Get a check-up with the orthodontist in Harley Street

Did you know that you can bring your child into Harley Street Dental Clinic for an orthodontic check-up? If you perhaps don’t know what that actually involves (you’re not the only one), let us explain so that you can see how vital this check-up is to the future of your child’s dental health.

Orthodontist in Harley StreetThese days, it’s highly unusual for a child to develop a set of perfectly aligned teeth in a good wide jaw. It’s all to do with not chewing enough, but that’s another story in another blog this month.

If you can find out what is going to happen to your child’s adult teeth when they come through, you can put plans in place to deal with any problems as they arise, rather than waiting for the teeth to be fully in place and then dealing with them.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we recommend bringing your child in for a check-up with the orthodontist in Harley Street when their adult teeth are just starting to come through, around the age of 7.

Our orthodontist in Harley Street can use scans and x-rays to take a look at the adult teeth lining up behind the baby teeth and make accurate predictions as to how they are going to come through. We can also take a look at the jawbone and predict whether it is going to provide enough space for the teeth to line properly on.

If there are any potential problems, we can put a treatment plan in place to deal with them effectively as they happen. What this means is that your child can start wearing braces around the age of 9 if it’s likely they will need them, rather than having to wait until they’re an adult where treatment can be slower and more complex.

Some realignment treatments can take 2-3 years to complete, which can be embarrassing for self-conscious teenagers (we’ve all been there). If you start their orthodontics treatment at an early age, your child can sail through dreaded adolescence with their teeth already fixed, making life easier for the both of you.