Beyond the need for being cool

Maybe in a parallel universe, the height of cool is wearing great chunks of complicated metal brackets and wires on the teeth, but it isn’t here, not even at a Steampunk convention. Braces are forever associated with being a pre-pubescent nerdy kid who knows all the answers in class and but lacks friends and certainly romantic admirers. It’s not good, but there you have it. Braces are not cool, unless they are invisible braces in Harley Street. Actually, they are probably not all that cool either, but as they are invisible, the arbiters of cool don’t get a say.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetFor image-conscious adults and self-conscious teens having invisible braces can be a godsend. Wonky teeth aren’t attractive, but somehow, they are less fascinating to strangers than braces. With invisible braces in Harley Street, our patients get the straightening without the staring.

The term ‘invisible braces’ in Harley Street, covers several devices. Some are more invisible than others.

For complex issues

Incognito and WINTM are the two leading brands of lingual braces, which we use here at Harley Street Dental Clinic. These braces are hidden away on the tongue side of the teeth, making them really invisible. These are the invisible braces for complex alignment issues, using tried and trusted bracket and wire technology, with each bracket custom-made for each one of your teeth. They take a bit of getting used to but they really do the job.

For less complex issues

Invisalign in the brand name for the original clear aligners. These are based on the idea of the mouth guard, fitting over the entire arch of teeth. Made of very thin transparent plastic, they all but disappear from view once they are in place. Invisalign treats mild to moderate and some complex issues very well. The aligners are removable for eating and cleaning.

We also have clear braces, which are bracket and wire braces, but made with clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wires, to blend in with the teeth.

Come and see Dr Emma Laing

She will be able to advise you as to which treatment is going to work best for your case, while also taking into account your lifestyle and any budgetary constraints.