Frequently asked questions about clear braces in Harley Street answered

The popularity of using subtle looking braces to straighten crooked teeth and resolve bite issues can be largely put down to how inconspicuous they are. Dental braces that feature clear brackets or tooth coloured wires in their design can form part of an effective treatment plan to provide patients with straighter teeth and a healthier mouth. We look at some of the most commonly asked questions and concerns put to us by our patients at Harley Street Dental Clinic. These range from how they work, and the materials used in their manufacture, to how to maintain them. Should you have any additional questions about clear braces in Harley Street please do not hesitate to contact us.

Clear Braces in Harley StreetWhat you should know when considering braces using the wires and bracket system

  • How do clear fixed braces straighten teeth?

This type of brace is similar to the conventional fixed metal braces, where brackets are secured to teeth using a wire system to connect them, with the main difference being that they are less noticeable. This may seem to many patients like a very traditional way of straightening teeth, but it remains one of the best systems to correct all kinds of misalignment issues, even in severe misalignment cases where other more recently discovered treatments may not be as successful.

Our dental practitioners will carefully position the brackets which work to manipulate teeth into the desired position. Over the course of the treatment duration, the wires will need to be adjusted (tightened) gradually for the process to work.

  • How long do wire and bracket braces take to work?

On average, the duration of treatment can be anywhere from 18 to 24 months depending on an individual patient’s misalignment issues and the brand of dental braces chosen.

  • Which materials are used to make this type of brace?

Clear dental braces may feature a clear ceramic material in its design or a plastic composite material. Some brands prefer the metal wire as in traditional metal braces, while other brands opt for a white archwire. The latter option is less noticeable but this influences the cost factor of clear braces in Harley Street.

  • How do I take care of my clear dental braces?

One of the top concerns of many patients is how to maintain or protect their dental braces. Clear fixed braces do require more special attention than other types of discreet looking braces. For one thing, patients have to be careful about what they eat. For another, patients have to be scrupulous in cleaning their braces, which can get a bit tricky.

Due to the nature of its design, which includes the use of brackets and wires, extra time and effort are required to take care of them. Ensuring the nooks and crannies and those notoriously hard to reach areas are thoroughly cleaned and free of food particles. Our dental practitioner will show you the preferred methods and cleaning techniques to clean braces and teeth.

In helping to maintain fixed dental braces, especially with the clear ceramic brands, we encourage our patients to avoid any types of food that may pose a challenge in eating and cause damage to the braces. These types of foods range from hard and acidic foods to sticky and chewy foods.

If you are not sure about which type of dental braces to choose: fixed metallic, fixed clear or removable invisible aligners –  one of our dental practitioners will be more than happy to assess your needs and make suitable recommendations. Call our clinic today to schedule a consultation.