Moving on

Having orthodontics in Harley Street will improve your teeth in several ways. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is the increase in aesthetic appeal that occurs when teeth are straightened. A more visually harmonious smile is more pleasant to look at and may help you to feel better about your overall appearance. Then there’s the improvement in oral hygiene that Harley Street orthodontics can bring about. Your toothbrush will have an easier time scrubbing your dental surfaces when they’re in a more orderly formation. Plus, you’ll be at less risk of jaw strain once your bite is properly aligned. You may find that chewing your food is much easier.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetModern treatments

Harley Street orthodontics offer a discreet and comfortable experience of modern dental realignment. The appliances we use to reposition your teeth are designed with precision and constructed from low-visibility materials. We won’t insist that you wear highly visible metal braces attached to your teeth. Our low-hassle solutions help you to avoid the unwanted extra attention that people still imagine is a necessary part of dental realignment. Contemporary Harley Street orthodontics are kind and efficient.

Your Harley Street orthodontics journey

The first thing to do is to come and speak to us in our friendly dental practice. We’ll have a good look at your teeth and you can tell us how you’d like to improve them. Then we can discuss the most appropriate ways of achieving your desired outcome. You might want to focus on your front teeth, the ones that are most visible when you smile. Alternatively, you might want to adjust all of your teeth. Our range of treatment options includes clear aligners and invisible braces, and they’re all delivered according to a customised treatment plan.

Typical treatment times range from 12-18 months, but this timeframe could be shorter or longer depending on the amount of repositioning you need to achieve.


You’ll continue to enjoy the benefits of Harley Street orthodontics for many years after your treatment is completed. This important work will change your dental outlook for the better. Contact us today and we can get you started on your journey towards a better-looking smile.