Hang onto your teeth

Using a modern dental clinic in W1 is all about preventive dentistry. Here at Harley Street Dental Clinic, preventive dentistry is at the core of our services. You may not have heard this term before but preventive dentistry is an attitude as well as a specific set of services that we offer at our dental clinic in W1.

The ethos of preventive dentistry is that our aim is to help you to keep your natural teeth in great condition for as long as possible. Preventive dentistry is a team effort, and you are part of the team.

Dental Clinic in W1You are the star player

You are the main team player in the arena of preventive dentistry. Your part is to make sure you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day using a good fluoride toothpaste. You also need to make sure that you floss once a day and perhaps use a mouthwash. By doing this, you are ensuring that the majority of plaque that has built up on your teeth is removed.

Your other job as the star player is to book appointments and turn up for two check-ups a year, combined with two sessions with our dental hygienists.

Our part of the team effort

When you come in to our dental clinic in W1 for your check-ups, we can then do our part of the work. Our dentists will carefully check your teeth and soft mouth parts for early signs of decay and gum disease. You won’t be able to spot these yourself because in their early stage, these two issues don’t hurt. By the time they get to the painful stage, they are already fairly advanced and treatment will be more invasive and more expensive. We’d like to avoid that.

We also check your mouth and neck area for early signs of mouth cancers. These too are hard for you to detect in their early stages, when they are much easier to treat.

Our hygienists remove any plaque and hardened calculus that you have missed and give your teeth a good polish so that plaque-forming bacteria will find it harder to get a foothold.