How to prevent dental problems and save money and time

If you are not following a good oral hygiene routine and you avoid dental visits, chances are that a dental emergency will make you rush to the dentist in W1. Many people fail to realise that preventive oral care is a health investment, saving you much needed time and money in the long run.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are all about prevention and oral health maintenance. Dental care is not cheap, but you can cut costs by visiting the dentist in W1 at least twice a year and establishing a good oral hygiene routine at home.

Dentist in W1Commit to visiting the dentist at least once every six months

If your teeth and gums are healthy they will be stronger and perform better. Even if you brush and floss them daily at home using specialised products, your oral hygiene regime will be incomplete without a visit to the dentist in W1.

The dentist in W1 has all the right tools to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and can look for signs of decay and gum disease. If left untreated, these ailments can cause infection or even tooth loss. Overall, it is cheaper and simpler to have regular dental check-ups than have to replace your teeth.

Use your teeth for what they are meant for

Teeth should never be used as scissors, but unfortunately, many people use their teeth to cut things, tear things open and pop open bottle tops. This is unwise and can lead to tooth damage.

Improve your diet

Another thing to consider if you wish to cut down on your dental costs is to improve your diet. A diet full of sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay and demineralise your teeth leaving them exposed to bacteria. Instead, a nutritious diet can help keep your teeth strong and functional, enabling them to stave off decay and gum disease.

Learn how to clean your teeth properly

Brushing and flossing your teeth properly is imperative for maintaining a great level of oral health. Your dentist in W1 will show you all the right techniques to brush and floss your teeth for removing food particles efficiently after each meal.