Creating great habits at your dentist in W1

Visiting your dentist at the Harley Street Dental Clinic every 6 months for hygiene appointments is a good investment for your health and your bank account. Oral health bad guys plaque and tartar, left unchecked, can lead to gum disease and possible tooth loss, which, of course, carries high treatment cost as you require more extensive dental intervention. By attending your hygiene appointments, we can spot issues quickly and treat them, ensuring you never have to see us as an emergency patient.

Dentist in W1Start young

Fostering trust in our young patients is important to us; we ensure children receive special care and attention. Making sure your child has a positive experience of the dentist in W1, creates healthy habits that can last a lifetime. In addition, our dentists will be on the lookout for any developmental changes such as underbite, crossbite or overbite as their small jaws grow and develop. Treating these issues as soon as they start to arise ensures quick, effective results that will be resolved quickly.

What happens at my hygiene appointment?

We will remove any tartar build-up and then check the whole oral area, including teeth, gums, throat and neck. If any issues are found, we will then discuss treatment options with you, creating a treatment plan that provides you with clear information including treatment costs.

For children, your dentist in W1 can also teach your child successful brushing techniques and help them understand the importance of good hygiene. We also recommend a couple of preventive measures that safeguard their dental health.

Fluoride treatment

Fluoride coating involves the dentist soaking your child’s teeth in fluoride for several minutes. This protects your child’s teeth against decay, mineralising them and making them stronger.

Fissure sealants

This is another recommended preventive measure that safeguards your child’s teeth. This is extremely effective in stopping decay as it completely covers their teeth, sealing them and protecting them like a rain coat. It is also tooth coloured, so discreet.

Visiting your dentist in W1 regularly is sound investment for you and for your children’s future. Preventive dentistry maintains your oral health along with that of your child. Don’t delay, book your hygiene appointment as soon as possible.

Preventive dental care in Harley Street

Most people don’t make the connection between their teeth and the rest of their body, but your teeth are very important for your oral and overall health. The link between oral infections and other diseases is becoming well-documented in research and is now readily accepted by many dentists around the world. In short, taking good care of your teeth and gums, is also beneficial for your overall health.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are committed to helping our patients maintain good oral health. This starts with prevention. Our team of dentists and dental hygienists have the clinical and educational background to help you restore and retain good oral health for a lifetime. By documenting changes in your mouth, your dentist in Harley Street can assess your oral health and diagnose common (or not so common) oral diseases early on.

What we offer

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer preventive care dental services to adults and children alike. Our innovative equipment helps us evaluate your dental needs, and identify any issues you may have. Our preventive care dental services include full-mouth examinations, professional cleanings with specialised tools, oral cancer examinations, smoking cessation and bad breath moderation.

Dental cleanings are really important because they prevent plaque from staying on your teeth as or in-between your gum line. Our dentist in Harley Street, will use advanced diagnostic tools for the tracking and monitoring of gum disease, cavities and other infections that may be dangerous for your oral health.

We also employ a very thorough cleaning technique for your teeth and gums, to get rid of plaque and other debris. Once we remove this harmful residue from your teeth, we will then apply a special paste to prevent bacteria and plaque from sticking to them.

The role of the dentist in Harley Street is versatile. Not only will they examine and clean your teeth, but they will also assess, plan and implement treatments designed just for your own needs.

Don’t postpone your next visit

By visiting the dentist in Harley Street at least every 6 months, you are more likely to keep your oral health in shape. To learn more, call us today.

Feel safe with the dentist in W1

Being scared of the dentist is pretty normal. Most of us, including us dentists here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, feel a certain amount of trepidation about lying back in the big chair with our mouths open. It’s just about as vulnerable as anyone can get.

Dentist in W1But there is a section of society, around 13% of people in the UK and around the globe, whose natural nerves about visiting the dentist have tipped into dental phobia. This is a recognised condition. Feeling a bit nervous becomes something more extreme. People can start to shake, sweat and feel panic-stricken, maybe even have full-blown panic attacks. Some people do not even have to come to the dentist to feel like this, just thinking about going can set them off.

A trained dentist in W1

Back in the day, extreme fear of the dentist was dismissed as silly and people were expected to get over themselves. Nowadays, we dentists are trained to help people with such extreme nerves. Even the clinic here at Harley Street Dental Clinic has been designed and decorated to help you feel welcome, calm and relaxed as soon as you step through the door.

Let’s talk about it

We know it helps if you get to know your dentist before treatment, so if you need it, we can make time for an in-depth chat before you come into the surgery. You can ask all the questions you need to, to help you feel more relaxed.

Stop signals

If you feel you are starting to feel overwhelmed during treatment, we can respond to a pre-arranged stop signal at any time and give you a breather until you are ready to carry on. Treatment may take longer.

Think about something else

It’s amazing how much easier it is to undergo treatment if you focus on something else while we work on you. Here, you can listen to music or an audiobook or even watch a movie (maybe not Marathon Man though).


For some treatments, you may need sedation. We have inhalation and intravenous sedation. You’ll need someone to get you home after the latter.

Don’t be scared. We will take very good care of you at this dentist in W1.

Are you new to London?

You have just got off the plane, unpacked all your boxes, and officially moved into your new flat in London. While you are overwhelmed, excited and nervous, there is still so much left to do. You have to set up your internet, discover the neighborhood, figure out your route to work on the tube, and find a new dentist in Harley Street.

Dentist in Harley StreetIn the past 5 years, almost 200,000 people moved to London each year, and if you are one of the new residents of London looking for a dentist to maintain their oral health, then we know there are a lot of choices to pick your new dental care providers. While there are so many residents in London, there are also so many options in each district in this fast-paced city. And while each dentist offers a unique style, different environment and a variety of services, the choice can be overwhelming.

How to choose a new dentist?

If you are a seeking a dentist in Harley Street, then our team, at Harley Street Dental Clinic, will eagerly welcome you to the neighborhood and our dental community, all while providing you with excellent dental care and offering a list of procedures ranging from general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry. Many people tend to visit the same dentist their whole lives, and we understand the relationship between a dentist and a patient is a delicate one to form and maintain. We pride ourselves on helping generations of families at our dentist in Harley Street, and we look forward to forming that comfortable relationship here with you.

What can Harley Street Dental Clinic offer me?

Our aim will always be preventive dentistry, so we strongly recommend our patients have routine visits to our dental clinic. While thorough oral hygiene practices at home are important, we may be able to detect signs of decay far earlier than you could even notice them. But if you are seeking solutions to already existing oral issues such as missing teeth, tooth decay, stained teeth, or overcrowded teeth, then our team has the experience and technology to provide you with the quickest and most pain free experience at our dentist in Harley Street.

Teeth deserve care

Visiting the dentist in W1 is an essential part of your oral healthcare routine. As experienced dental professionals, we can assess the condition of your teeth and gums and help you to make informed decisions to improve your dental health. At home, you can keep your teeth clean with regular brushing and other hygiene treatments. Unlike your dentist, however, you can’t spot the subtle signs of decay and disease in their very early stages.

Dentist in W1Our aim is to give you a healthy dental future. We offer the full range of dental treatments and services, and our payment plans give you the chance to manage the costs of your oral health improvements. You don’t have to be troubled by something before you book an appointment with us. We can examine your dental condition and provide tailored advice on how to improve your future oral health.

Services at the W1 dentist

As a W1 dentist, we take care of all sorts of existing dental problems. Dental decay might have damaged one of your molars, or you might have chipped one of your front teeth in a sporting injury. We can provide tooth-coloured fillings that restore dental function without spoiling your appearance. Veneers can be applied to the front of your teeth, restoring their proper outlines and maintaining the visual harmony of your smile.

Many of our patients come to the W1 dentist to replace lost teeth. Our high-quality solutions are long-lasting and natural looking. We offer custom-made dentures and crowns, as well as dental implants that integrate with your jawbone. You could regain the stability of your natural teeth and take pleasure in chewing your favourite foods without worrying that the replacements might come loose.

Cosmetic solutions

Modern cosmetic procedures are available at the dentist in W1. We can make a significant change to your appearance in many effective ways. If you suffer from dental discolouration, teeth whitening will give you a bright smile once again. In the longer-term, dental realignment will turn a crooked smile into a more visually pleasant one. We use contemporary braces and aligners that are designed with your comfort in mind. They stay hidden while they carry out their transformative work.

Caring for your children’s teeth is really important

Healthy teeth are important for children and adults alike. Healthy teeth help your children’s adult teeth grow properly, while enabling them to eat and speak without problems. Introducing your children to great oral healthcare from an early age, is the best thing you can do for their overall health.

Dentist in Harley StreetHowever, not every parent knows what to do in order to keep their children’s teeth healthy and free from plaque. Don’t feel overwhelmed – at Harley Street Dental Clinic we are here to teach you all the best ways to take care of your children’s teeth. But above all, you should trust our dentist in Harley Street, who will diagnose any problems with your children’s teeth early on.

Dental hygiene is not boring

We appreciate that dental hygiene can be monotonous. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little bit of imagination, you can teach your children to brush their teeth without them being bored. For starters, help them choose a colourful toothbrush and the toothpaste they like. If they choose their own tools they are more likely to look forward to using them every day.

Your dentist in Harley Street will show you how to brush and floss your children’s teeth properly and once they are old enough to try themselves help them by guiding them and showing them videos or reading dental health books and magazines with them.

Last but not least, it’s really important to reward your children for trying, but don’t give them sugary treats. Instead, praise their brushing and flossing skills and offer them healthy fruit and vegetables.

The role of the dentist in Harley Street

Dental care at home is a great start for introducing your children to the world of dental hygiene, but it’s not enough. Your children should visit the dentist as soon as they have their first teeth, since cavities and gum disease can develop any time. Cavities, in particular, are very common in young children and only your dentist in Harley Street can help prevent them.

The earlier, the better

Visiting the dentist in Harley Street from an early age is a great investment in your child’s oral health. Book your appointment today.

Enhancing oral health

Your teeth and gums are an important part of your body. You need to keep them in good condition so that uncomfortable problems don’t develop. Going to a dentist in W1 is a crucial aspect of looking after your oral health. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have plenty of contemporary treatments that will keep your teeth and gums in great condition.

Dentist in W1When to visit the W1 dentist

We can always do something to enhance your oral health and hygiene. Going to the dentist in W1 isn’t only what you do when you’ve noticed a worrying change in your dental condition. Come to us for a routine examination and we’ll be able to steer you towards a healthier dental future. Our hygiene advice is tailored to your specific needs, and we keep our knowledge up to date by following the latest industry innovations.

If things do go wrong, we can fix them for you in a variety of ways. We provide cosmetic treatments that will boost your visual appeal. Many of our patients enjoy having their teeth whitened. You can choose the shade of white you’d like to see in your smile, and we’ll create that shade for you in a comfortable and straightforward process. We know how minor changes can have major effects on your self-confidence.

Transforming your dental experience

You might be seeking a W1 dentist because you’re looking for a long-term change. Realigning your teeth can be a major step forward into improved oral health and hygiene. Our modern braces and aligners are produced with your comfort in mind. They use transparent and tooth-coloured materials to maintain a very low visibility. This means you’ll avoid the social scrutiny that can often make the thought of wearing braces seem daunting.

Perhaps you have lost some teeth and are now wondering how to replace them. Our methods include precision-crafted dentures and bridges that look natural and feel comfortable. We also offer dental implants, which integrate with your bone structure to provide long-lasting stability and convenience. Going to the dentist in W1 gives you access to many different ways of enhancing the appearance and condition of your teeth.

Reasons you shouldn’t dread going to the dentist in Harley Street

Some people are so afraid of the dentist that they put off their visits indefinitely. Needless to say that this behaviour is very reckless since it can affect their oral health seriously.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate that not everyone is looking forward to their bi-annual visits to the dentist in Harley Street. Different people have different reasons to not to like the dentist, but ultimately they may be harming their oral health.

Here a few reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid of the dentist in Harley Street.

It’s our job to help you

You can trust us when we say that we don’t get any special pleasure causing you pain. Instead, we try our best not to harm you and we invest in high-quality tools and techniques to help our patients have an almost pain-free dental experience. If you don’t feel comfortable about a specific treatment, talk to us. We will appreciate your fears and we will do our best to make you feel as comfortable as possible – you can trust us.

Don’t neglect your teeth

Neglecting your teeth for a long period of time will not only affect your oral health, but will have a negative impact on your wallet as well. Certain dental conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease can be easily treated if they are diagnosed at an early stage. All you need to do is visit the dentist in Harley Street every 6 months so that they can remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. Accumulated plaque can cause extensive and expensive problems including tooth loss, but with regular dental visits, you can avoid these issues from the beginning.

Not all dentists are the same

If you are avoiding dentists because of a bad dental experience in the past, it’s time to move on – not all dentists are the same. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we value our patients and we particularly concerned about their wellbeing.

Whether you are visiting us for the first time or you have been a patient of us for many years, don’t let fear get in your way. Give us a chance, by contacting us today.

Can a dentist in W1 help eliminate your snoring?

It is estimated that more than 30% of people in Great Britain snore. Snoring is not necessarily a harmful habit on its own: however, it may be dangerous for your teeth and your overall health.

Dentist in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have dealt with many cases of obstructive sleep apnoea, manifested in the form of snoring. This condition is not simple and it is something to worry about, yet you can rest assured that our dentist in W1 will do their best to help you overcome it.

How does snoring happen?

Snoring is what we call the vibration of the nasal tissues while we sleep. This vibration can cause the loud, rumbling sound. Snoring occurs when your air passageways are temporarily or permanently obstructed and while it may be a sign of obstructive sleep apnoea, other factors may also be the reason behind your snoring (i.e. obesity, alcohol consumption, allergies).

What are the symptoms of sleep apnoea?

If you experience one of the following symptoms on a daily basis, then chances are that your snoring is caused by sleep apnoea:

  • excessive daytime drowsiness
  • morning headaches
  • agitated sleep
  • waking up from choking or gasping for air
  • chest pain during the night
  • high blood pressure
  • loud snoring and messy snoring.

Can sleep apnoea be treated with the help of your dentist in W1?

Your dentist in W1 can help with sleep apnoea by providing an oral appliance. This device will help keep your airways open while you sleep, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep. This therapy is ideal for patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea over a prolonged period of time, since it can help improve their alertness, emotional stability and overall concentration. Oral appliances for obstructive sleep apnoea are ideal for patients whose airways are very narrow or whose tongue tend to fall back and block their air passage when they sleep. This device efficiently repositions the jaw and the tongue, promoting a consistent airflow while sleeping.

To learn more about how you can treat snoring with the help of your dentist in W1, please contact us today.

Healthier dental experience

Taking good care of your teeth can lead to a higher standard of overall bodily health. Going to the dentist in Harley Street is not just something to do when things go wrong with your teeth and gums. Giving your oral health the regular professional attention it deserves at a friendly dental clinic will prevent the development of uncomfortable problems. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer the full range of dentistry services to a wide range of patients from London and beyond.

Dentist in Harley StreetIn touch with your dental needs

As a well-established Harley Street dentist, we’re used to solving dental difficulties as well as helping people to improve their oral health and hygiene. A good way to help your oral health is to visit us for a regular check-up. We’re able to detect the signs that things are going wrong well before you’d notice them at home. Then we can give you tailored advice on dental hygiene to reduce the chances of suffering damage from tooth decay or gum disease.

A cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

We take care of your appearance too, because we know that imperfections in your smile can weigh on your mind. Our range of contemporary aesthetic improvements gives you the chance to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Our discreet and friendly team work with you to create customised solutions that will enhance your dental aesthetics. You might want a brighter smile, or to restore the proper outlines to teeth that have been chipped.

Alternatively, you might need a dentist in Harley Street to improve your dental alignment. We offer a selection of aligners and braces that are almost invisible to the casual observer.


Even if you look after your teeth as much as possible, accidents can still happen. We offer short-notice appointments for patients who need an emergency dentist in Harley Street. You might have broken a tooth in a sporting incident, or maybe an infection has caused swelling. We have plenty of experience in dealing with these unforeseen problems. We can reduce your discomfort and stabilise your condition, so you can get on with your day-to-day life.