Don´t let a gummy smile affect your self-confidence

There are many reasons why you may not be entirely happy with your smile. Crooked, stained or chipped teeth to just name a few. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have the skills and know-how to help fix your dental imperfections so you can smile with confidence. This doesn’t just mean tackling issues with your teeth but also with your gums.

Sometimes gum tissue can cover up too much of the teeth. One possible reason for this is the way your teeth erupted through the gums when they first grew. The end result: a gummy smile that affects your self-confidence. At our dental clinic in W1, we believe that everyone shoudl enjoy a confident smile. We offer a treatment that could help improve your gummy smile, giving you back the confidence you should have when smiling.

Dental Clinic in W1Effective treatment for gummy smiles

Here at our W1 dental clinic, we offer a treatment commonly known as a ‘gum lift’. This treatment can reshape your gums into a more desirable form, uncovering more of your teeth. It can completely change the appearance of your smile, bringing better proportions to your mouth.

Your gums are raised and shaped to fit your teeth better. This is usually achieved with the use of a laser that can painlessly reshape the gum line. For more severe cases, the effect can be achieved through the removal of bone and gum tissue using dental surgery.

Most of the time you won´t need to take any time off work after this type of treatment, so there will hardly be any downtime, if any. Some swelling and redness may be present after the treatment for which we can prescribe medication. You will notice the positive difference immediately.

Benefits of a better proportioned smile

Having a better proportioned smile can change the appearance of your whole face, bringing more balance to your smile. This can have a huge impact on your self-confidence.

The same goes for many of the cosmetic dental treatments we have to offer, which combined with our preventative and restorative dental care at our W1 dental clinic, will ensure you enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles.

A comfortable experience

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we aim to put our patients at ease by providing a high standard of personalised dental care in relaxed, professional surroundings. Going to the dentist in Harley Street ought to be a reassuring experience and from the comfortable furnishings in our waiting area to the contemporary techniques and modern equipment used by our team of friendly dental professionals, we do everything we can to provide convenience while we improve your oral health.

What we can do for you

Dentist in Harley StreetTo make sure you end up with the most suitable dentist, Harley Street dental professionals will talk to you in depth about your dental history and hopes for the future.

With regular check-ups at our dental clinic, we will be able to spot the signs of tooth decay that are too subtle for you to discover at home. We know that preventative dentistry reduces the chances of painful and costly problems that can develop when early warning signs go undetected. We can closely monitor the condition of your gums, tongue, and cheeks for changes on the surface that could indicate health risks.


As well as preventative dentistry that provides protection, we offer solutions to existing problems such as tooth decay, or teeth that have been damaged or lost. Correcting such problems as these can bring lasting health benefits, both by reducing the opportunities for further damage to occur and by the increase to self-confidence that can come with teeth that look and function as they naturally should.

Looking brighter

Your Harley Street dentist can also offer an up-to-date range of cosmetic dentistry techniques. Teeth whitening procedures can be carried out either in our London dental clinic or at home, with simple equipment that brings a long-lasting brightness to your smile. Alternatively a set of veneers can tidy up the roughness of your teeth, closing any gaps and covering up the bits that may have been chipped away over the years.

Accessibility and inclusivity

To make our treatments accessible, we offer a range of monthly payment plans. You needn’t delay the start of vital treatment while you save up a lump sum. Contact us today for a chat about how we can help you.

Orderly smiles

There is a way to achieve better looking, healthier teeth discreetly and relatively quickly. Available at our practice in Harley Street, Invisalign uses transparent plastic appliances to gently move your teeth into positions that look better in photos and are kinder to your oral health. Our experienced team at Harley Street Dental Clinic have seen this treatment become popular over the years for professional adults, as it improves their dental situation without the social embarrassment that traditional, eye-catching braces can often bring.

Invisalign in Harley StreetEfficiency and neatness with Invisalign in Harley Street

Once you and your dentist have decided that Invisalign is right for you, the dentist will produce a detailed image of your teeth. A computer will then be used to produce a series of aligners, moulded precisely to meet your requirements. You will wear each one of these aligners for around 2 weeks, before you move onto the next one. Over time, your teeth are guided into better positions due to the slightly different contouring of each aligner.

These subtle and lightweight appliances can be taken out at mealtimes and when you brush your teeth. As they are transparent, they’re much less likely to attract attention from people, for example at social events or business meetings.

Gradual steps to transformation

The overall time of your Harley Street Invisalign treatment will vary depending on the condition of your teeth. A short course may involve as few as a dozen aligners for you to wear. A long course could use as many as 48. The accuracy of computerised planning means that the overall treatment time is still quicker than it might have been using traditional wire and bracket appliances.

Afterwards, you will probably need to wear a retainer while you sleep to ensure that the teeth take a firm liking to their new arrangement.

Benefits for the future

For patients who’ve completed this treatment at our practice in Harley Street, Invisalign has lowered the risk of gum disease and tooth decay, as well as having provided a better looking smile. The investment of time and patience pays off with a broad range of lasting benefits.

Improving appearances

As an experienced cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, people often ask us to make their smiles smarter. There are a range of ways to do this, each of which bring different benefits to your appearance and oral health.

You might want your teeth whitened because they’ve become discoloured over the years. Smoking cigarettes and drinking wine or coffee can leave dark stains that attract unwanted attention when you open your mouth.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetOr your teeth might look a bit rough around the edges, after becoming chipped from sporting injuries, or from eating hard foods. There might be gaps between the teeth because of the natural way the teeth have grown. A set of neat and bright veneers would eliminate these unwanted features.

Alternatively, tooth-coloured fillings might be needed to mitigate the effects of tooth decay without spoiling the whiteness of your smile.

Long-lasting practice

When you come to Harley Street Dental Clinic, our friendly team will welcome you into a relaxed, professional environment. We will discuss with you in detail the latest dental treatments that are available to make the improvements you need. The dentist may take detailed computerised images of your mouth, to aid them in making a precise treatment plan. Before the treatment begins, your Harley Street cosmetic dentist can present you with a picture of how your teeth will appear after the treatment has finished.

With modern technology and contemporary techniques, there’s always something we can do to spruce up your smile.

Looks and feelings

We know that some people who look for a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street do so because they want the boost in self-confidence that can come when they improve their appearance. People can feel more relaxed at office parties or summer barbecues if they don’t feel the need to keep their teeth hidden because of discolouration or wonkiness.

We also know that the total cost of a treatment can deter people from seeking it. That’s why we offer the chance to pay by monthly instalments. In this way, you can gain the benefits to your appearance and wellbeing while minimising any financial disruption.

Oral hygiene: the key to a healthier, happier lifestyle

Every time you see your dentist you will be told how important it is to look after your teeth. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, your dentist will advise you on the best routines to have regarding your oral hygiene. Routines are different from person to person, depending on what you eat, drink, and other factors that affect your teeth.

Your dentist in W1, London will also recommend how often you should visit. This will depend on factors such as:

  • whether you smoke;
  • your diet;
  • the presence of gum disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • your dental history, namely if you have any pre-existing dental problems.

Dentist in W1What does a good dental hygiene routine involve?

The most common routine that your dentist in W1 will recommend is making sure you brush at least twice a day – once in the morning and once at night, before you head to bed. The time we spending brushing and how well we brush matters too. You should be brushing your teeth for about 2 minutes, taking roughly 30 seconds on each quarter of the mouth.

Another important part of your routine is flossing. Your dentist in W1 will recommend that you floss your teeth at least once a day, using around 45 centimetres of floss on all of your teeth to reach those tricky gaps that your tooth brush may not be able to reach. After you have brushed and flossed, it is a good idea to use an anti-bacterial mouthwash to eliminate any residual bacteria. A dentist in W1 may also advise that you clean your tongue with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper.

The importance of a high standard of oral hygiene

Not only does keeping your mouth clean make your teeth look good, it also protects their health and the overall health of your body.

Many of the bacteria found in our mouths can cause gum disease, so it´s best to keep those bacteria at bay as gum disease is linked to increased risks of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

If your teeth are healthy and strong, you can maintain a balanced, healthy diet while enjoying the foods you love.

A healthy alignment

Many people choose us as their Harley Street orthodontist because their teeth have naturally grown into awkward positions. Good oral health is easier to maintain when your teeth are properly aligned and our range of modern techniques can bring satisfying results at a relatively quick pace, with dental appliances that are sometimes surprisingly discreet.

Several benefits

While teeth straightening is often traditionally associated with children, many adults are choosing to undergo treatment with us at Harley Street Dental Clinic to improve their wellbeing. As well as straighter teeth giving a neater appearance to the smile, they also make the mouth easier to keep clean because there are fewer spaces for food debris and plaque to hide in. Also, less strain is put on the jaw when biting and chewing with tidy teeth.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetA range of modern techniques

For people seeking an orthodontist in Harley Street, we offer several treatments to achieve a range of solutions.

Invisalign braces are made of transparent plastic. Custom-moulded to guide your teeth into healthier positions, these braces can be removed during mealtimes and when cleaning the mouth.

Incognito braces are appliances made of very thin wires and brackets, which are attached to the backs of the teeth. They put pressure on the teeth to move them into better alignment and are much less visible than the traditional braces that are attached to the fronts of the teeth.

Porcelain braces also use a wire and bracket method, but because they are tooth-coloured, they are much more discreet, which has made them popular with our adult patients.

Long-term investments

As your Harley Street orthodontist, we will build up a detailed picture of your dental situation before treatment begins, to make sure you end up with the most suitable solution. We’ll take images and impressions of your teeth to help us customise your treatment with precision. The teeth need time to be guided into their new positions and overall treatment times do vary from patient to patient. After the treatment, you’ll often need to wear a retainer to help the teeth settle in securely. Once these changes are made, you’ll enjoy a better looking smile, teeth that function more efficiently, and greater ease in achieving good oral health.

Looking better, feeling brighter

People seeking a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street often come to the Harley Street Dental Clinic because they want to spruce up their smile. The colour of your teeth can change gradually over the years until one day, you look in the mirror and decide to treat them to a course of whitening. Or it could be that your teeth could do with realignment if they are not as straight as you’d like. Alternatively, a set of veneers might provide the neatness your teeth are in need of.

People with discoloured or wonky teeth can often be reluctant to smile, or to open their mouth too much during social occasions or business meetings. They can be prevented from behaving as they’d like to because of embarrassment over their teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can help people overcome any dental embarrassment and gain a renewed sense of confidence.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetOur friendly team of dental professionals are welcoming and knowledgeable and can answer any queries you might have about the kind of treatment you would like.

Practice based on experience

As an experienced Harley Street cosmetic dentist, we will discuss with you your dental history and your feelings about your teeth in general, to find the most appropriate cosmetic treatment. The dentist may take x-rays and photographs of your mouth to help with the decision-making.

With our range of modern options and wealth of dental know-how, there’s always something we can do to brighten your smile. And with modern imaging techniques, we can present you with a mock-up of what your teeth will look like after your treatment. Our relaxed and professional environment will help you to feel at ease while you consider your options.

A helping hand with costs

The thought of having to pay a large lump sum can put people off from seeking the solutions they’d like. So we offer payment options for our treatments to ensure that visiting a Harley Street cosmetic dentist will not disrupt your finances too much. We believe that improving your looks can improve your self-confidence, and we help you to afford this with our monthly payment plans.

Take years off your face with BTX and dermal fillers in W1

As we grow older, our skin tends to lose its suppleness, volume and elasticity, resulting to the creation of fine lines and wrinkles. This is due to genetics but also other external factors which can be controlled to a certain degree. Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural ageing process, is the primary cause for the formation of wrinkles. Exposure to sunlight without proper protection breaks down your skin’s connective tissue — collagen and elastin fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin. At the same time, smoking and alcohol can also cause the skin to lose its volume, contributing to wrinkling.

Dental Clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we understand that ageing is a complex process, however, you don’t have to live with its consequences. At our specialised dental clinic in W1, we offer rejuvenating treatments such as BTX and dermal fillers that will considerably reduce your wrinkles and fine lines and restore volume and elasticity to your skin. Our lead cosmetic dentist, Dr Elisa Facco, will examine your skin and help you determine which treatment is better for your individual needs. Both treatments are safe, do not require surgery and can be completed in just one visit to our dental clinic in W1.


BTX is a purified protein in injectable form that can minimise or even eliminate wrinkles and lines around the eyes, forehead and upper lip. The treatment targets deep lines and wrinkles in the forehead, which are created by the repeated movement of muscles in the area over the years. Appointments for BTX are short and can be combined with a dental treatment you are already scheduled for. In a few weeks, you will notice a fresher, younger look that lasts 3-4 months.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are commonly used to reduce or eliminate wrinkles, raise scar depressions, enhance lips and replace soft-tissue volume loss. Instead of slowing down the muscles, dermal fillers fill in the wrinkles and fine lines with synthetic collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, adding volume and shape to our skin.

Interested in a skin makeover but don’t know where to start? Contact our W1 dental clinic today and we’ll schedule an appointment for you.

The importance of preventative dental visits from a young age

For many parents, a family visit to the dentist is one of the last things they have in mind when it comes to busy schedules and daily tasks. A UK survey into general oral care, carried out by Mintel Global Market Research in May 2014, revealed that out of nearly 500 parents of children under the age of 12, nearly half did not see the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. More alarmingly, only 1 in 5 parents thought their children needed to see a dentist once they had developed baby teeth. It seems no wonder that approximately 30% of children in the UK develop tooth decay by the age of five.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we understand that visiting the dentist for the first time may not be the most enjoyable experience for a child. However, with the advent of modern dentistry, going to the dentist nowadays is not the same experience it used to be a few decades ago. Our experienced and caring dentist in Harley Street will ensure that your child will feel comfortable at every stage of the procedure and will strive to involve them in the process in order to learn how to take good care of their teeth. We encourage our patients to bring their children to our practice as soon as their first teeth erupt.

Good dental habits begin at a young age

In order to help your children develop good dental habits and to build a positive image for the dentist, it is a good idea to teach your children how to brush and floss their teeth thoroughly at home. Brushing and flossing can be a fun experience if you use specially-designed toothbrushes and toothpaste exclusively made for children.

If your children are really young and cannot yet understand the concept of the dentist, you can help them with role playing games at home. This way they will feel more comfortable when they visit the dentist in Harley Street.

Your child can begin regular dental visits to the dentist in Harley Street as early as six months of age when their first tooth appears for preventative reasons.

Contact us today, to book an appointment for you.

A subtle improvement

Dental patients in London can be reluctant to take action to improve the alignment of their teeth. The word ‘braces’ can make people think of the ugly looking wire and bracket appliances that are firmly attached to the fronts of the teeth for several uncomfortable years. At the Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer a discreet and comfortable alternative to this at our practice in Harley Street: clear braces.

A modern, effective solution

Clear Braces in Harley StreetWe know that as a professional adult, you’d prefer a course of realignment that is not immediately obvious to the casual observer. That’s why we offer a set of appliances moulded from transparent plastic. These nifty modern braces use less force than the old metal ones and can sometimes guide your teeth into better positions in a shorter amount of time. Wearing clear braces in Harley Street, you won’t need to worry about being embarrassed by your teeth at summer barbecues or office Christmas parties. You can carry on with your life as normal, while your teeth are gradually moved into optimal positions.

How it works

After you and your dentist have decided clear braces are the right solution for your case, your dentist will use modern imaging techniques to build up a detailed picture of your teeth. A computer will then be used to precisely mould a series of clear plastic aligners, each one slightly different from the last. You’ll wear each one of these for around 2 weeks, before moving on to the next one. They can be removed during mealtimes and when you brush your teeth.

Depending on your needs, your Harley Street clear braces treatment could be as short as 6 months.

Long-term advantages

To make sure you get the most from your newly repositioned teeth, you’ll need to wear a retainer at night to help the teeth settle firmly into their positions.

Your straighter teeth will be easier to clean, so you’ll be at less risk of gum disease and tooth decay. And your newly aligned bite will be more effective, putting less strain on your jaw. And of course, the improvement in your smile will be visible to everyone.