Find relief from sensitive teeth and sensitive gums at a dental clinic in W1

Patients with sensitive gums and sensitive teeth may experience discomfort and pain and should seek professional dental care. It is important to differentiate between the two conditions in order to provide our dental practitioner with a clear understanding of where the discomfort lays. It is only with a complete understanding of what a patient is experiencing can our dentists provide the appropriate treatment solution. At our dental clinic in W1 we provide our patients with a full range of quality dental services to treat various conditions. When it comes to good dental health, we believe that patients cannot be too cautious when certain symptoms arise and the earlier a condition is detected and treated, the better.

Dental Clinic in W1How to tell between gum sensitivity and tooth sensitivity

Gum sensitivity displays symptoms that are quite distinct. As these symptoms may suggest gingivitis – an early stage of gum disease, it is imperative that a patient schedule a check-up with a dentist as soon as possible. Common symptoms include swollen gums, gums that are tender to the touch, gums that bleed easily and if a patient has bad breath. Gingivitis can develop to advanced stages of gum disease where gum recession is a major symptom. Gum sensitivity as a result of gingivitis is usually due to lack of proper oral care, but may also arise due to certain medical conditions and tobacco use.

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity are typically experienced when eating and drinking cause pain and discomfort. A patient may feel pain when eating or drinking substances that are hot, cold, sweet or acidic. Pain can also be experienced when brushing certain teeth or when flossing. Causes of tooth sensitivity vary and can include cavities, grinding teeth, worn tooth enamel, loose fillings and exposed tooth nerves.

Treatment and prevention for gum and tooth sensitivity

As gum and tooth sensitivity can place patients at risk of developing serious dental issues, seeking treatment at a dental clinic in W1 should be a top priority. Many dental conditions can be entirely preventable and treated if a patient acts responsibly does not ignore symptoms.

  • Practise good oral hygiene

This is the most common piece of dental advice many consider obvious, but which many people do not practice or it is poorly done. Patients should take care that they use the correct type of toothbrush to suit their needs; toothbrushes are available in manual and electric varieties with different sized heads and types of bristles.

Next to the toothbrush, patients need to be particular with the type of toothpaste used – fluoride is a key ingredient. Desensitizing toothpastes are also recommended to alleviate symptoms of tooth sensitivity as are fluoride gels. If not sure about what type is best, always ask a dentist for guidance.

  • Professional dental help

Seeking professional help is always the best course of action. Whether the symptoms are caused due to tooth decay, exposed nerves or fractured tooth, a dentist will be able to provide suitable treatment for relief and further preventative dentistry procedures like gum grafts in the case of gum disease.

For any painful sensitivity issues, contact Harley Street Dental Clinic for an appointment with a dentist to ensure your teeth and gums are in good health.