Clear advantages

If you are going to have to wear braces, or are simply considering having treatment to straighten your teeth, what’s putting you off doing it the most? If you are like a lot of people, then one of the main reasons for not going ahead with alignment treatment is the thought of having metal braces on your teeth. True, metal braces, like mobile phones, have got a lot smaller than the ones people were using 30 years ago, but even so, metal on the teeth has never been a good look. That’s why we offer clear braces in Harley Street, and they go down a storm with our patients.

Clear-Bbraces-in-Harley-StreetClear braces in Harley Street come in two types. There are the ones that are fixed to your teeth, and the ones that are removable.


Fixed clear braces in Harley Street use the same bracket and wire technology that has been around for decades. This works by pulling the teeth into alignment with wires around brackets. The wires provide the pull, the brackets provide the angles at which to do the pulling. Our clear braces feature clear ceramic brackets and fine tooth-coloured wire. They blend in with the teeth, and we like to think they look a bit like jewellery instead of straightening devices, a sort of diamond necklace for the teeth. These clear braces are great for mild to moderate alignment issues, particularly for the front six to eight teeth. Often these are only slightly out of alignment so the straightening process can be done in a few months.


These use aligner trays that look like ultra-thin mouth guards. They are made to measure for your teeth and when they are put in place over them, they can be very hard to spot. They work by applying pressure to the teeth to nudge them into alignment and the pressure is kept up by using a series of aligners, each with slightly different pressure points built into them.

Why not book a consultation with us at Harley Street Dental Clinic, and find out what clear braces can do for you?