeth. That’s why we offer Invisalign clear braces in Harley Street for patients who wish to straighten their teeth subtly and discreetly.

Invisalign Clear Braces in Harley StreetHow does Invisalign work?

Invisalign aligners can address many mild to moderate dental issues such as crooked and gapped teeth, crowded teeth, overbites and underbites. Our Harley Street dentists will examine your teeth carefully and whether your dental condition is more severe, they may recommend other teeth straightening options. However, most patients are good candidates for Invisalign braces.

Typically, you are expected to wear a set of Invisalign trays for two to three weeks before moving to the next set. A lot of patients notice results within the first few aligners, but each patient is unique and thus treatment time varies from individual to individual. Invisalign clear braces have to be worn at least 22 hours per day for maximum results. However, they can be removed to eat of brush your teeth, so no food remains with ever get stuck in your aligners.

Benefits of Invisalign clear braces

The most important advantage of Invisalign compared to other teeth straightening treatment is invisibility. Invisalign aligners are made of high-quality medical grade plastic. They are smooth, thin, and clear and designed to fit snugly and discreetly over your teeth, so your friends, family, and colleagues will not even know you are undergoing dental treatment.

At the same time, since Invisalign aligners are removable, you can enjoy your favourite foods and drinks without restrictions. Unlike traditional metal braces that turn eating into quite a challenge, Invisalign does not interfere with your lifestyle and dietary choices.

Get in touch

To learn more about Invisalign clear braces in Harley Street, or talk to one of your experienced dentists, contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.

Dental implants in Harley Street – treatment aftercare

Dental implants offer a long-lasting and efficient way to replace one or more missing teeth. A titanium post is surgically inserted into the jawbone replacing the natural tooth root. The post is left to heal and fuse with the jawbone for a few weeks or months, until it is strong enough to support permanent, artificial teeth, dentures or bridges. Through this process, you will regain your ability to talk and eat normally as well as your beautiful smile.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we recommend dental implants as the most reliable long-term solution available for patients who have lost one, several or all their teeth. Throughout your treatment, our experienced dentists will be by your side, to provide the personalised and trusted care you deserve. We will then help you take good care of your dental implants after your treatment is complete.

Why is aftercare so important?

You may be wondering why artificial teeth need any type of care, but implant aftercare is a very important part of the process and can ensure successful results during the healing period. If your dental implants get infected during this transitional period, it is likely that they will fail to fuse with the rest of your jawbone. It is therefore essential to take good care of your Harley Street dental implants throughout the healing period and beyond. Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleaning, will also help you stay on top of your oral hygiene.

Essential implant aftercare

After your implant surgery, it takes a period of time for them to settle into your jawbone. During the healing period, it is not uncommon to experience sensitivity or swelling for a few days. Your dentist will suggest a diet of soft foods, cold foods, and warm soup, in addition to anti-inflammatory medication. It is also really important to brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush and use a special mouthwash provided by your dentist for at least a week after the operation.

In the long run, the best way to preserve your Harley Street dental implants and guarantee their functionality and longevity is to maintain excellent oral hygiene at all times.

Top three dental implant facts

If you are considering dental implants in Harley Street, information gathering about the process will be high up on your list of things to do. The more well informed you are, the more likely you are to have a comfortable and relaxed treatment.

We treat every patient as an individual at Harley Street Dental Clinic. This means that all the information you are given is relevant to your treatment plan. However, there are some general things about dental implants that you might like to know in the early stages.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetSuccess rate

The success rate for normal dental implant procedure is about 98%. This high level is due to advances in technology and using the right equipment for the job.

For example, a dental implant is shaped like a tiny screw and is usually made from titanium. Both of these factors help the jawbone to get a good grip on the implant during healing.

There are some health conditions and lifestyle factors that can affect the likelihood of successful implant surgery. Your dentist will ask you some questions and talk to you about those if they are relevant to you.

Bite pressure

One of the great things about dental implants is that they give you back much of the functionality of normal teeth. While other teeth replacement methods can help you get some abilities back, there is often a lower standard of performance than with your natural teeth.

Part of the reason that dental implants work so well when you are, for example, eating, is that they allow you to exert a comparable amount of pressure to your natural bite. Dental implants can stand 200lbs of force compared to dentures which can withstand only 50lbs. This pressure also remains consistent over time whereas dentures tend to loose force.

Decay free

Your new teeth will be bright and stain free. You will have discussion with the dentist about the shade that is appropriate for you look and your age. You can even use photographs to give them some guidance if you want to match the teeth you had before. Once you have them, they will not discolour or decay. However, you still need a diligent hygiene routine to take care of any remaining teeth and your gums.

Bad breath – causes, oral treatment and prevention

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, is an embarrassing oral health condition that affects three in 10 people worldwide. The most common symptom is a foul smell associated with the mouth, throat or tonsils. Bad breath is experienced by people at one time or another in their lifetime, but if it doesn’t improve after brushing and flossing the mouth, then it may be a permanent problem.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic we understand that bad breath can cause many problems, but besides the obvious social implications, it may be indicative of serious dental issues. If you are aware that your breath is not as fresh as you would like it to be, you should make an appointment with our W1 dentist for a thorough check-up.

Dentist in Harley StreetCommon causes of halitosis

Bad breath can be caused by many reasons. Most frequently, it is the result of poor oral hygiene. When we fail to clean our teeth after eating, bacteria tend to concentrate on the teeth, the tongue or the gums, gradually releasing a sulphur compound that gives your breath an unpleasant odour. Along with this, certain foods such as garlic and onions can contribute to bad breath. This is because once they are absorbed into our body, they are transferred to the lungs, where they are exhaled. Finally, dieters sometimes have bad breath because of abstaining from certain food categories.

However, food is not the only cause of bad breath. Gum disease is often to blame for bad breath, especially if you cannot get rid of it, no matter how much you brush. Bad breath may also be a sign that you have a serious health problem, such as a respiratory tract infection, chronic sinusitis or diabetes.

Treating halitosis

If you suffer from halitosis our W1 dentist can help you determine the causes behind the symptoms and alleviate them. Your dentist will determine whether bad breath is caused by poor oral hygiene or gum disease. If you suffer from gum disease, they will clean your gums thoroughly to remove bacteria and plaque and recommend a special mouthwash to keep bacteria at bay. Your W1 dentist will also recommend changes to your diet and lifestyle. You will be advised to quit smoking, eat more fruit and vegetables and brush and floss your teeth daily.

Anti-snoring treatment in Harley Street

Snoring can cause sleep interference, psychological pressure and marital problems, if left untreated. Sleep apnoea, or pauses in breathing while sleeping in both adults and children, is a very common condition, which can gradually lead to daytime fatigue, slow reaction times and an increased risk of heart attack. It is estimated that one in 15 people is affected by moderate sleep apnoea around the globe.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetLuckily, nowadays an increasing number of dentists can treat moderate cases of sleep apnoea. Our Harley Street orthodontist, Dr Emma Laing, has been trained in the use of simple anti-snoring devices, which offer a safe and simple solution for those who suffer of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea. Dr Laing’s training, expertise and accreditation, will ensure that you will receive the best treatment for your individual problem.

Prior to being referred to a dentist for treating your snoring, you are advised to be examined for sleep apnoea by your pathologist. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnoea, you should discuss available treatment options with your doctor. If oral devices fit your lifestyle and are suitable for your particular case, you will probably be referred to our orthodontist in Harley Street.

In order for Dr Laing to create a custom-made sleeping device, dental impressions of your teeth will be required. Follow the simple instructions of your Harley Street orthodontist and bite down on the bite kit. Dr Laing will examine the impression thoroughly and create a custom-made sleep apnoea device for your mouth.

Once you receive your mouthpiece, you will be instructed to wear it during sleep. Oral devices for sleep apnoea are designed in a way which increases the opening of your airways. By pushing your lower jaw forward, the tongue also moves forward, helping to open your air passage during sleep. A correctly fitted oral appliance can forward the lower jaw approximately 8-10 mm. This small movement is adequate to keep your airways open, prevent snoring and allow you to sleep calmly throughout the night.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate the benefits of a properly designed sleep apnoea mouthpiece. However, be warned that an incorrectly designed or poorly fitted oral device will do almost nothing to improve your sleep and could even aggravate your problem.

Improve your teeth with the help of a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

Modern cosmetic dentistry has greatly improved the aesthetic appearance of our teeth over the years. Whereas once you had to simply accept the flaws and irregularities in your smile, cosmetic dentists can now easily modify the shape, colour, texture and alignment of your teeth.

Feeling uncomfortable with your teeth can potentially upset your quality of life. If you’re afraid to smile, it’s hard to make good first impressions or even enjoy yourself in the company of other people. If you do not like the way your teeth look, visiting a cosmetic dentist can help you improve your smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are committed to transforming our patients’ smiles with cosmetic dentistry. Our Harley Street cosmetic dentist offers a number of dental treatments which vary in complexity – from teeth whitening to composite filling replacements or complete makeovers using dental crowns, porcelain veneers, dental implants and invisible braces among others. All of our cosmetic dentistry treatments aim to improve the appearance of your teeth, while some of them also restore function and help improve your oral health.

Teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening is a quick and effective way to remove persistent stains caused by exposure to foods, beverages and nicotine among others. Our cosmetic dentist at Harley Street will assess the state of your teeth and help you choose among power whitening, home whitening with the use of custom-made trays or a combination of both methods. All treatments are perfectly safe and offer guaranteed results.

Dental veneers

Veneers are one of the most popular smile enhancement treatments available today. They consist of thin porcelain-shells and are custom-made to fit perfectly over your teeth. Your dentist will bond the veneer to the front of the tooth giving it a smooth, rounded look. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we use dental veneers to improve the look of yellowed, chipped, slightly crooked, irregularly shaped and unevenly sized teeth.

Smile makeover

A smile makeover involves improving the appearance of your smile through numerous cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as – but not limited to –dental veneers, gum lifts and teeth whitening. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we work closely with our patients to create a smile that is unique and modelled to suit your individual characteristics.