Improve your teeth with the help of a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

Modern cosmetic dentistry has greatly improved the aesthetic appearance of our teeth over the years. Whereas once you had to simply accept the flaws and irregularities in your smile, cosmetic dentists can now easily modify the shape, colour, texture and alignment of your teeth.

Feeling uncomfortable with your teeth can potentially upset your quality of life. If you’re afraid to smile, it’s hard to make good first impressions or even enjoy yourself in the company of other people. If you do not like the way your teeth look, visiting a cosmetic dentist can help you improve your smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are committed to transforming our patients’ smiles with cosmetic dentistry. Our Harley Street cosmetic dentist offers a number of dental treatments which vary in complexity – from teeth whitening to composite filling replacements or complete makeovers using dental crowns, porcelain veneers, dental implants and invisible braces among others. All of our cosmetic dentistry treatments aim to improve the appearance of your teeth, while some of them also restore function and help improve your oral health.

Teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening is a quick and effective way to remove persistent stains caused by exposure to foods, beverages and nicotine among others. Our cosmetic dentist at Harley Street will assess the state of your teeth and help you choose among power whitening, home whitening with the use of custom-made trays or a combination of both methods. All treatments are perfectly safe and offer guaranteed results.

Dental veneers

Veneers are one of the most popular smile enhancement treatments available today. They consist of thin porcelain-shells and are custom-made to fit perfectly over your teeth. Your dentist will bond the veneer to the front of the tooth giving it a smooth, rounded look. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we use dental veneers to improve the look of yellowed, chipped, slightly crooked, irregularly shaped and unevenly sized teeth.

Smile makeover

A smile makeover involves improving the appearance of your smile through numerous cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as – but not limited to –dental veneers, gum lifts and teeth whitening. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we work closely with our patients to create a smile that is unique and modelled to suit your individual characteristics.