Composite bonding for a perfect smile

The importance of good oral hygiene


Looking after our teeth needs to be an important part of our daily routine from an early age, not only is it necessary to make our smiles look beautiful, it also helps promote good oral health and overall wellbeing, and it helps prevent dental complications in the future.

It is also important to visit your dentist here at Harley Street Dental Clinic on a regular basis to make sure that your dental hygiene routine is effective, that your teeth are clean and that your gums are strong and healthy. Poor oral hygiene and a reluctance to visit your dentist can result in the formation and accumulation of plaque and tartar in your mouth which can evolve into many different issues in your mouth. Plaque and tartar cause cavities in your teeth which leads to tooth decay, gum disease and eventually tooth loss. Sometimes despite good oral hygiene, other environmental factors may result in problems with your teeth or you may be involved in an accident or an injury which results in damage to your teeth.

If you are looking to improve the aesthetics of your smile or you have suffered from damage to your teeth or your teeth have become broken or chipped then speak to us at Harley Street Dental Clinic and find out if composite bonding may be a suitable treatment option for you.

What is composite bonding and how does it work?

Composite bonding Harley Street is a treatment option which allows us to individually tailor a treatment plan according to your unique requirements. During your initial appointment here at our dental clinic, the dentist will carry out a full examination of your mouth to check the health of your teeth and gums. Then they will be able to assess which problems can be addressed using composite bonding Harley Street and whether this is the most suitable treatment option for your dental needs.

Composite bonding is a process which involves covering the surface of your teeth with a natural coloured resin known as composite. This can be done to cover the whole tooth, the tip of your tooth or the edge of your tooth and it is a process which can be carried out on a single tooth or multiple teeth according to your personal requirements and preferences. You can have a variety of different types of bonding, so some of your teeth may be covered completely whilst others may be covered only at the tips, so this is a very versatile treatment procedure which is completely tailored to meet your individual dental needs. Composite bonding helps improve the appearance of chipped, cracked or broken teeth. It can be used to change the shape or size of your teeth, it can be used to close gaps in your teeth and it can also correct discolouration of your teeth which does not respond to cleaning or teeth whitening procedures. Overall it is a wonderful treatment procedure because it can address many different aesthetic issues of your teeth at the same time, so speak to us here at Harley Street Dental Clinic and find out more about composite bonding Harley Street today so you can smile happily and confidently again very soon.