How your dentist can replace lost teeth and restore your smile

Ask any dentist and they will always stress the importance of replacing any teeth you lose as quickly as possible. Harley Street Dental Clinic offers a number of solutions to tooth loss. Whatever your requirements, your dentist will work closely with you to provide the perfect treatment to suit your needs, restoring both health to your mouth and happiness to your smile.

restore-lost-teethMissing teeth cause all manner of problems. When just one is lost, more strain is instantly put on those that remain, because they have more work to do. Remaining teeth also have a tendency to shift out of position into any gaps, becoming crooked, twisted, and harder to clean in the process. This can increase your chances of developing gum disease, tooth decay, and ultimately of further tooth loss.

When several teeth are missing the impact on your daily life can be severe. Your diet may be affected, as may your speech. The impact on your self-confidence can be devastating. By visiting a dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic, you will soon be en route to restoring healthy function to your jaw, helping to alleviate all of these problems.

What your Harley Street dentist can do

When you come into our Harley Street clinic for a tooth replacement consultation, your dentist will undertake a thorough clinical examination and will check the general condition of your dental health, as well as listening to any preferences you may have about your treatment.

Harley Street Dental Clinic benefits from a unique team of dental professionals and specialists, many of whom are leaders in their chosen areas, who will work together to find the perfect solution to your tooth loss.

Among the options we offer are:


Dental bridges usually comprise a precious metal base with porcelain teeth on top. Standard bridges are supported by crowns or wings on adjacent teeth to replace one or two teeth, whilst bridges retained by dental implants can be used to replace several teeth in one jaw.


Modern dentures are very comfortable and realistic. We offer denture stabilisation using dental implants at our Harley Street clinic.