Want to know more about clear braces? Your 5 FAQs about the Incognito aligner answered

If you are one of the many adults who have misaligned teeth, it can seem like a tedious and expensive process to approach your dentist about having them straightened. Many adults hear the word brace and instantly envision large, metal aligners which will do little to boost their confidence in the short term. And, as the adult world is so based on appearances and looking professional, it is easy to see why traditional braces are rarely sought after. And this is before we get into the associated costs!


However, as the world of cosmetic dentistry has merged with orthodontics, there is now a solution for many adults with more complex orthodontic requirements, even if they don’t want to have large, metal attachments fitted to their teeth. Known as clear, cosmetic or even invisible braces, these options offer a discreet alternative to the well-known metal brace, meaning you can get a straighter smile without the unwanted stares.

Our team is well versed in all things related to adult orthodontics, and when you come to us for clear braces in Harley Street, we will find you the most suitable option for your clinical needs. Whether it’s Invisalign, Incognito or Lingual braces, we can guarantee that we will find an aligner that will straighten your smile without breaking the bank. Perfect!

In this article, we will explore some of the most frequently asked questions about one of the most popular clear braces in Harley Street: the Incognito aligner.

Are they uncomfortable?

While all aligners take some getting used to, many patients have concerns that these clear braces in Harley Street will be more uncomfortable due to the fact that they are fitted. The initial fitting will be painless, but you may experience some discomfort on your tongue and your back or molar teeth for a few days.

Can anyone wear them?

Like most braces, Incognito aligners are not suitable for everyone’s needs. While royalty like Prince William has been known to wear this brace, it is not suitable for people who have complex orthodontic needs, such as misaligned jaws or extreme malocclusions. However, these things aside this brace is suitable for children, teenagers and adults, provided that they have good oral health.

Will I need to change my diet?

Like regular braces, with the Incognito brace, you should avoid sticky and hard foods that could damage the metal. With each adjustment, there may be some discomfort too, so sticking to softer, healthier foods is recommended.

Are they noticeable?

No, they aren’t! Incognito braces are fitted to the back of your teeth and so they are not noticeable when you smile or talk. Great stuff!

Will I talk differently?

As mentioned briefly before, any kind of brace, fitted or removable, will take some adjusting to – after all, you now have something in your mouth which wasn’t there before. You may have some minor speech issues in the first 2 weeks after the fitting, but this should fade as you become accustomed to the aligners.