When to call an emergency dentist, and what they can do

Should you require an emergency dentist in Harley Street, please contact Harley Street Dental Clinic straight away on 020 3797 3453. Dental emergencies can be painful and frightening, and it’s always recommended to get them seen to promptly.

Harley Street Dental Clinic is open from 8.30am to 7pm Monday to Friday, and from 8.30am to 6pm on Saturdays. In addition, we run an out-of-hours emergency service for those who need to see a dentist urgently.

emergency-dental-careWe will always endeavour to see you on the same day whenever possible. The earlier you contact the practice, the more chance you have of being able to see a dentist the same day.

What constitutes a dental emergency?

Many conditions require the am emergency appointment. From knocked-out teeth to unbearable toothache, anything that causes severe pain or distress should be considered a dental emergency.

Below are some common emergency situations, along with what your Harley Street dentist may do.

Severe/unbearable toothache

Toothache should never be ignored, because it is indicative of an underlying problem. Mild toothache should prompt you to book the next available appointment with your Harley Street dentist. Tooth pain that is very severe requires an emergency appointment.

The first thing your Harley Street dentist will do is to get you out of pain. Common causes of toothache are dental decay and infection; it may be possible for your dentist to remove all areas of decay and fill your tooth at one appointment, but if infection is present this will usually require at least two appointments and a course of root canal treatment to put right.

Knocked-out teeth

A dentist is sometimes able to reinsert a knocked-out tooth into the socket. Indeed, sometimes you can do so yourself, but never force it, and never try to put a child’s milk tooth back. If you can put your tooth back in, bite down on a clean paper towel for 15-20 minutes and book an emergency appointment.

If you can’t, be careful to only touch the crown of the tooth, clean it with saliva if necessary and put it in some milk, then bring it to your appointment.