Things to consider before having dental implants in Harley Street

If you have decided to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, chances are that you have done much research in this treatment. In reality, many factors play into someone’s decisions to have dental implants over other tooth replacement options like dentures or bridges and long-term effectiveness is one of them. Unlike conventional replacement methods, dental implants are inserted into the jawbone where they are left to fuse with the bone tissue. Once this process is done, they function just like tooth roots.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, all of our patients have to undergo an evaluation for dental implants in Harley Street. This is to ensure that they have chosen the right treatment for their case.

Once this step is completed, we will create a personalised treatment plan detailing how many implants are necessary and a time sequence for the treatment. Depending on the type of dental implants your dentist will propose, treatment time can take from a single day to several months. Again, it all comes down to your specific problem and the number of missing teeth you have to replace.

How many dental implants in Harley Street are necessary for my treatment?

If you are missing one tooth, a single dental implant will do the job. However, oral surgery for many missing teeth can be quite expensive if you opt for single dental implants in Harley Street. However, implant dentistry has evolved considerably in recent years and patients can now support more teeth using fewer dental implants (i.e. All-on-4, denture stabilisation).

Is implant surgery painful?

Most patients find that implant surgery is not painful. However, some discomfort should be expected, especially after the local anaesthesia wears off. If you are anxious about the operation, please talk to us in advance. We offer various sedation options for patients who are anxious about undergoing implant surgery.

Are dental implants in Harley Street suitable for everyone?

In general, dental implants have very few contra-indications. With the exception of children and younger teenagers, who cannot have dental implants due to ongoing tooth development, most adults can take advantage of this treatment as long as they are healthy and have enough bone tissue in their jawbone.