Beautify your smile with clear braces in Harley Street

In recent years, an increasing number of adults are looking into their teeth straightening options. However, many people who want to go through with treatment give up because they do not like the way metal braces look. In 1998, the introduction of Invisalign changed the field of cosmetic dentistry forever. Until that time, the only cosmetic alternatives to metal braces were lingual braces. Invisalign revolutionised the idea of teeth straightening, and paved the way for the development and creation of aesthetic braces such as clear ceramic braces.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic in Harley Street, clear braces are made of ceramic in order to appear as discreet as possible when they are fixed against the teeth. Clear braces are usually the same size and shape as metal braces, except that they have tooth-coloured or clear brackets that blend seamlessly with the rest of the teeth. Patients can also opt for tooth-coloured wires if they wish to achieve further invisibility.

How do clear braces work?

Ceramic braces consist of clear or tooth-coloured brackets. Clear or white elastic ties are used on these brackets to make them even less noticeable. Ceramic is a hard and durable material, very similar to glass. However, like glass, ceramic brackets are more brittle and can break more easily than metal braces. Some dentists will put ceramic braces on the top teeth and traditional metal braces on the bottom teeth to prevent breakage when biting down. However, clear braces can be used on the bottom teeth as well.

Fixed, ceramic braces provide all the advantages of traditional metal braces as they are capable of straightening the teeth, and can also be used in complex cases. Teeth straightening with braces is predictable and efficient.

As with metal braces, clear braces apply continuous pressure on your teeth, forcing them to move into their correct position within a specific period of time. Therefore, ceramic braces are ideal if you want all the benefits of metal braces, without having to worry about the metal brackets and wires.

Get in touch

To learn more about clear braces in Harley Street, gives us a call and we will book a consultation appointment for you.