Find out what you need to know about getting lip fillers

At Harley Street Dental Clinic we know that getting older can be difficult, especially when our face starts to show signs of ageing. Fine lines and wrinkles can appear around the mouth as your skin depletes its natural supply of collagen and hyaluronic acid, leaving you feeling incredibly insecure when you smile. That’s why we offer treatments tailored to your needs when it comes to keeping your appearance youthful. If your lips have become thin they may disappear completely when you smile, making you reluctant to laugh around other people. We believe that getting lip fillers Harley Street can dramatically reduce the signs of ageing. For those people who wish to have other areas of their face and neck treated we may recommend dermal fillers instead, which are a slightly different treatment and can last up to twelve months.


Avoid developing thin lips and keep your smile youthful

It is a fact that as we age so does our skin, teeth and even lips, but nobody wants to age prematurely. Wrinkles form around our lips naturally as we age, and people who have smoked for a long time will often find that their lips become thinner sooner. Having fine lines or no lips when you smile can cause all sorts of insecurities and leave you with incredibly low self-esteem. Getting lip fillers Harley Street is one way that you can keep your lips looking full, youthful and wrinkle free, and it is a completely non-surgical treatment, so you do not need to worry about going into hospital or staying anywhere for a lengthy period of time. Treatment generally takes around an hour and you can walk straight out of our practice as soon as you are done, but with a visibly fuller pout. This treatment can also reduce the appearance of fine lines around your mouth, making your skin appear much smoother and firmer. 

Stay in control of your look

Some people are reluctant about getting lip fillers Harley Street because they are not sure if they are going to like the results and worry that their lips will be changed forever. If you are worried about getting treatment then we recommend that you book a consultation appointment to discuss your concerns with one of our practitioners. They will be able to talk you through the entire process and answer any questions you have, as well as showing you before and after images to illustrate to you how the treatment changes the shape of patients’ lips. The filler itself dissolves naturally over time, so for those of you who are among the minority that are not satisfied with the results you do not need to panic about your lips never returning to their original shape. It takes about six months to dissolve, but they will go back to exactly how they were. For those of you who are happy with your results and wish to keep your treatment up, one of our practitioners will let you know when you need to come in for a top-up appointment, but this will generally be around six months after you have initially had treatment.