Efficient and discreet braces

When you straighten your teeth with invisible braces in Harley Street, you can have a comfortable and discreet experience of dental realignment. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have a range of contemporary braces that use innovative methods to achieve very low visibility. They’ll turn your crooked smile into a great-looking one without attracting too much attention to your treatment. You can carry on working and socialising as normal while your teeth are efficiently realigned.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetLow-hassle treatment

There are several types of invisible braces in Harley Street. To find out which one is most suitable for your needs, you’ll have a consultation at our dental practice. While you describe how you want to transform your teeth, we’ll take precise images of your mouth. Then we can offer the most effective ways to bring about the changes you need.

Incognito braces are a popular solution. They’re made of brackets attached to the teeth, joined together by wires. The innovation is that we put them on the backs of your teeth, so they won’t be immediately visible when you smile at people in Harley Street. Invisible braces like these ones put gentle pressure on your teeth to improve their positions.


Invisalign is another popular choice for people seeking invisible braces in Harley Street. In this treatment, you’ll be given a series of aligners. They’re made of transparent plastic and precisely shaped to fit your teeth. You wear a pair of these aligners for 7-10 days before exchanging it for the next one in the series. This continues for around 12-18 months on average, by which time your teeth will have taken up improved positions. These Harley Street invisible braces don’t need any attachments, so they don’t get in the way during tooth-brushing or meal-eating times.

Having your teeth straightened will not only make them look better, it can make them easier to keep clean, too. This means that your Harley Street invisible braces might reduce your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Together with the boost in self-confidence that often accompanies an enhanced dental appearance, you might find that discreet tooth realignment can transform your overall dental experience.