What do dentists offer in the way of preventative dental procedures?

When it comes to your keeping your teeth and mouth healthy, prevention is better than cure. It is always best to have your teeth examined regularly by a dental professional, in order to prevent more complicated issues from occurring.

Dentist in W1While most people are familiar with this idea being the reason for your biannual check-up, there are many other preventative treatments that our dentists in W1, Harley Street, can perform, in order to keep your oral health up to scratch.

Today, there are many preventative dental treatments available and our dentists in W1, Harley Street, will not only help prevent any dental issues from occurring, we can also help reverse them too!

Want to know more about our preventative services and how they can improve your oral health? Read on!

Sensitive teeth

This is a common problem that can be a real nuisance. Sensitive teeth can prevent you from eating that piping hot soup on a chilly morning.

Often caused by a loss of dental enamel, sensitive teeth can be treated, in order to prevent any further loss of enamel, which could then lead to other issues such as a cracked tooth or tooth decay. Our dentists in W1, Harley Street, can help stop sensitivity by applying a fluoride sealant to the surface of your tooth, which will block the nerves in your teeth from being exposed to temperature-based stimuli.

Scale and polish

This is a very important procedure if you have a history of gum disease. A regular scale and polish is essential, in order to prevent the build-up of stubborn plaque, above and below your gums.

Plaque accumulation can lead to swollen gums as well as gum disease. To prevent this, one of our hygienists will gently remove any plaque gently, and then polish or clean the tooth afterwards, to give you that dentist clean feel.

Pregnant women

When you or your partner are pregnant, there will be a fair share of healthcare professionals to visit. During this exciting time, the last place you may want to visit is your local dental surgery,  but due to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, this is vital in order to prevent further issues.

Calcium may wane during pregnancy, which can lead to decay, cracking or breaking of the teeth and also heightens the likelihood of gum disease. To keep you or your partner healthy throughout those important nine months, regular dental check-ups are essential.

Tooth grinding

Ever wake up with a sore jaw?

Tooth grinding can occur during the day, but typically occurs at night, and can be a side effect of many common medications or can even be due to temporo-mandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

Regardless of the cause, our team can provide you with a nocturnal mouth guard, to minimise grinding and the damage it can cause to the enamel of your teeth.  This damage can cause sensitivity and micro cracks to form in your teeth, while consistent tooth grinding has been linked to migraines, neck pain and headaches.

At Harley Street, our aim is to help you prevent dental issues, so contact our team today!