Learn more about the health risks of gum disease

Gum disease is the reason why so many people around the world lose their teeth and yet it is a highly preventable condition. Lack of dental education and insufficient funds prevent many people from visiting the dentist in the UK regularly and the statistics are alarming – in recent years, younger people are most likely to suffer from gum disease.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, a W1 dental clinic for all the family, we strongly believe that oral health is as important as general health and for this reason, we promote gum health awareness. Gum disease is an insidious condition and can only be diagnosed during its early stages by a dentist in a W1 dental clinic.

Dental Clinic in W1What is gum disease?

Gum disease has two stages – gingivitis (early stage) and periodontitis (advanced stage). Gum disease occurs when bacterial build-up affects the ligaments that support the teeth and keep them stable. Inflamed, red, swollen and sensitive teeth are indicative of early-stage gum disease, but these symptoms can easily be overlooked especially if they are not painful.

If the infection continues to deteriorate, deep pockets will form around the teeth and gums leading to infection, soreness and loose teeth. At this stage, gingivitis has turned into periodontitis and can still be treated, provided that the ligaments that hold the bone tissue have not completely deteriorated.

Gum disease can be prevented

Gingivitis is easily preventable. A dentist in a dental clinic in W1 will routinely check for symptoms of early-stage gum disease during your regular check-up. You can prevent gum disease with a healthy diet and lifestyle, as well as regular visits to the dentist. You must ensure that you not only brush often, but also thoroughly. Your dentist will recommend dividing your mouth into quadrants and brushing each section diligently for at least 30 seconds. Using a dental floss after that will help ensure that no food remains will be trapped inbetween your teeth. A healthy diet will also help prevent gum disease. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Foods which are rich in sugar and starch promote the build-up of bacteria that cause inflammation.