Your dental implants will be just like your original teeth

It can be traumatising when you lose teeth, whether it is one or all of them, but at Harley Street Dental Clinic we endeavour to get you smiling again as soon as possible. We supply treatments to replace any missing teeth that you have lost, as well as giving you the option to upgrade from your removable dentures. We understand that having gaps in your teeth can affect more than just your smile. Eating food can become increasingly difficult, as you have to consciously remind yourself to chew on one side and avoid certain chewy foods, even if you love them. If you wish to have teeth just like your original ones then you should think about booking an appointment with one of our practitioners to have discussions about getting dental implants Harley Street.


Crowns, bridges or dentures will complete your look

After you have had your first appointment for your dental implants Harley Street you will need to wait for around six weeks before returning to our practice to complete your smile. This is so your gums have time to heal around the titanium screws. Once your mouth is healed you will be able to attend our practice for your second appointment. It is at this appointment that you will have either a crown, bridge or denture attached to your tooth implants to replace your missing teeth. A crown is used in circumstances where only one or two teeth are missing, whilst a bridge can be used to replace multiple teeth, regardless of whether they are on either side of an original tooth or in a row together. Dentures are often used to replace an entire set of teeth, or a top or bottom row. They can be partial dentures or full ones, depending on how many teeth you are missing. 

Durable, natural and secure

After you have had dental implants Harley Street you will find that they are extremely durable. If you take care of them they could last you a minimum of around ten years, and in many cases can last much longer. Your dental practitioner will explain how to keep your new teeth clean properly, advising on which brushes and products will be most suitable for you to use. Your new teeth are incredibly secure, meaning that you no longer need to worry about having to chew carefully in case food dislodges your tooth or becomes stuck in it, and chewy foods will be a pleasure for you to enjoy again. Being able to eat confidently in public will allow you to enjoy what you are experiencing a lot more, without worrying about getting into any awkward tooth situations. Whilst you’re out in public you will be able to smile more confidently too, knowing that there are no longer any gaps in your smile. Your new teeth are made to look exactly like your original ones, made of porcelain to feel like natural ones too, meaning that when you’re having a conversation with someone they may not even spot that your teeth are not really real.