Ask a cosmetic dentist about smile makeovers

As a cosmetic dentist, there is no greater pleasure than seeing the difference a smile makeover can have on a patient’s self-esteem. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we know the value of a beautiful smile, and our skilled dental team have helped scores of patients to achieve the smile they have always dreamt of thanks to our wide range of cosmetic dental options.

smile makeoversA smile makeover starts with a consultation with an experienced cosmetic dentist here at our Harley Street clinic. Smile makeovers can have functional as well as aesthetic benefits, and we believe that an investment in your smile is one of the wisest you can make.

At your initial consultation, your cosmetic dentist will carefully examine your teeth, gums, surrounding structures, and your overall facial appearance. They will find out what you like and dislike about your current smile, and what you would like to achieve. X-rays, scans and photographs will be taken as necessary to aid with diagnosis and treatment planning.

Your dentist will then recommend all the available treatments to meet your needs. This may be one treatment or a combination of two or more, and could include porcelain veneers, orthodontics, teeth whitening, dental implants, and crowns, among other treatment options.

By using the latest 3D imaging technology, your cosmetic dentist will be able to show you what results you can expect from various treatment options, so you can make an educated choice about how to move forward with treatment.

At our Harley Street clinic we have an unrivalled team of dental specialists under one roof, so whatever treatment you require it can all be provided here in the comfort of our modern Harley Street practice.

Once you have decided on the best treatment, your dentist will draw up a treatment plan detailing future appointments and projected costs.

How a cosmetic dentist can cure your gummy smile

A cosmetic dentist doesn’t just work on your teeth – they can also help if you have too much gum tissue on show when you smile. At Harley Street Dental Clinic our skilled team have helped many patients who have a gummy smile to improve the appearance of their smile – and with it boost their confidence.

cosmetic dentists at harley streetMany people come to our Harley Street clinic concerned about their gum line. It may be too high or too low, or they may describe themselves as having “short” teeth. In most cases teeth are of standard length, but are covered by excess gum tissue.

The cosmetic dentists at Harley Street can remove excess gum tissue and even out your gum line with a procedure known as a gum lift or gum reshaping. There are several different options for this treatment, and these will be discussed by your dentist at your initial consultation.

If a gummy smile is making you frown, you should book a consultation with a cosmetic dentist here at our Harley Street practice. They will carefully examine your teeth and gums before recommending the best course of treatment.

In many cases your dentist can painlessly reshape the gum line – increasing or reducing its length – using a laser. Some patients will require a more extensive gum reshaping procedure, which involves removing bone and gum tissue through dental surgery.

Having a gum lift carried out by a skilled cosmetic dentist can improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile by making it look better proportioned and more even. As well as the obvious aesthetic benefits, an improved gum line can also lead to healthier gums in the long-run.

For patients who have laser treatment for a gummy smile, there is practically no down time and most patients can return immediately to everyday activities. You may experience slight swelling or redness of the gums for a few days, for which your dentist can prescribe analgesia.

How a cosmetic dentist can make over your smile

A cosmetic dentist has many ways of helping patients who are unhappy with their smile. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we have a leading team of dental specialists who can correct a wide spectrum of smile problems – from simple tooth whitening to a full-mouth makeover.

cosmetic dentistMany people are unhappy with some aspect of how their smile looks, causing them to hide it in public or to rarely smile at all. A consultation with a cosmetic dentist can help you to get your confidence back, and give you a smile you’ll be proud to show off.

Here are just some of the options available from the cosmetic dentists at our Harley Street clinic:

Teeth whitening

When carried out by a cosmetic dentist, teeth whitening is a safe, predictable and fast way to boost the appearance of your smile. Using special dental bleaching gel, everyday stains such as those cause by tea, coffee or smoking are gently removed from your teeth, leaving them brighter and whiter. This can be carried out at home or here in the comfort of our Harley Street practice.


Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain affixed to the front surfaces of the front teeth to improve their appearance. They can cover permanent discolouration or staining, small chips, and minor issues with spacing or tooth alignment. You will need at least two appointments at our Harley Street clinic for your cosmetic dentist to create and fit your veneers, which will look both beautiful and natural.

Gum lift

If you have a gummy smile – too much gum tissue on show when you smile – a gum lift is a fast and effective way for your dentist to correct this. Depending on the severity of your condition, your dentist may be able to use a laser to remove excess gum tissue, or you may require surgery.

How a cosmetic dentist can transform your smile more quickly than you think

A skilled cosmetic dentist has many techniques at their disposal to provide every patient with the perfect smile. Harley Street Dental Practice offers an extensive range of cosmetic dental treatments, from teeth whitening to full smile makeovers and full-mouth restorations using dental implants.

cosmetic dentistHere, we examine some of the quickest ways a cosmetic dentist can transfer your smile. . .

Cosmetic dentistry is a broad field, with many different procedures available. At our Harley Street dental clinic we believe that every patient’s treatment plan should be just as individual and unique as they are. A good cosmetic dentist will never recommend a “quick-fix” solution; they care about treatment that looks and acts naturally and lasts for a long time.

However, there are some fast ways to boost your smile with the help of a cosmetic dentist here at our Harley Street practice.


Veneers are micro-thin shells of porcelain that are placed over the front surfaces of the teeth to mask a range of imperfections – much like false fingernails. They look natural and beautiful, and a good cosmetic dentist will ensure your veneers are matched to the natural colour of your teeth.

Crooked teeth, teeth with permanent discolouration or staining, gappy teeth and teeth with small chips or cracks are all perfect candidates for treatment with veneers. You could have a brand new smile in as little as two appointments.

Teeth whitening

When carried out by a cosmetic dentist, teeth whitening is a safe, predictable and reliable way to boost the appearance of your smile. It involves the use of special dental bleaching gel, which safely removes everyday stains (such as those caused by coffee and tea) from your teeth, leaving them several shades brighter.

Teeth whitening treatment can be carried out at home or here at our Harley Street clinic.

Unhappy with your smile? Ask a cosmetic dentist about smile makeovers

A smile makeover is a procedure used by a cosmetic dentist to address and correct the aesthetic issues that make people unhappy with their smiles. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide a six-step smile makeover plan that can be used to help all cosmetic dental patients, from those with a small, simple concern to those requiring complex full-mouth restorations using dental implants.

cosmetic dentist about smile makeoversThe Harley Street Dental Clinic is one of the UK’s leading smile makeover clinics, with a highly experienced, dedicated team providing a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments. Whatever your issues with your smile, we are confident that we have the perfect cosmetic dentist to help you.

What will my cosmetic dentist do?

Here are the steps your cosmetic dentist will follow when you come for a smile makeover consultation in Harley Street:

1 First assessment. You will be appointed a cosmetic dentist who will first listen to your concerns about your smile before examining your teeth, gums and surrounding structures, as well as checking your general oral health and taking such factors as hair colour into account.

2 Treatment recommendation. Your dentist will discuss their findings and the various cosmetic dental treatments that can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. This may be one treatment, or a combination of two or more.

3 Computer imaging technology. Using scans and 3D computer-aided smile design, your cosmetic dentist will show you what results you can expect from various relevant treatments.

4 Treatment plan. Once you have made an educated decision about treatment, your cosmetic dentist will draw up a treatment plan.

5 Appointment scheduling. Your cosmetic dentist will let you know how many appointments you will need, and you can start to book them in.

6 Models and templates. Any treatment requiring models or impressions, such as veneers, will be taken and 3D temporary templates will be created.

What a cosmetic dentist can do for you

A cosmetic dentist provides treatments that focus on the aesthetic appearance of your smile. At Harley Street Dental Practice our skilled cosmetic dental team have helped countless patients to transform their smiles, and with it boost their self-esteem, professional and personal interactions.

cosmetic dentistMany people are unhappy with the way their smile looks. If you find yourself hiding your smile behind your hand in public or even not smiling at all because you are embarrassed about the appearance of your teeth or gums, you may think that help is beyond your reach, or that you’ve left it too late to get treatment.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we believe that it is never too late to seek the help of a cosmetic dentist. There have been massive advances in the materials, techniques and technology in the field of cosmetic dentistry in recent years, which has enabled more and more patients to achieve the smile they’ve always wanted.

The team here at Harley Street is highly specialised and comprises a unique mix of skills. Whether you have a small concern or a big problem, we are confident that we have the perfect cosmetic dentist or team of dentists to help.

When you come into our Harley Street clinic for a consultation with a cosmetic dentist, they will listen carefully to the concerns you have about your smile, and will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and gums before recommending appropriate treatments.

This could be something as simple as removing stains from your teeth with at-home or in-practice teeth whitening, or could be as extensive as a full-mouth rehabilitation using crowns, dentures, bridges or dental implants, depending on your individual needs.

No matter what treatment you need, you can relax and know that you are in safe and skilled hands. Your cosmetic dentist will pay great attention to detail, using the highest-quality materials and the best techniques to deliver the smile of your dreams.

How a cosmetic dentist can treat a gummy smile

If you have a gummy smile – when too much of your gum is on show when you smile – a cosmetic dentist from Harley Street Dental Clinic can help. Gummy smiles are a common problem that cause sufferers to feel self-conscious about how their smile looks, hiding it away behind their hands in public and having a serious, negative effect on their self-esteem. Fortunately, a simple and pain-free cosmetic dental procedure called a gum lift can remove excess gum tissue and give you the smile you’ve always dreamt of.

cosmetic dentistThe first step for those afflicted by a gummy smile is to book a consultation with a cosmetic dentist at our Harley Street dental practice. Your dentist will carefully examine your gums and teeth before recommending the best course of treatment.

Our cosmetic dental team at Harley Street Dental Clinic have performed many successful gum lift procedures. There are a variety of different cosmetic dental techniques that can be used to lift and reshape your gums, leaving you with a beautiful smile.

What is a gum lift?

A gum lift, also known as gum reshaping, involves raising and sculpting the gum line to improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile. In some cases, your cosmetic dentist will use a laser to painlessly reshape the gum line by decreasing or increasing its length, so it is more even and so that it better fits the structure of your teeth.

Patients requiring more extensive treatment may need dental surgery to remove excess gum and bone. This will be carried out under local anaesthetic or sedation at our Harley Street clinic.

Advantages of a gum lift

As well as the aesthetic and confidence-boosting results of a gum lift, this procedure can also lead to healthier gums in the long-run.

To book a consultation with a cosmetic dentist at our Harley Street practice, get in touch today.

Fast ways a cosmetic dentist can boost your smile

A good cosmetic dentist will tell you that there is no such thing as a quick fix in cosmetic dental treatment. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we pride ourselves on the quality and durability of work we carry out, and the high standards our staff achieve for every patient.

cosmetic-dentistHowever, there are some quick, safe and effective ways to boost your smile, and when you come into our Harley Street clinic for a consultation, your cosmetic dentist will carefully examine you and will assess which is the best treatment option to suit your individual needs.

Here are some of the most popular and quickest cosmetic treatment options at our Harley Street practice:

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatments in cosmetic dentistry. Our teeth become stained by drinks such as tea, coffee and red wine, by habits such as smoking and by certain medicines. When carried out by a cosmetic dentist, teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to remove these stains and leave your teeth several shades brighter.

Special dental bleaching gel is used to gently remove stains. It’s important to remember you should only have this treatment under a cosmetic dentist’s care.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic we have three options for teeth whitening: home whitening, power whitening here in the practice, and a combination of both. Home whitening uses whitening trays that you wear overnight for about two weeks, while power whitening is performed here in the practice, and takes about an hour.


Dental veneers are placed over the front surfaces of the teeth to improve their appearance and disguise minor imperfections. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we use porcelain, ceramic and composite material (white filling material) to create beautiful, natural-looking veneers.

You will require at least two appointments at our practice to have your veneers fitted.

How a smile makeover with a cosmetic dentist can increase your confidence

A cosmetic dentist doesn’t just improve your smile – they can also boost your self-esteem and confidence. At Harley Street Dental Clinic we offer a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments that can give you the smile you’ve always dreamt of, at the same time increasing your self-confidence and improving interactions in your personal and professional life.

cosmetic dentistSome people that seek out the services of a cosmetic dentist have a particular treatment in mind, while others know they are unhappy with their smile, but are unsure what they need to do to improve it.

If you fall into the latter category, we recommend booking a smile makeover with a skilled cosmetic dentist here at our Harley Street practice. During a smile makeover consultation, your dentist will present all the appropriate treatment options to you so that you can make an informed choice about which is best for your smile. The pros and cons of each option will be carefully explained to you, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns you may have.

How it works

The first step is to come into Harley Street Dental Clinic for an initial assessment with a cosmetic dentist. Your dentist will assess the shape, colour, size and alignment of your teeth, as well as your general oral health. They will ask what you want to achieve, and will take into consideration other important factors including hair colour and facial proportions.

Your cosmetic dentist will then recommend appropriate treatments, and will use computer aided design to show you what results you can expect before starting treatment. Once you have agreed on your treatment options, a treatment plan will be drawn up.

Subsequent appointments will be arranged here at our Harley Street clinic at the most convenient time for you.

Is there such a thing as a quick fix from a cosmetic dentist?

A “quick fix” solution is not something a good cosmetic dentist would offer. Quality treatments take time, skill and care, and a rush job is unlikely to look natural or to be very durable. At our Harley Street dental clinic we believe in creating beautiful, natural-looking, long-lasting smiles for every patient. Using our unique combination of finely tuned skills, our cosmetic dental team will create the perfect smile every time.

cosmetic-dentistHowever, there are some reliable and safe ways for a cosmetic dentist to boost your smile quickly. Here, we look at some of the popular quick smile boosters available at our Harley Street practice.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening uses special bleaching gels to gently remove many of the everyday stains that build up on our teeth. It should only be carried out under the care of a skilled cosmetic dentist. Products available on the internet and the high street may claim to whiten teeth, but are unregulated so at best will be ineffective and at worst may be harmful.

The teeth whitening treatments offered at our Harley Street practice are reliable and safe. Whether you opt for power whitening here in the practice or for self-administered whitening treatment at home, you will remain under the supervision of your cosmetic dentist at all times.

Power whitening takes just an hour while home whitening takes about two weeks.


If you have teeth that are permanently stained, slightly crooked or gappy, mildly chipped or cracked, you should ask your cosmetic dentist about dental veneers. Veneers are much like a false fingernail for the teeth, being thin pieces of material placed over the front surfaces of the teeth to hide a range of minor imperfections. They may be made from porcelain, ceramic or composite bonding material, and are a popular choice at our Harley Street clinic.