Can you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street if you are a nervous patient?

Yes! Let’s get the answer out of the way up front because we want you to be completely reassured that all things dental are possible with support from the team at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Now that we’ve confirmed that for you, let us tell you some of the details about how we can support you in getting any treatment that you want with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Cosmetic Dentist Harley StreetA shift in perspective

If you are a nervous patient, it may be hard to believe that a trip to the dentist can be something you can look forward to and even enjoy. Sometimes, all you need to start seeing this possibility is a little change in perspective.

Often, worry about the dentist comes from seeing what we offer as something that is done to you because you have to. How do your feelings about visiting the dentist change when you consider that a cosmetic treatment is something that is done for you because you want to? Just the act of considering and booking an elective, beneficial procedure can be empowering enough to change your perspective.

Relaxation options

After you have managed to book your appointment with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, you do not then have to grit your teeth through your appointment until you get the result you want. You can look forward to plenty of support from our team to help you relax before and during treatment. We can assess you needs and offer you our techniques for working with nervous patients. These might include, but are not limited to:

  • Full commentary – some patients just feel odd about lying back and not knowing what is going on. The lack of control is what causes their anxiety. We can tell you what is happening at every stage and take regular breaks to keep you up to speed and allow you to ask questions;
  • Reduced light or noise – for some people, it’s all about a softer, sensory approach which we will accommodate where possible;
  • Sedation options – for more extensive procedures, you may wish to consider extra sedation on top of any pain relief that we offer. These techniques are specifically focused on supporting a calm state of mind.