Regular visits to the dentist in W1

Just as you need to clean your home regularly, you also need to have a regular daily oral health routine. And, just as you need to fix maintenance issues in the home as soon as you spot them, so you also need to sort out any dental issues as early on as you can.

Dentist in W1The way to do this is with regular 6-monthly check-ups with the dentist in W1 here at Harley Street Dental Clinic.

Why 6 months?

Over the evolution of dentistry in the 20th century, 6 months has been found to be the best interval between check-ups. Check-ups are there to spot problems. In 6 months, a dental problem such as decay or gum disease can appear, but not progress very far. When you visit us at 6-monthly intervals we are able to be on the lookout for the early signs of decay and gum disease, not the middle or later stages. And the earlier we can treat these 2 common dental problems, the quicker, easier and less expensive the treatment is.


We can treat the early stages of decay with a small filling. White fillings are many people’s preferred option these days. They not only look better, but with this material we are able to recreate the chewing surfaces to give you a more efficient chew. Composite resin also requires the removal of less healthy tooth material than amalgam.

If we don’t catch decay early enough, you may be looking at having to have inlays or onlays to cover the decayed area. You may also be heading towards infection. Infected teeth often have to have root canal therapy, leaving you with a tooth that no longer has any living pulp inside it. In the worst-case scenario, we may have to extract a tooth and then you are looking at the expense of having to replace it.

Gum disease

Gum disease has a similar trajectory of increasingly invasive, lengthy and expensive treatments and also leads, eventually, to tooth loss.

Keep on coming into the dentist in W1 for your bi-annual check-ups so that your dental issues never get beyond the early stages.