Not metal braces

Although some metals can look fantastic on the body, think silver, gold and platinum jewellery, one place no metal ever seems to be on trend is in the mouth. This is why many adults who could really benefit from getting their crooked, gappy or crowded teeth straightened don’t seek out treatment. However, with invisible braces in Harley Street straight teeth are on the menu for everyone, including the most image-aware adults.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetInvisible braces in Harley Street come in various different forms. Some are fixed to the front of the teeth and are more discreet than invisible. Others go on the underside of the teeth and are completely hidden by the teeth and tongue. Yet more are not fixed but fit snugly over the teeth like a tight plastic jacket. All allow our patients to go through teeth straightening without finding themselves being scrutinised by strangers as they go about their daily business.

Staying in, or coming out?

You can have some choice about whether to go for braces that are fixed to your teeth, or invisible braces that come out when you eat, depending on the severity of your alignment problems.

Staying in

These invisible braces in Harley Street use brackets cemented to the teeth. These are placed at carefully worked-out angles. They are run through with wires that exert a pulling pressure to gently move the teeth into alignment.

Six Month Smiles feature see-through ceramic brackets and wires that are coated with a tooth-coloured material. They are designed to work on mild to moderate issues with the front six to eight teeth only. The average treatment time is six months, hence the brand name.

Incognito does the same thing, but what makes them invisible is the fact that they are hidden away on the tongue-side of the teeth. Each bracket is custom-made for each tooth, so they take longer to prepare and cost more. However, they are tucked out of sight and can be used for severe alignment issues.

Coming out

Invisible aligners, such as those by Invisalign, are mouth-guard style aligners with built-in pressure points that push the teeth into alignment. They are removed for eating and cleaning.