The golden rules of Invisalign

Since its introduction in cosmetic dentistry back in the late 1990s, Invisalign has created an international sensation and nowadays it’s used by dentists around the world as an effective and minimally invasive teeth straightening treatment.

Invisalign in Harley StreetInvisalign in Harley Street is a great way to straighten your teeth, provided you are a good candidate. If you are not certain, simply book your appointment with a cosmetic dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic. Invisalign in Harley Street is a fairly simple and straightforward treatment that requires fewer visits to the dentist compared to conventional braces – simply follow a few simple rules provided by your dentist and your teeth will look great and remain healthy throughout your treatment.

Wear your aligners for 20-22 hours

Invisalign aligners can be removed from your teeth in case you want to brush them or eat, but they are primarily designed to remain in your mouth for 20-22 hours for effective treatment. If you want to avoid delays, never forget to wear your aligners for the prescribed time as provided by your dentist.

Do not change your aligners without your dentist’s consent

At the beginning of your treatment, your dentist will show you how your teeth will look after going through a series of Invisalign aligners. In order to achieve this result, you will need to wear a series of aligners per your dentist’s instructions. Most patients will have to change each set every 7-10 days but that’s not a rule applying to everyone, therefore always pay attention to your dentist. It’s vital to change the aligners when your dentist says so.

Keep your mouth clean

While you are not allowed to eat or drink anything except water with the aligners in your mouth, it’s almost certain that your aligners will collect bacteria and can hold plaque against your teeth if you don’t clean them properly with lukewarm water and a special solution. Similarly, you should take very good care of your teeth and gums in order to avoid cavities and gum disease.

Interested in Invisalign in Harley Street?

If you want to have a first-hand experience of the benefits of Invisalign, contact us today.

Protecting your dental implants in Harley Street from peri-implantitis

If you have had dental implants, you already understand how important it is to protect your teeth and your gums as well as the tissues surrounding your dental implants. Nowadays, dental implants are the most viable standard for tooth replacement in dentistry, but they don’t come cheap, therefore protecting them from harmful bacteria and other dangers, can help them last for many years.

Dental implants in Harley Street will remain effective as long as you take good care of them at home and visit your dentist at Harley Street Dental Clinic regularly.

Dental Implants in Harley StreetDental implants are resistant to tooth decay because their visible parts are made of synthetic materials (as opposed to the enamel of your natural teeth). However, they are not impervious to gum disease and more specifically, peri-implantitis, a type of gum infection that affects the tissues surrounding your dental implants.

Peri-implantitis is a very serious infection that could even lead to implant loss, but luckily it can be diagnosed and treated successfully at an early stage.

What is peri-implantitis?

Peri-implantitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues around a dental implant. It’s very similar to periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and is equally caused by bacteria surviving off the plaque in your mouth. Effective hygiene can prevent peri-implantitis, but it is not enough. Patients who are at risk of developing this infection should also see their dentist on a regular basis for check-ups and cleanings. If left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to implant loss and other oral problems.

Is it possible to prevent peri-implantitis?

Peri-implantitis is highly preventable and there are several things you can do to ensure that your dental implants in Harley Street remain healthy. Firstly, it is important to choose an experienced and skilled implant dentist. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we provide high-quality dental implants and our dentists are trained to the latest standards. A knowledgeable dentist will diagnose any signs of peri-implantitis before it become a major problem. Secondly, it is really important to practise meticulous oral care at home. Last but not least, always follow your dentist’s instructions and visit them for regular dental check-ups, even if you seemingly don’t have any problems.

Everything you need from a dentist in W1

London is home to nearly 9 million people. It takes hours to get from one side of it to the other, unless you have a helicopter. The last thing anyone wants to do is make more journeys than they have to in this crowded, vast metropolis.

Dentist in W1So, it makes sense to concentrate services in one place and that goes for the dentist as much as any other business. No one wants to register with a dentist in W1 only to find out they might have to go to NW2 or SW17 for anything more complicated than a root canal treatment.

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we have made sure we have a dentist for every eventuality that might befall you and your family.

Children’s dentist in W1

Got kids? Then you need to have access to dentists providing treatments to prevent decay and also dentists who focus on making sure teeth are well aligned. We are very proud to have Professor Raman Bedi, a children’s dentist who has extensive experience in full mouth reconstruction for children with extensive decay. He has spent a lot of time as a paediatric dentist in the NHS and advises governments on child dental health. Your child could not be in better hands.

We also have Dr Emma Laing, who has been treating both children and adults who need braces at the Harley Street Dental Clinic for more than 10 years.

Worried about how your smile looks?

These days, having a perfect smile is vitally important and so is getting the right cosmetic dentist. Our cosmetic dentist, Dr Justin Glaister, provides cosmetic dentistry that has been recommended in Vogue and Tatler. Dr Abel Moreira has been nominated for 15 different cosmetic dentistry awards.

What about replacing lost teeth?

Older people are more likely to need teeth replacing, so it’s important to be able to access a dentist in W1 who is highly experienced in fitting dental implants. At Harley Street Dental Clinic, you can see Dr Sunny Kaushal, who has been involved with dental implants for 22 years, almost as long as they have been on the market.

To find out more about our services, call or come in and see us.

Qualities to look for in a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street

If you’re looking for a cosmetic dentist and you find it difficult to find an experienced, honest and knowledgeable dentist, you are not alone. While recommendations can be helpful, sometimes it’s better to have a personal experience with a dentist before you commit to a treatment.

Cosmetic Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we take pride in our varied cosmetic dental services, offered by a great team of cosmetic dentists. Your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will be experienced, dedicated, and compassionate with great attention to detail and an aesthetic understanding of your facial characteristics. Not convinced? You can always request a consultation appointment and check for yourself.

Patient-centered dentistry

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we like dealing with our patients on a personal level. During your initial consultation, we will examine your teeth and gums and we will listen carefully to your expectations, because this can help us create a smile you can be happy with. Moreover, your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street will explain everything to you in simple terms and grant your choices. We are against creating ‘one size fits all’ treatment plans, because every person is unique and so are their facial characteristics and aesthetic needs.

Treatments that fit your needs

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of dental services – from preventive treatments to cosmetic and restorative treatments. Our cosmetic dentistry department, in particular, specializes in simple and elaborate cosmetic treatment – from teeth whitening and white fillings to veneers and dental implants. We are happy to help patients who look for simple or more complex aesthetic solutions and we also offer cosmetic makeovers, where more several treatments are combined for a flawless smile.


Experience is very important for us, since the more treatments a cosmetic dentist in Harley Street has provided, the better. If you are not sure about the experience of the cosmetic dentist you are after and you would like to find out more, don’t hesitate to book a consultation appointment with us.

Your comfort is our priority

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, our aim is to make you feel as comfortable as possible before and during your treatment. To learn more about our cosmetic services, call us today.

Advantages and disadvantages of invisible braces in Harley Street

Invisible braces have become a trend in orthodontics in recent years and for good reason. Not only they are discreet and pleasant to the eye, but they can also treat a wide range of dental problems, some of which could only be treated with metal braces in previous years.

Invisible Braces in Harley StreetIf you are interested in receiving treatment with invisible braces in Harley Street, but you are not sure if they will meet your standards, then it’s time to visit Harley Street Dental Clinic. Our clinic offers a wide range of invisible braces in Harley Street and our dentists will help you make an educated decision based on your pathology, your dental needs and your lifestyle.

Advantages of choosing invisible braces

Invisible braces in Harley Street come in different types and forms. Whether fixed or removable, they share a few common advantages, the most important of which is invisibility. Different braces have a different degree of invisibility. For instance, Invisalign aligners are more invisible than the Inman Aligner and lingual braces are more invisible than tooth-coloured braces. However, in contrast to metal braces, invisible braces in Harley Street are entirely discreet and won’t attract attention to your teeth when you speak or smile. Most types of invisible braces are also comfortable to wear and won’t hurt your teeth or soft tissue.

Disadvantages of choosing invisible braces

Invisible braces have a limited scope and with the exception of some types of fixed braces (i.e. tooth-coloured braces, lingual braces), they can treat a very limited number of problems. Invisalign, for instance, is not an ideal treatment for children and can only deal with moderately misaligned, gapped, crowded and crooked teeth. Even in 2019, metal braces remain the golden standard in teeth straightening, since they can fix a multitude of dental problems, no matter how serious they are. Last but not least, some invisible braces may create temporary speech problems, which will eventually go away.

Are you interested in invisible braces?

For more information on invisible braces in Harley Street, please contact us as soon as possible and we will book a consultation appointment for you.

Got dry mouth?

Dry mouth is not only a side-effect of old age. As a matter of fact, many people can experience dry mouth at any stage of their life either as a symptom of certain medications or as a response to specific medical conditions.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, once we determine what causes your dry mouth, we will try to help you. Understanding the reasons behind your dry mouth is really important for our dentist in Harley Street, since if left untreated, it can lead to many problems.

What are the causes of dry mouth?

Dry mouth can be caused by many reasons and we can divide these reasons into lifestyle choices, biological responses of the body and various medical conditions. Dehydration, intensive exercise, smoking and overconsumption of alcohol are among the lifestyle choices that can cause dry mouth. On the other hand, dry mouth may be caused by ageing or hormonal changes, while in some cases it is the result of various health issues – from asthma and diabetes to HIV and Alzheimer’s. If you suffer from any of these conditions and you have dry mouth, you should let your dentist in Harley Street know as soon as possible.

Effects of dry mouth

Having a dry mouth can influence your daily life and the severity of the symptoms is different for different people. As a rule, prolonged xerostomia (that’s the scientific term of dry mouth) can lead to common dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay, because saliva is responsible for washing away the plaque and bacteria from our teeth and gums. More serious symptoms include tooth loss, burning mouth syndrome and difficulty swallowing, but you’d have to remain untreated for a very long time, for these symptoms to flare up.

Relieving your dry mouth

To get rid of your dry mouth, your dentist in Harley Street can help you in a number of ways. Firstly, they will examine the mouth in order to determine the exact cause of your xerostomia and then they will recommend either implementing lifestyle changes (i.e. drinking plenty of water, having regular meals, avoiding tobacco and alcohol), or will prescribe artificial saliva or other medication that could help restore moisture in your mouth.

Creating great habits at your dentist in W1

Visiting your dentist at the Harley Street Dental Clinic every 6 months for hygiene appointments is a good investment for your health and your bank account. Oral health bad guys plaque and tartar, left unchecked, can lead to gum disease and possible tooth loss, which, of course, carries high treatment cost as you require more extensive dental intervention. By attending your hygiene appointments, we can spot issues quickly and treat them, ensuring you never have to see us as an emergency patient.

Dentist in W1Start young

Fostering trust in our young patients is important to us; we ensure children receive special care and attention. Making sure your child has a positive experience of the dentist in W1, creates healthy habits that can last a lifetime. In addition, our dentists will be on the lookout for any developmental changes such as underbite, crossbite or overbite as their small jaws grow and develop. Treating these issues as soon as they start to arise ensures quick, effective results that will be resolved quickly.

What happens at my hygiene appointment?

We will remove any tartar build-up and then check the whole oral area, including teeth, gums, throat and neck. If any issues are found, we will then discuss treatment options with you, creating a treatment plan that provides you with clear information including treatment costs.

For children, your dentist in W1 can also teach your child successful brushing techniques and help them understand the importance of good hygiene. We also recommend a couple of preventive measures that safeguard their dental health.

Fluoride treatment

Fluoride coating involves the dentist soaking your child’s teeth in fluoride for several minutes. This protects your child’s teeth against decay, mineralising them and making them stronger.

Fissure sealants

This is another recommended preventive measure that safeguards your child’s teeth. This is extremely effective in stopping decay as it completely covers their teeth, sealing them and protecting them like a rain coat. It is also tooth coloured, so discreet.

Visiting your dentist in W1 regularly is sound investment for you and for your children’s future. Preventive dentistry maintains your oral health along with that of your child. Don’t delay, book your hygiene appointment as soon as possible.

Discreet orthodontics in Harley Street?

If you are afraid to showcase your smile because of crooked and unattractive teeth, it’s never too late to change your smile. Luckily, dentistry has evolved significantly over the years and patients can now attain a beautiful and healthy smile without the need to wear metal braces.

Orthodontics in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we appreciate that metal braces may have social consequences for their wearers and for this reason we offer a wide range of discreet orthodontics in Harley Street. From Invisalign invisible aligners to tooth-coloured braces and lingual braces, you can choose the best option for your situation with the help of our experienced orthodontic team.


Invisalign is an advanced alternative to traditional braces. Unlike regular metal braces that are attached to the teeth and can cause daily discomfort, Invisalign aligners can be taken out, allowing patients to enjoy everyday activities such as eating and brushing their teeth without anxiety.

Treatment with Invisalign begins with a consultation that will help you find out if you are a good candidate. After the approval of your dentist, you will begin your Invisalign journey by wearing a set of custom-made, 3D, removable aligners made just for you. These aligners will gradually move your teeth into their correct position day after day.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are fixed braces which are completely invisible because they are attached to the back of your teeth – opposite your tongue (that’s why they are called lingual). Lingual braces are customised to complement the shape and curve of your teeth and function just like metal braces.

Clear braces

Unlike traditional braces, clear (or tooth-coloured) braces are not obtrusive, because they are designed to blend with the rest of your natural teeth. These braces function just like metal braces, but are much less visible.

Teeth straightening is not only about aesthetics

Orthodontics in Harley Street is much more than a beautiful smile. Cosmetic orthodontics may be less powerful than orthodontic braces, but they are still very beneficial to your oral health. Crooked teeth can create all sorts of problems and treating them with orthodontics – whether cosmetic or conventional – is the best way to prevent this from happening.

Preventive dental care in Harley Street

Most people don’t make the connection between their teeth and the rest of their body, but your teeth are very important for your oral and overall health. The link between oral infections and other diseases is becoming well-documented in research and is now readily accepted by many dentists around the world. In short, taking good care of your teeth and gums, is also beneficial for your overall health.

Dentist in Harley StreetAt Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are committed to helping our patients maintain good oral health. This starts with prevention. Our team of dentists and dental hygienists have the clinical and educational background to help you restore and retain good oral health for a lifetime. By documenting changes in your mouth, your dentist in Harley Street can assess your oral health and diagnose common (or not so common) oral diseases early on.

What we offer

At Harley Street Dental Clinic, we offer preventive care dental services to adults and children alike. Our innovative equipment helps us evaluate your dental needs, and identify any issues you may have. Our preventive care dental services include full-mouth examinations, professional cleanings with specialised tools, oral cancer examinations, smoking cessation and bad breath moderation.

Dental cleanings are really important because they prevent plaque from staying on your teeth as or in-between your gum line. Our dentist in Harley Street, will use advanced diagnostic tools for the tracking and monitoring of gum disease, cavities and other infections that may be dangerous for your oral health.

We also employ a very thorough cleaning technique for your teeth and gums, to get rid of plaque and other debris. Once we remove this harmful residue from your teeth, we will then apply a special paste to prevent bacteria and plaque from sticking to them.

The role of the dentist in Harley Street is versatile. Not only will they examine and clean your teeth, but they will also assess, plan and implement treatments designed just for your own needs.

Don’t postpone your next visit

By visiting the dentist in Harley Street at least every 6 months, you are more likely to keep your oral health in shape. To learn more, call us today.

Friendliness and excellence, a great combination

When it comes to teeth, no one wants treatment that is second best. When you set out to find a new dental clinic in W1, top of your list of priorities will be a wide range of treatments delivered with friendliness by highly experienced dentists.

Dental Clinic in W1At Harley Street Dental Clinic, you will find high quality dentistry in the heart of London’s exclusive private medical district.

When you arrive

When you visit our dental clinic in W1, you will find you are having dental treatments in a historic Georgian house that has been lovingly renovated to be comfortable, modern and beautiful. Our founding dentist, Dr Stanley Kay, oversaw the renovations, aiming to give you calm and relaxing surroundings for your treatments. If you can relax and feel at home, it makes a big difference to how you experience your dental treatment.

When you come through the door of our dental clinic in W1, the first thing you will be met by is a warm and friendly welcome from our efficient reception team. If you don’t already have an appointment, they will make sure that you get one with the most appropriatelyskilled dentist, or treatment co-ordinator. If you do, they will make sure you have everything you need while you wait for your dentist.

While you wait

In our modern waiting area, you can help yourself to a a cup of tea or coffee, read a magazine or watch a TV programme. If you are here during prayer time, we also have a special area dedicated to interfaith prayer.

Your treatments

We are proud of the fact that at this large dental clinic in W1, we can offer you every kind of dentistry that you may need. This is no need to ever go anywhere else for extra treatment. Whether you have children, want cosmetic dentistry, need restorations, or surgery, we have a large team of dentists trained in all aspects of dentistry waiting to help you.

If you are not sure what you need, don’t worry, the dentist assigned to you will put together a treatment plan for your agreement.

If you’d like to come in and find out more, we’d love to meet you.