The dental implant process explained

If you are considering investing in dental implants in Harley Street, you will know that this is a big decision requiring careful consideration. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer a free consultation to see if dental implants are right for you. To help you make an informed decision regarding dental implants, here we outline how you can expect the process to go.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetStep one – initial consultation

During your initial consultation with the implant surgeon, you can discuss the various types of implants, their benefits and limitations, and your own needs. The dentist will talk to you about what to expect when being fitted with dental implants in Harley Street, and answer any questions you may have.

Step 2 – treatment planning

The treatment planning is a very important part of the process. At this point, we will take x-rays, scans and photographs of your teeth, gums and jaw. We will use these to confirm if you have sufficient bone density to support the implants, and discuss the options available if you don’t. All of the information we gather will be used to carefully plot out a treatment plan.

Step 3 – the surgery

Dental implants in Harley Street are fitted in a small surgical procedure, which is normally done under local anaesthetic. If you are uncomfortable with this, at the start of planning we can discuss using sedation. We use what we consider to be the best components and instruments, and our implant team have lots of experience in all types of implant treatment.

Step 4 – healing

It will take some time for the implant to integrate with your jawbone, and during this time we will see you for review visits to ensure the healing is going as it should.

Step 5 – final fitting

Once your implant is fully healed, and we have fitted your crown, bridge or denture, you will be able to go through life with teeth that not only look great, but work great too.

Step 6 – aftercare

We like to make sure our patients’ dental implants in Harley Street remain at their best, so we set up periodic review appointments to ensure your implants and restorations stay healthy and fully functional.