A cosmetic dentist can give you the smile of your dreams

At one time, almost all dental procedures were for purely functional reasons, but these days more and more people are adjusting their smile cosmetically. If you are not entirely happy with your smile, visit our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street and they will talk you through the options available to you.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetWhat is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a term that covers a number of dental procedures, which are generally carried out for cosmetic reasons as opposed to medical; although, some cosmetic treatments also have medical advantages. Treatments available at the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street include:

  • teeth whitening
  • porcelain veneers
  • white fillings
  • gum lifts
  • crowns
  • bridges
  • smile makeover
  • cosmetic dentures
  • dental implants
  • full-mouth rehabilitation
  • Icon White Spot treatment.

Benefits of seeing our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

Many dental practices will carry out cosmetic treatments, but there are advantages to seeing a dentist who focusses on cosmetic dentistry. A trained cosmetic dentist will be able to look at your teeth, as well as your facial structure and mouth shape, and see where you can best benefit from treatment.

Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will assess your smile and talk through the different options you have, and the changes you may want to make. They can even create a mock-up of what your smile will look like at the end of treatment.

Dental problems that can be treated by our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

You may be surprised by the range and severity of problems that can be treated with cosmetic dentistry. Stained teeth, crooked or uneven teeth, teeth that are too short or too long, can all be corrected using one or more cosmetic treatments. There have been many advances in the field in recent years, meaning treatments are less invasive and more reasonably priced than previously.

Don’t delay – get the smile you always wanted

If you aren’t happy with your smile, the chances are you will be reluctant to show it to people. Have you noticed yourself covering your mouth with your hand, or consciously smiling with your mouth closed? By investing in a fresh, new smile, you can do wonders for your self-confidence.

Say cheese

Does your heart sink every time someone utters the words ‘Say cheese’? Does the thought of yet another photo of you covering your smile fill you with dread? With the help of the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street you don’t ever need to shrink away from photos for fear of showing off your less than stellar smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetFrom stains and discolouration to chipped, cracked and wonky teeth, there are endless reasons why you may not want to put your teeth on display. But thankfully, at Harley Street Dental Clinic, our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street has a solution for pretty much anything that may be troubling you about the appearance of your teeth.

Your dental health comes first

While we provide a range of cosmetic dental treatments, we’ll always put your dental health first. There is no point investing in teeth that look great on the outside but are crumbling away on the inside. Not only is it a waste of money, it can significantly affect your quality of life if your teeth aren’t in good shape.

So first things first, we’ll always check your dental health when you come to see our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. If all looks well, we’ll then move onto helping you create the smile you’ve always wanted.

What can we do for you?

For stained and discoloured teeth, you can try teeth whitening. The effects are temporary, so if it isn’t your cup of tea you can just wait for it to fade. But if you like what you see, then you can come by for a top-up treatment. Using a clinically safe whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide, surface stains will be lifted off, restoring the natural gleam to your teeth.

For stains that teeth whitening can’t handle, we offer veneers. These porcelain sheaths are also great for camouflaging chipped, cracked, slightly rotated, gappy or misshapen teeth. It usually takes just 2 appointments to fit your veneers: the first to prepare your teeth and the second to fit your veneers.

We also offer gum lifts, dentures, bridges, dental implants, white fillings and more. Get in touch with our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street today to find out what you need.

Smile like you mean it

The Killers got it right in their song Smile Like You Mean It. A genuine smile goes a long way in life, from making you seem personable at work, someone worth promoting, to helping create new and lasting friendships outside of work. If you aren’t entirely happy with the appearance of your teeth, you may find yourself covering your smile, smiling with pursed lips or just not smiling at all. In any case, you’ll be sending out a negative impression to those around you. One way to get your teeth and your smile looking great again is with cosmetic dentistry in Harley Street.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetYou may think that cosmetic dentistry in Harley Street is an indulgence you should do without, but putting the advantages of aesthetics aside, cosmetic dentistry can also come with dental health benefits too. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we’re proud to provide a suite of cosmetic dental procedures to give our patients happier and healthier smiles.

Let’s take a look at a few of the treatments we offer under cosmetic dentistry in Harley Street.

Cosmetic bonding

Chipped or cracked teeth aren’t just an eyesore, they can also reduce your oral function, making biting that much more difficult. Cosmetic bonding can repairs chips and cracks with a special dental material that is colour-matched to your teeth. This provides a seamless finish and gives you back your bite.


Crooked teeth provide lots more places for bacteria to make a home. A build-up of bacteria that your toothbrush can’t reach leads to plaque and eventually tartar. Both spell trouble for your dental health, making tooth decay and gum disease more likely. You can now get your teeth straightened without unsightly metal braces using Invisalign. Mild to moderate misalignments are gradually resolved using a series of clear, plastic aligners that fit snugly over the teeth.

Teeth whitening

Even if your teeth are perfectly shaped and aligned, you may be hesitant to reveal your smile due to stains and discolouration accumulated over years of drinking red wine and coffee and eating highly pigmented foods. Teeth whitening can restore the natural gleam to your teeth by gently removing surface stains.

Get a kickstart with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

It’s that time of year again. As the evenings draw in, everyone starts to have a think about where they are and where they want to be. It’s a natural process of settling in for the winter and making sure that everything is ship-shape before you do. You may also be considering the upcoming party season and your look. Some people think about losing weight to get into that party outfit. Others stop drinking for a little while to give the body a rest. This year, you might like to consider a visit to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, so you can give yourself an early present before the festive season.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetWhat are your options?

The range of choice is wide when you visit Harley Street Dental Clinic. Whether you want something quick and dramatic, or something that takes a little longer, but which will have a big impact on your life, we have something for you. Below are just some of the treatments that we have on offer to brighten your smile for the festive season.

Teeth whitening

Touch up the brightness of your smile with one of our simplest and most popular treatments. No matter how fastidious you are about your dental health, it’s easy for a little discolouration to creep in. Whether that’s natural for you or the result of living life to the full, you can usually have the issue addressed with teeth whitening at the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street. After your initial treatment, you can visit for regular top-ups to keep your smile in the best condition.

White spot treatment

If you have an issue with white spots on your teeth, whitening might not be the answer. It can reduce the contrast between your teeth and the spots, but it won’t get rid of them entirely. Fortunately, we now work with Icon white spot treatment to help eradicate any blemishes on your teeth.


For stubborn stains that are unlikely to respond to any of the above, Harley Street Dental Clinic may recommend using veneers. These are covers for the teeth that hide obtrusive issues like stains, cracks and chips. They are durable and easy to fit.

What are the life benefits of a trip to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street?

Getting a treatment with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is about more than making your teeth look better. There are lots of knock-on benefits that can change the way you view a cosmetic treatment. It becomes more than just a luxury when you consider how much it can improve your life in the short and long term.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetWhen you visit Harley Street Dental Clinic, we can go through all the life benefits of a cosmetic treatment with you. We offer you clear communication without trying to push you into anything. Our preference is to offer you the cosmetic treatments that you really want and that you will enjoy. Once you choose procedureS based on these criteria, you will find yourself looking forward to the treat of visiting the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Increase in confidence

One of the primary benefits of a visit to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is an increase in the positive feelings you have about your smile. When this happens, you might feel more inclined to use it more often. This makes you look more confident and creates social connections.

Improved health for your teeth

The cosmetic dentist in Harley Street contributes to the health of your teeth in several ways. Some of these are direct while others are indirect.

Firstly, you normally need to have clean and healthy teeth to start a course of cosmetic treatments. This is so that your procedure does not make any issue worse and because most of them are more effective on healthy teeth. For example, whitening needs to act directly on the tooth surface. If there is any tartar in the way, it’s best if this is cleared off before you begin this process.

Next, many treatments contribute to the health of your smile as a by-product of the treatment itself. Cosmetic orthodontics, for example, lead to a smile that is easier to keep clean.

Finally, if you have made an investment in your smile, you are much more likely to take better general care when it comes to your dental hygiene. If you now have a better, brighter looking smile, why not show it off?

Get your smile noticed for the right reasons

It’s only when you have a fabulous smile that you realise how much people notice and respond to it. In a world where everyone seems to be either weighed down with too much worry, or is too self-conscious to crack a great big grin, someone who beams away at strangers on a crowded tube train stands out, for the right reasons.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetHuman beings have evolved to be very conscious of each other’s smiles. If you smile, not matter what your teeth look like, people are going to notice them and assess them. Looking at teeth is a way to assess someone’s health, and avoid them if they look infectious in some way. We still do that today, we can’t help it. We also assess each other for danger. If you smile at me I will think you are friendly. If you don’t, or it’s a closed lipped smile, I will think you are cold and unhelpful and go find someone smilier to hang out with.

So, if you have a dodgy smile, come and get it turned into a fabulous one with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Here at Harley Street Dental Practice, your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, we can fix up just about anything these days. There is a wide range of techniques and materials at our fingertips that we can use to transform iffy-looking teeth into things of beauty and wonder.

Dodgy colour?

If your teeth are not white because they are covered in surface stains from eating, drinking and smoking, the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can remove those stains with teeth whitening, a simple procedure that uses hydrogen peroxide to lift out stains. We can do this in the clinic or give you a kit to take home.


The cosmetic dentist in Harley Street uses veneers and cosmetic bonding to cover over chips, cracks and worn edges. They can also be used to disguise issues with shape or position, for example, if your teeth seem too small with gaps between them, or one or two don’t quite line up properly.


We can also use laser treatment to cut away excess gum tissue, or grafting to replace gum that has receded.

Give your smile a spruce up

If you are used to investing in your image, and seeing your investments pay dividends, then you won’t be one of those people who sees cosmetic treatments at the dentist in Harley Street as pure self-indulgence. And you’d be right.

Cosmetic Treatments in Harley StreetHaving a good smile is not really self-indulgent because everyone notices your smile. In fact, it’s going to be one of the first things people notice about you when they see your face, be it online or in the flesh. Evolution has programmed us to notice each other’s smiles. Give someone a big, wide grin when you meet them and they will think you are a warm-hearted, friendly person. Give them a tight-lipped smile and they will think you are hiding more than your teeth and they will trust you less. Don’t smile at all and they will assume you are cold and unfriendly.

People also notice the state of your teeth. If they are in good nick, then you are telling people that you are healthy and therefore safe to hang out with. If your teeth are a bit stained or have damage, then you will look older and unhealthy and people may not want to get as close to you. Smiles and teeth are how we have sussed people out for thousands and thousands of years. It’s not likely to change.

So, having cosmetic dentistry really make it easier to make friends and opportunities for connections will turn into reality. Also, when you smile a genuine, crinkly-eyed smile, your body releases serotonin, which is one of the body’s feel-good hormones. So, smiling can make you feel a bit happier (and so you smile more) and gives you more chances for meaningful interactions in life.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer cosmetic treatments that can upgrade your smile, whatever you need doing. Discolouration can be covered over with veneers and cosmetic bonding, or removed with whitening. Misalignments can be straightened with braces. Damage can be covered over and gum issues can be corrected with laser treatment.

Come in and find out what we can do for you social life and your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry in Harley Street – your questions answered

Cosmetic dentistry is a combination of art and science that can create a straighter, whiter and more symmetrical smile through the use of innovative dental technology. Cosmetic dentistry is not just about aesthetics though. A cosmetic dentist can also improve the structure, shape, function and overall health of the teeth and gums by using several dental treatments such as teeth whitening, dental veneers, bonding and dental implants.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are passionate about providing cosmetic dentistry that is beautiful and long-lasting. Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will evaluate your smile on an individual basis and propose changes.

Will cosmetic dentistry results look natural?

Every person is different and has a different facial anatomy. Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street is specially trained to ensure that your results look as natural as possible. By taking into consideration your facial characteristics, the shape of your mouth, the colour of your teeth, your age, lifestyle and other factors, they will create an individualised treatment plan consisting of one or more cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth whitening, dental veneers, gum contouring and dental implants among others.

How long will it take before I can enjoy my new smile?

In general terms, it is impossible to say how much time a cosmetic treatment will take, since many factors are involved. Treatments such as teeth whitening can be performed within a single visit to the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, whereas other treatments such as porcelain veneers and gum contouring can take up to three visits, depending on the complexity of the treatment and the materials used. In any case, your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will let you know about the duration of your treatment in advance.

What results can I expect?

The results you can expect from your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will depend on the state of your teeth and the treatments you will undergo. Our cosmetic dentists will do their best to help you achieve your smile goals and ensure that your teeth remain healthy. We will discuss your goals during your consultation and see whether you are eligible for certain treatments before you start.

How a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can change your life

Did you know that a cosmetic dentist can have a big impact on the quality of your life? If you think that dentistry is only about prevention and cure, you should consider cosmetic dentistry. Whatever the problem is that you wish to treat, a cosmetic dentist can help you find the ideal solution.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, there are several options to repair crooked, cracked, chipped, misaligned, discoloured and misshapen teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will examine your teeth and face thoroughly and determine which treatment (or treatments) is ideal for your individual needs. Cosmetic dentistry is all about aesthetics and symmetry and we will do our best to help with the shape, colour and alignment of your teeth.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetStraighter teeth

Crooked teeth can be caused by various factors, including genetics, bad habits (i.e. clenching, grinding) as well as jaw problems. No matter the cause, crooked teeth are unattractive and difficult to clean properly. However, metal braces are not the only teeth-straightening option available. Your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will offer a variety of teeth-straightening devices including clear braces and Invisalign aligners. These treatments will help realign your teeth without making you feel that your braces are on display.

Whiter teeth

Yellow teeth never make a good impression. Luckily, it is very easy to get rid of them with teeth whitening. A popular and relatively inexpensive cosmetic treatment, teeth whitening allow patients to brighten their teeth by several shades either in the dentist’s chair or at the comfort of their own home.

Symmetrical smiles

If you have chipped, cracked, slightly misaligned, gapped, misshapen or permanently discoloured teeth, then veneers may be the appropriate treatment for you. Porcelain veneers will even your teeth in a durable, beautiful and discreet way.

Less sensitive teeth

If your teeth are too sensitive, you may wish to consider cosmetic treatment in order to cover exposed tooth roots and strengthen your tooth enamel.

Beautiful teeth can change your life

Cosmetic dentistry will have a lasting effect not only on your teeth, but also your daily life. A beautiful smile will allow you to feel better about yourself and more confident. We are here to help you achieve it.

Can you visit the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street if you are a nervous patient?

Yes! Let’s get the answer out of the way up front because we want you to be completely reassured that all things dental are possible with support from the team at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Now that we’ve confirmed that for you, let us tell you some of the details about how we can support you in getting any treatment that you want with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street.

Cosmetic Dentist Harley StreetA shift in perspective

If you are a nervous patient, it may be hard to believe that a trip to the dentist can be something you can look forward to and even enjoy. Sometimes, all you need to start seeing this possibility is a little change in perspective.

Often, worry about the dentist comes from seeing what we offer as something that is done to you because you have to. How do your feelings about visiting the dentist change when you consider that a cosmetic treatment is something that is done for you because you want to? Just the act of considering and booking an elective, beneficial procedure can be empowering enough to change your perspective.

Relaxation options

After you have managed to book your appointment with the cosmetic dentist in Harley Street, you do not then have to grit your teeth through your appointment until you get the result you want. You can look forward to plenty of support from our team to help you relax before and during treatment. We can assess you needs and offer you our techniques for working with nervous patients. These might include, but are not limited to:

  • Full commentary – some patients just feel odd about lying back and not knowing what is going on. The lack of control is what causes their anxiety. We can tell you what is happening at every stage and take regular breaks to keep you up to speed and allow you to ask questions;
  • Reduced light or noise – for some people, it’s all about a softer, sensory approach which we will accommodate where possible;
  • Sedation options – for more extensive procedures, you may wish to consider extra sedation on top of any pain relief that we offer. These techniques are specifically focused on supporting a calm state of mind.